Do Sup Forums like Native Americans?
Do Sup Forums like Native Americans?
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yeah they're basically white compared to other races
I like them because they're basically exterminated. A successful genocide, if only it was done on niggers as well.
I've watched 2 of this guys videos.
Dam what a hotty
That's a sea Mexican.
When I was in school in the USA my roomate was a Navajo guy one year.
He was always drunk, but other than that was a great roommate. Had some hilarious stories and seemed pretty conservative. Liked riflery and hunting and the like
They're more susceptible to the alco and sugar jews but if they overcome the temptation of being a lardass working at a gift shop until they die, they're pretty cool
I like the older cowboy types with stories about cryptids
Go to Winnipeg
They behave like white trash tbqh. Lots of drinking, lots of drugs, very little motivation or self-improvement. Apparently it's pretty common for them to prostitute their own children.
They're cool. Better than the spics and the niggers, at least.
t. Native genes
Other than a few one sided lacrosse games, my interactions with them have been pretty positive. They’re alright in my book.
not the crazy leftist ones screaming about stolen land nor the blacks who pretend to be iroquois and shiet. but the handful I met on and off the rez in america seemed nice, hell when I was traveling cross country road trip style and the highway was shut, i stopped at shithead bar and after buying me a beer while I waited it out they had me follow them on backroads to dodge the traffic jam.
yeah i like em
I like crustaceans
says someone who's never seen one in real life
they're practically niggers. i live in saskatchewan and any neighborhood with lots of them looks like a tornado just went through or some shit. they act like niggers by trying to act all gangster hanging their pants down, wearing the same hats, trying to do the nigger accent. they also do the vast majority of crime, obviously
>grabbing a crab from the bottom while claws are still on
idk if it can reach, but I wouldn’t take the chance. when those fuckers pinch your fingers it hurts like a bitch
That looks like an American Indian.
Native Americans are the white settlers here.
I like mushroom hunting with my grandfather and his old indian friend.
The only non white indigenous people I actually feel sorry for.
Halfies look preddy beautiful too.
>tfw native american
I'm not that bad
I want the white race to rise up, kick out the even newer immigrants and live together with us in harmony
My story
>t. white guy who grew up around Mexicans and Navajos and other assorted “Native Americans”
>got my ass kicked constantly as a kid for being white
>quickly discovered there is indeed a difference in race
>realized later that this is not only due to how much European ancestry the Mexicans have but also what tribe the “Natives” are from
>realized finally that the more Spanish a Mexican is and the more non-Navajo a “Native” is the better and smarter a person they are
>realized later that no matter what, doodooskins are 80%+ retarded and cannot maintain a functional society without Whites (95%+ European derived people) and will ultimately destroy any community they inhabit
Its true, however if I had to I would live in the middle of a native reserve to avoid living in an all muslum neighborhood.
As someone with european heritage i like native americans. However many tribes vicously killed each other to gain land
If you wanna see how NA communities can flourish, come check out Rosebud or Pine Ridge. Fucking hell holes of constant debauchery. They freeze to death walking booze into the reservation because they can't sell it on reservation lands. They constantly drive drunk, but their cops don't do shit about it because "muh NA pride" and real cops have no jurisdiction.
They get "governor's houses" which are subsidised houses that they receive and immediately strip for copper, instead of you know.... Living in them.
Fuck one time my sisters husband went with his church to put a bible camp on on one of the reservations. Going door to door handing out flyers, they came upon a very new looking subsided house. They had knocked out the back wall so the fucking horses could drink out of the fucking tub. Their pickup ended up getting firebombed, and they had to be evacuated.
Subhumans. They should have all government money and be left to rot, or forced to integrate, but I suspect that the reason this hasn't happened yet is because reservations are effectively quarantine zones for their filth, and its easier to pay them to stay there than to let them try and integrate with normal fucking people.
We can't renig on the fucked up treaty kike.
With few exceptions, the vast majority are worse. Live off government neetbux, constantly wasted/high, Don't take care of their children, don't do anything productive.
I've met 2 out of many that were quality people, and they hated the fucking res, and most of the people in their former life there.
then you havent been around enough of either
T. Somebody who has never been to a midwestern res.
There should be no treaty. They're a conqured people. If it weren't for liberal faggots this problem would be solved.
Grew up in South Dakota, they were the only minority in any numbers there, my school was 1/4 Sioux and Lakota, overall they were cool and like everyone else, many were my friends. My family also worked in native healthcare so we got to see some stuff normal people wouldn't like Pow Wows and other ceremonies whitey isn't normally included in. If the reservation system didn't exist they would likely be much better integrated into society as a whole. The res system also incentivizes them to do absolutely nothing, they get food and money for sitting on the couch all day so that's what they do drinking and eating themselves to early and fairly morbid deaths from complications of substance abuse and obesity.
Not really, dude. Have you ever been on the res? I've liked all the natives I've met but they have a lot of problems as a demographic.
What I find interesting is the use of the word 'native'. The use of the word 'ethnic' is also puzzling.
For example, I'm ethnic English. My wife is ethnic Scottish. We are 'native' British. Are we all not 'ethnic'.
Your flag is United States - the star spangled banner. Mine is the Union Flag. So I would guess that your genetics are simiar to mine. North Western European. I want to do one of those genetic tests like 23and me.
I can trace my paternal line back to the early 1700s, which is French Huguenot - my maternal ancestors are Irish. But I consider myself as 100% English.
If I could go back into the past, my mixture is probably a mix of Frog, Anglo Saxon, Celt, Scandinavian, etc. I don't even know.
My wife is probably Pictish, Celtic, Anglo, Scandinavian.
We're both white. But I have black hair and green eyes. My mrs. has blond hair and ble eyes. But we're both north western European.
My kids - a daughter 10 years old and a son 6 years old have dark hair and blue eyes.
they love trump
>prairie niggers
Hawaiians are cool. not really native americans but they btfo of timberniggers.
I’m willing to bet you’ve never met any. It’s probably your romanticism of the race speaking. Much like North Americans do about Gypsies.
one day you will go home. before that day happens you will beg to go home, british swine fucking
Good people as long as they stay away from booze. White food and drink also makes them lazy fat fucks since they have problems metabolizing processed sugars.
The civilized ones, yes. Most of them were savages.
Who's really the savage?
They're subhuman, I live in Alberta and the rest of Canada doesn't like em.
Half a stick of butter........
Is fisherman's life a native? I watch hid channel all the time, and I thought he was a hapa.
>that guy
Why are his fishing videos so comfy?
Mostly cause they're fucking assholes.
Ive met some when I spent some time in oklahoma. Not bad people and they've got a good history.
Really it's cause they're almost as dumb as Abos from Australia is why no one likes them.
I’m still trying to figure that out he looks Hawaiian as fuck
can confirm all of these things. some in the crow tribe get their kids high on gasoline and pimp them out.
Native American (NA) White Nationalist Alliance
Unutilized Virtue Signal-- It Would be easy to set the pace.
Left will want to out virtue signal-- fulfilling maternal instinct to a native populace that would always remain anyways, take virtue signal from immigrants, saturate the market.
Genocide archetype-- sympathies from NA and WN. The left will take NA argument seriously-- attach archetype= memetic / optics.
NA disenfranchised by multiculti/ immigration. Gibs market/ white guilt inflation when other populaces are here, NA will receive all white guilt in alliance, none for immigrants.
Natural Protection of NA populace expansion in WN rulership. Reservation expansionism. Population Growth. They already keep to themselves.
End argument of "this isn't your homeland, you stole it from NA's", Say multicultis want NA genocide. With NA/WN alliance we would have natural claim to the land. Left wants to steal NA land.
Spirit of NA would grow, end alcoholism-- bring back Warrior Archetype, they could get away with radicalism and be praised for it.
Not enemies of whites-- sports teams logos a ok-- peaceful, no real sjw presence, only utilized as an archetype by the left, we take back and utilize the archetype.
Read Hitlers thoughts on NAs.
Half Washoe reporting.
thanks friend
>Native Leafs
Natives are really "communal" depending on the tribe and like niggers in the ghetto, they want to free load off the successful ones. Albeit Niggers are the worst. LMAO We fucking enslaved them too! XD
Fuck yeah they did. They played off the Europeans agains one another too. (((RedSkins))) why do you think we have casinos to scam whitey.
Hence I avoid the Fire Water and other degeneracy.
Amen brother
thats a cuban
Cuban isn’t a race. He is obviously native to the americas
Dont lump me in with those sibling fucking cannibals senpai.
Is that you in the OP?
>What's Post ID?
No I mean the picture. That guy is a YouTuber, obviously not you right?
Oh lol, your refering to the pic? Nah that's some Poo fag, he ain't red.
Im like 6% native american so my existence requires me to like them, the rest of me is german/polish/irish so i look straight white. One of my grandpas was in the ss. I have light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Am I white?
yeah sorry hard to take you that seriously when you don't have to live with actual niggers. You wanna trade?
They are nigger tier, violent, drunks, lazy, and all they complain about are "where my gibbs" and "fuck Columbus."
This is absolutely false. Amerindians are like drunken, less-psychotic Mexicans.
They're alright.
>muh we wuz here first
yeah and you invented practically nothing and lived in primitive shacks for centuries meanwhile the rest of the world is actually developing and contributing to the human race, abos and other natives don't seem to understand how colonization works.
Post your mom's feet.
guy in the op pic has a beard. I don't buy that he's native
I'd sit on his Tipi.
They too lazy to be Mexicans. I know because I left the res.
you had a 20,000 year head start on Eurasia plus an inland sea and domesticatable animals cut my ancestors some slack.
And I'm 6% finnish, doesn't require me to like Finns, even though I do. Except that Autist that vehemently white knights for Lauren South.
They are a good example of what happens when you stop half way.
>muh headstart
That's bullshit, cause there have been civilization in Central America for thousands of years. The Olmec were once the top of the civilization in the Americans during that time. Which is roughly the same time that Europe was starting to develop significant civilizations as well.
Aren't natives proud of their facial hair though?
She's asleep, sorry famalam
Shit nigger, Im more Finnish than you.
More like the installer crashing when it's 99% complete.
The establishment of trade through the Mediterranean during the bronze age had undeniably advanced Civilization in the region. The terrain of the Americas was much more mountainous, vast, and isolated.
Nah we're hairless from the scalp down.
>established trade routes of the Eurasian continent
I'll give you that. They definitely had a better way of exchanging information and goods with each other than the Americans did.
Also I was replying to the other user who said he was 6% forest nigger and thus "required" to like them because of it.
No thanks, niggers are obviously worse
Would you rather live as a meaningless wagecuck bugman in industrialized multiculti (((advanced))) America.
Or live with intense meaningful tribalism, an intrinsic birthright, a purpose to protect your tribe, your kingdom. Primitive yes, but free to explore, novelty manifold, a romance of mystery about the world under the stars. Fuck your multiple wives, hunt for your food, live as a warrior, a man... and really feel alive.
Fun fact, native americans are as genetically different from Mexicans (or central and south Amercian natives) as Europeans are from the Chinese.
All the ones you see on the rez are the fucking degenerates. Any worthwhile Injun left the rez a long time ago.
Native means "brown" right?
what native American gets a white man haircut?
No. I lived in Alaska for a year and it red pilled me on natives in general.
They are never the Noble Savage the Left likes to pretend they are.
North American Natives are actually most genetically similar to mongols and people’s of Siberia because of the land bridge, go figure. While South American natives are genetically linked to No we’re red, hence “
He also has curly hair, dude’s a street shitter not a rabbit skinner.
Only talked to one, alcoholic metal head pretty cool dude.
I am full blown prairie nigger and I hate most of my own kind. Drunk, stupid, lazy, and do not educate themselves. I won't even go near native women.
Navajo and other Pueblo nations are trash. Great Basin and Pacific Northwest are Übermensch.
>I won't even go near native women.
Unless their pimp is offering a holiday half off sale.
What do natives Americans think about the fact that most Mexicans are over 50% indigenous? Do you consider them your own kind? I literally can’t tell the difference between Mexicans and full (not 1/64 Elizabeth warren types) native Americans
Thats because the Mexicans who move to US nearly are 100% indio.
Yes, we are better friends to Indians than either Republicans or Democrats.
>nearly 100% indio
And people like pic related will still tell a Mexican they aren’t “real” natives
My brother is marrying a Mikasuki, she’s gorgeous and sweet, but drinks as usual way too much. I don’t want to call her an alcoholic just yet, but it’s concerning. Unfortunately reality with native women. We’re Catholic, and aside from communion wine and holiday eggnog don’t touch the stuff, too genetically predisposed.
>inb4 “just have self control”
Alcoholism scares the shit out of me, I had family members die from it.
They’re all drunk child molesting trailer trash, what’s not to like,
Drinking is an affliction on the native community that Government ignores (even using it to their advantage). It will continue to consume them until they make peace with their reality.
Aztec and Mayan art is pretty cool but as for modern day Mexican natives, I do not like them. My dad’s side of the family were white Spanish aristocrats from Mexico who had all their property and wealth stolen from them by Poncho Villa and the mestizo peasants. So as far as I’m concerned, fuck them.
The whiter the brighter
>Lots of drinking, lots of drugs, very little motivation or self-improvement. Apparently it's pretty common for them to prostitute their own children.
this is actually an awesome way to live.