Satanic religions

Which religion is worse?
Judaism or Islam?

>inb4 they both worship Satan anyways!
Yes, everyone knows that, but they are different enough to deserve their own distinction.


revelation warns against jews

One blows up little girls, the other loves money.

You tell me?

Satan did nothing wrong

all are the same, every belief that isn't tradtional catholicism is heretical.

>satanic religions

The Koran denies the crucifixion and the deity of Christ, which is bad.

The Talmud's description of Jesus is basically "piss christ" in written form, which is far worse.

Therefore, Jews are worse.

Judaisam is more insidiously destructive, like a war.

Islam is like battering ram destructive, like a battle.

But Catholicism is heretical...

u gon burn boi

>What's worse? Jews or _____?

Retarded mutts not understanding that if the jews are gone the world is saved

Novus ordo is Heretical, but tradtional catholic teaching is not.

(Jews) have a leader, Satan, the holy trinity and his holy mother Mary are the only answer, look up the Fatima message.

Careful of Fatima. That's one of the potential vectors for this asshole Pope we have to try to unite the world's major religions.

Definitely Jews. They believe in a Messiah but rejected and murdered Jesus just like they murdered most prophets.
Therefore by definition they must believe in another Messiah. Who could that be? Satan.?
That’s why Jews must be persecuted and enslaved if we let them live among us.

Yes it is. Catholicism/Orthodoxy was invented by Emperor Constantine of the Eastern Roman Empire in 312 AD. There was no centralized bureaucracy or Catholic/Orthodox traditions for hundreds of years immediately after Christ. True Christians were decentralized and independent. The only authority is the scripture.

Fatima is the name of Mohammed's daughter.

More Catholic heresy.

Islam is Judaism.
Mohammed's mother, Aminah, was a Jew.
This makes Mohammed a Jew.
Tradition says the angel Javriel (Gabriel) delivered the Quran to Mohammed, but considering he's was a kike, what's more believable:

>magical angel gave him Quran
>other Jews gave him Quran


Islam is Judaism for Arabs and replaced the native Arab spiritual traditions.

There wasn't a bible those first few hundred years either.

Literally no difference. Christianity is just as bad. Take the atheism red pill, theistfag

Deism >>>>> Atheism and Theism

What good things has atheism brought us?

islam of course

they both worship vaginas

Christ had nothing to do with pussies

Jews are worse as they directly blaspheme against Jesus in the most abhorrent ways.
Both are infidels though.

Islam is a worse religion, but non-Orthodox Jews are a worse people.

>Be controlled, manipulated, and generally btfo by Jews
>"hurrr we're superior"

How does one justify this? reminds me of blacks bashing europeans

In terms of mass, Islam. In terms of being more dangerous, Judaism. Still the same threat level as a whole, both are cucked, satanic religions. They worship the Antichrist, same as Roman Catholics who got hijacked by the Vatican. Remember kids, Satan is the big deciever, he wants to follow you without you realizing.
Best to reject all of their shit at this point, as we can see how much they push their agenda.

Because most people were illiterate and the printing press didn't exist yet. The scriptures still existed in some form, and their knowledge was passed down. Genesis was written by Moses, not some Catholic.

Truth and honesty about our lack of knowledge.

All religions are evil. Embrace atheism.

Judaism since i have to deal with their influence. Islam only fucks up arab shitholes like afghanistan and the EU

Psst, Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity and Islam are all from the masonic Babylonian Talmud.

If you want to be spiritual like God and Christ intended then just have kids, love and spread joy. If you can't you deserve to be food for the demons that helped create religions to spiritually bind the great unwashed

Satan doesn't exist ass wipe. Satanists are Atheists faggot. Their beliefs are on their website. Get a clue moron. Jesus isn't God and is more than likely folklore.

Satan pls go

Best to worst
Buddhism> taoism and friends> all forms of christianity> judaism >islam

All religions should be banished tbqhfam

the answer is Jews.

Gabriel made the annunciation to mary annoncing the birth of Jesus. The same arch angel Gabriel met with Mohammad to write the quran. While Islam doesnt see jesus as God, they do see Jesus as a prophet.

It was the jews who killed christ not muslims.

Keep in mind Christ came back to fix the jews, gabriel going to mohammad was to stop the spread of judaism. Look into these things more and you see how it all ties together into how Jews are the enemy of mankind and God.

All those who give jews shelter or peace will find hell in their afterlife for eternity.

Kek. It is a stretch, but a weak case could be made that Christianity is a reactionary movement against the Babylonian Talmud.

Jew religion is way worse than a Islam (for the West.). Islam would be BTFO in a 3 day weekend if no Jewish interests were involved.

You aren't fooling anyone with that meme flag Achmed.

KYS. Islam brings war and ruin wherever it goes. That's why the Jews love bringing Islam to the West.

Imo both are almost equally bad and immature, but what is perhaps worse is that Christians 'accept' and love Jews and support Israel even though by remaining Jewish they are basically denying Christs divinity and that He is God.

>not realizing Buddhism is a Confucianism oversimplification inferior to the thing simplified

Do you even Analects?

Judaism is worse because they reject Jesus. Muslims accept Jesus, but only as a prophet. Islam is closer to Arian heresy, while Judaism is outright antichrist.

>The same arch angel Gabriel met with Mohammad to write the quran.
False, Ahmed. Mohammad suffered demonic apparitions.

Didn't the Catholic church kill people involved in the printing press at the beginning?

Judaism because it's the only one of the 3 religions that isn't universal. It's intended to rule over gentiles. Old testament says y'all are gonna lick the dust off their feet.

>And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. -Isaiah 49:23


Judaism has a lot of numerology related to 666, blood libel, circumcision, rituals...


Jews are far worse.

Communism, totalitarianism, cultural marxism and the destruction of whites and the nuclear western family is 100% jewish.

>Islam { After Removal Of Violent Unjust Parts } = Best Religion
>Islam { Full Version } = Signs Of Mental Retardation And/Or African Admixture
>Christianity { All Sects } = Fake News Western Media
>Roman Catholicism = Communism
>Judaism = Higher IQ Version Of African Culture

Had the God's revelation once, but rejected Him due to their vanity and concern with earthly matters. Conspired against God Himself, because He went against their plan of using religion as a tool of earthly power.
A faggot on a desert seen as religion could be a tool of earthly power and encouraged by successes of Christianity, LARPed as if he had revelation from God, so that he could achieved political power he so desired. Conspired against God's word, to convolute it in such a way that it served his purposes.

It's the same shit, but reached differently.


If God has forsaken His creation, why worship Him, or even think about Him?

there's no such thing as "Judaism"
Christianity is the completed evolved form of "Judaism"
upon Christ coming, Judaism & the sacrificial system ended
what you're calling Judaism is Talmudism

My wise boomer uncle says Muslims worship Satan. Thoughts??

Everyone who does not worship true God, is doing so according to Satan's plan to condemn all of humanity.

>Mfw all modern forms of Christianity are a sham and actively subjugated/oppressed people who actually followed the religion closely because they were staunchly against what had become of the modern strains of Chistianity

>They worship Satan
And you worship a kike on a stick alongside niggers.

If Jesus is your lord, then i guess that Jewish boy is preferred, you literally pray to Jew. But then again Mohamed was also Jewish. So i would say Jews since all original prophets were Jews. Islam is just type of Judaism, Christianity is just type of Judaism. Ever religious texts are 90% the same between them and i doubt any religious person from Judaism, Christianity or Islam even follows 30% written in their texts, they are all the same.

Islam has nothing to do with Judaism. Muslims worship Allah, a pre-islamic pagan arabic god from a pantheon. Mo just tacked on some stuff he heard second hand about Judaism and Jesus, destroyed the statues of the rest of the pantheon and said "we monothiest nao".

Reminder that Bible preaches against race-mixing, for all races and species were differentiated and gifted according to God's plan.
"Do not mate different kinds of animals.

Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." Leviticus 19, 19

Whoever preaches against God's word, even in the slightest, commits an act of apostasy from the Church.
That's why Christianity suffers from so many heretics and off-shoots, it's Satan working to obscure the Truth, so that it may not be seen by men.

I Clearly See A Lot Of Eastern European Jews Here. Didn't The Führer Kick Your Asses Many Years Ago?

Didn't Christianity kick your ass 200 years ago or so?

How is Islam satanic?

>Recognizes Jesus as the Messiah (al Massih)
>Mother Mary is the holiest woman
>Recognizes that Jesus performed miracles
>Recognizes that he is a man to follow
Islam just don't see Jesus as the equal of God because he was a man who ate, drank, etc...

>Jesus is the greatest false prophet
>They don't use the sign "+" in Israel because it looks like a Christian cross
>Literally synagogue of Satan

That's how.

>LARPed as having a revelation for political power
Bullshit. By introducing Islam, Muhammad had more enemies than anything else. Starting by his own tribe who worshipped polytheistic Arab gods, who exiled him many times from Makkah because of his belief and who even fought against him.
>Abu Jahl asked the people of Quraish: "Does Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) set his face on the ground before you?"When they replied in the affirmative, he said:"By Lat and Uzza, if I ever catch him in that act of worship, I would set my foot on his neck and rub his face in the dust."

Islam Is Good When You Cut Off Bad Parts Of 'Quran. Jesus Is Just A Bunch Of Bullshit. And Judaism Is High IQ Africa.

>Islam just don't see Jesus as the equal of God because he was a man who ate, drank, etc...
That's the most impressive part.

What are the bad parts? If you mean the "fight against unbelievers" part they just need to be contextualized by reading the whole surah

He's Fake News. But Whites Are Still Allowed To Enter Heaven Whenever They Want. Africans, Jews, African Admixture, Untermeschen Worldwide And Ferocious Animals Are Our Biggest Life Test. They Are Nature's Jokes. I Hope I Will Marry 72 Female Pathans Afterwards.

>Muhammad had more enemies than anything else.
Those who want to be at the top, usually have most enemies. Jews too have many enemies, but it doesn't mean that they don't desire power.

If judaism is wrong then so is Christianity

>Those who want to be at the top, usually have most enemies
. The "he wanted to gain political power thus he created Islam" just doesn't work, by doing that he knew that his own tribe was going to hate him, he had only his cousin Ali for ally when he started to express his hate for paganism.

Nah Good Islam Is Not Policor. We Have To Be Sincere About It. Not Lying About It. Some Parts Which Should Removed: Striking Kuffar Between Neck And Head, Not Be Friends With Kuffar, Honor Killings ( Does Not Apply To Africans, Jews, etc... ) , Sexual Jealousy, Hudud Punishments ( Does Not Apply To Africans, Jews, etc... ) Skepticism Is Not Allowed, etc... When I said "Does Not Apply" I meant They Deserve Such Punishments Because They Are Like Ferocious Beasts, Nothing More, Nothing Less.

Paganism Was Good Until Jews Came In. They Fucking Ruin Everything.

When you start your own ideology, of course almost none is going to follow through.
But when they do, because you convinced them, you have power over them, especially if your ideology grants you some special power to know God's will better than anyone.
>inb4 You just described papacy
Yes, I did and sometimes even popes were wicked and using their position to further their political interests. But Christianity wasn't created to further political interests of anyone.
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's", i.e. it doesn't matter what political system country adheres to.
Meanwhile Islam teaches that all Muslims should live in Ummah and under specific system - Sharia.
Things like taxation, immigration policies, were never strictly specified in NT, because it doesn't concern itself with earthly matters that pass. Quran does.

What You Have Stated Perfectly Describes Individualist Cultures. While Collectivist, Only If They Peaceful And Wise, Are Not.
>Individualism = Conformity
>Collectivism = Non-Conformity

>Meanwhile Islam teaches that all Muslims should live in Ummah and under specific system - Sharia.
You don't seem to know much about Islam, user.
The Ummah just means "the community", nothing really political about that, it's the word used to describe the followers of Islam all over the world. For example Indonesians and Jordanians are part of the Ummah because they are Muslims, yet they aren't forming a same political entity.
Now Sharia isn't in the Quran, "Sharia" as a law isn't mentioned once in the Quran. First of all, Sharia is a set of laws made by men from the hadith and the Quran, second of all it's not a monolith and Sharia changes according to the country where it is applied: Saudi Arabia and Jordan are Sunni countries, yet they have different Sharias, one impose the hijab and the other don't.
>Things like taxation, immigration policies, were never strictly specified in NT, because it doesn't concern itself with earthly matters that pass
Yet they were mentioned in the OT and the OT is a God-breathed text according to the NT
"2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

So even the "Christian God" had to mention it at some point, why would that make Islam different then?

Kuffar Or Not Kuffar, I Don't Care. We All Have To Kill Ferocious Living Beings. If We Want Good People To Survive.

>The Ummah just means "the community"
I'm aware of that. Do you think that community mustn't have a political agenda?
>Now Sharia isn't in the Quran
Yet, as you yourself admitted, it's interpretation of commandments made in Quran. Those interpretations differ, yes, just like Christians interpretations of Bible differ from each other.
Didn't Prophet establish law in his state? He did and if those law wasn't Sharia, what was it?
>Yet they were mentioned in the OT
They were mentioned in OT, because they were granted to Israel of old. Not universal.
As such they only applied to state that doesn't exist anymore.
Or do you think that Christians should celebrate Passover? It too was commanded, but it was commanded to Jews only. It doesn't make sense outside Jewish nation.

probably, but at least they kept all the relevant documents and shit.

when islam was made forgot his name just wiki it but he pretty much just took the specific teaching of muhammad and allah, and destroyed all the random shit. it's one reason why the koran is so much shorter, it's really been condensed into stuff you must do, whereas christianity has a lot of points of view and other stuff that is sometimes open to interpretation.

And the Judaism was noticeably more concerned with material cleanness and matters, than Christianity is.
I believe that it's from making faith "easier" to follow, material is visible and comprehensible, while spirit isn't. As was with divorce, Moses law allows it, but Christian doesn't.
Christianity is utmost concerned with spiritual, not material, for material passes and is imperfect.

jews are satanic by default because they do not follow their proper religion. if they did, they would be christian. the talmud is an abomination and has nothing to do with anything God said. it's just 10k pages on how to fuck over the goyim.
another point is that jews are incredibly smart and good at taking over industries and government, just that alone means we should not get along with them at all costs.

put it this way: few hundred years ago, we could kill the muslims if they came to our shores. these days, jews set the stage to invite them in, house them, clothe them and feed them.

>Do you think that community mustn't have a political agenda?
Do you see the Ummah having a political agenda? The Middle East is disunited as hell and by following your logic the Christian community has an agenda too
>Yet, as you yourself admitted, it's interpretation of commandments made in Quran.
and the hadith** I mentioned the hadith for a reason. Most of the "problematic parts" of the Sharia comes from the hadith.
>Didn't Prophet establish law in his state? He did and if those law wasn't Sharia, what was it?
Which state? When? Muhammad never was at the head of a Caliphate and organized most of the time laws in accordance with other tribes, for example the Constitution of Madinah that he constituted with the Banu Qurayza jewish tribe.
>They were mentioned in OT, because they were granted to Israel of old. Not universal.
But we do agree that it is a God breathed text?

Passover was replaced with Resurrection day.
I'd personally have no problem celebrating both..

I'd like to see Christmas reformed and moved to Sukkot, as both celebrate the same thing. God dwelling among his people...

Pentecost should have a more prominent role in the church.
First fruits, giving of the law, ascension day

Are You The Indian Guy Who:
>Thought I Am A Mughal Invader In 2017
>Classified Me As PC Pakistani
>Gave Me Death Threats
>Invaded New Zealand

>Do you see the Ummah having a political agenda?
Furthering Islam. Admittedly, spreading faith is a goal of Church as well, but Christ, nor st. Peter, nor st. Paul, never benefited from spreading Christianity and were persecuted and killed for it.
Meanwhile your Prophet benefited from furthering of Islam.
>Most of the "problematic parts" of the Sharia comes from the hadith.
As I said, interpretations differ. I know that some hadiths are considered as unreliable and not followed by some, but goal of organizing society in certain way is always there.
>Muhammad never was at the head of a Caliphate
You're right, he wasn't. He was greater, for Caliphs are only his successors.
Saying that he was never caliph, is like saying that Christ was never the pope.
>organized most of the time laws in accordance with other tribes
That someone shares power with others, doesn't mean he has none.
>But we do agree that it is a God breathed text?
Yes, but it doesn't apply to modern nations. And why had God granted commands concerning the material initially, but not now I already stated.
>I believe that it's from making faith "easier" to follow, material is visible and comprehensible, while spirit isn't.

>inb4 Why would God make faith "easier" to follow?
Maybe for people to know Him and differentiate Him from other "gods"?
That way when Christ came, Greek would not say "What is this all about?", but "Oh, this is some kind of off-shoot from Judaism*? I get it now, I know what God you worship".
*Of course that is a gross understatement, by that is how it was perceived by unbelievers at the time.

>Passover was replaced with Resurrection day.
That is true. But Resurrection is greater than Passover, for in Passover Jews celebrate freeing from slavery of flesh in Egypt and in Resurrection we celebrate freeing from slavery of soul in sin.
>I'd personally have no problem celebrating both..
Are you descendant of those that were slaves in Egypt? If not what are you celebrating there?