Mfw americans SCRAPE SHIT from their asses and think it's normal.
Explain yourselves
Mfw americans SCRAPE SHIT from their asses and think it's normal.
Explain yourselves
We don't like to get our fingers dirty, Mehmet.
>what is shooting water UP your ass
A waste of water?
You can use Bidet, like we do now.
But cleaning ass with hands is really good as far as hygiene is considered.
It gets all nice and tidy and next you wash hands using hand wash or a soap.
Its time to reveal your flag pajeet
This poo is right. Bidets and showers not fucking paper.
>europoors cant stop thinking of shoving things up their asses
It all makes sense now
You cunt, i hate being a leaf
mfw euros sprinkle water on their asses and think it's clean
Using dry paper is not as clean as using water via bidet, just a fact
baby wipe master race.
>Shoot water on asshole.
>Mud butt
>Mfw every youpoor's underwear have stains.
Are you a baby? Are you so inept at cleaning your own ass you need to buy pre-packaged baby wipes, note even making your own, to further destroy the environment because you have some sort of shit dysfunction?
there are no witches there?
kill yourself you fucking poo, dirty assholed fuck. you need a powerwasher to clean your disgusting orifice you fucking ape
>be American
>get shit on hands
>clean it with dry toilet paper
>''good as new''
i hate when the poo gets caught under the fingernails. sometimes i forget to rinse it out for a few days.
I've been doing just fine for 40+ years poo in loo
I drag my ass across the carpet to clean it
Your poo only smells bad if you're poor.
Wet wipes master race
Fun fact: poos are afraid of showers.
As a rule I generally will not need to wipe, because I have chronic constipation. When I do need to wipe, I blot the anus area with a paper towel, spray with water lightly then the flies will take care of the rest.
Why would your asshole need to be totally clean anyways?
It's not like I'm expecting to receive a rimjob every day
>Indian talking in a toilet-themed thread
Sup Forums truly has come upon dark days
I combine the two practices. First I wipe my ass from shitcombs and then I clean it with water. Very comfy desu
You think that's bad? Most Brazilians scrape shit from their asses and throw it inside a bin instead of flushing it down.
I've never used one, but I can only imagine spraying water on your ass with shit on it wets your fucking pants if not worse
it gets itchy if not completely clean
You use paper too dipshit. Bidets just make sure you're clean PAST the sphincter.
You can do the same by wetting toilet roll and making sure you clean the inside of your arse at least a knuckle or a knuckle and a half. Otherwise you have an itchy, disgusting, shitty sphincter.
what is this
sucks to be you user,
is that serious do you have hemoroids?
thats because you're poor as fuck.
A comb for thinning out dingle berries
> Most Brazilians
Baboons can't read.
I actually started moistening my tp its cold but cleaner.
Unless you have poop problems, the inside should be pretty damn clean by the done you've passed a stool.
>putting things up your butt for recreation
it starts with a knuckle, right nigel?
is this slav tech?
Everyone but stormniggers know that Indians are the most based non-whites (especially Sikhs)
It's basically just an old used up wire brush on a hand-crank drill.
You carry a bidet everywhere with you ? Or every time you use a public restroom, you wash your ass in the hand-sink because you are a fucking savage,
The fuck is that contraption?
masterrace is tp then finishing with a wet wipe
>Fun fact: poos are afraid of showers.
And toilets.
Kek. Can't we all agree, just do a clean pinch no need to wipe or squirt water.
The only time I see Indians post is in shit related threads
>not using baby wipers instead
a water heater, it heats as it pours out so you never run out
That's how you make hot water in Brazil. Note: much of Brazil runs on 240V.
>listening to poo advice from a poo
Bidets are inferior
more like 'poke'
Do your $5000 a week illegal care workers have to roll you over first?
>a water heater, it electrocutes you and kills you so you dont have to shower anymore
Starts and ends, Pablo, if you get sexual pleasure from cleaning shit out your arse you need to get your head examined. Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll examine your arse too.
If you got mud on your hands, would you wipe with paper and leave it there or would you wash your damn hands? (I'd rather have mud on me than fecal matter). Also, don't act like you always pass a 1/2 on the bristol stool chart. If you're properly hydrated, your shit will have a little bit of liquid in it, that is enough for is to slightly coat your arse past your sphincter. If you're even slightly ill or anything and your shits are at all runny, then you are definitely coating the walls in stuff. Even if you have a completely dry shit, as it scrapes the inside it will leave a trail. If you rub a dry shit on your skin you will get precipitate of shit on yourself. That's what the inside of your arse is like. I can't imagine how disgustingly itchy and unhygienic and.. urgh. That's just fucking gross dude, you're disgusting.
No wonder Americans constantly shart themselves.
>Not wiping with toilet paper wetted with hot water
Disgusting peasants, all of you. It helps with hemorrhoids also
Toilet paper, baby wipes, toilet paper. That's how you do it. Shooting water up your ass is fucking gay.
>Brazilian plumbers/electricians
I presume that green wire is the ground?
I have an amerimutt slave who licks my anus clean after I take a shit.
They never catch me before the deed is done.
>Kek. Can't we all agree, just do a clean pinch no need to wipe or squirt water.
I hope you're fucking trolling, that is some india-tier shit, tyrone.
Correct, who needs a ground wire in electric showers LOL
It's very common for people to get shocked by those things, but it's not strong.
Grounding is a novelty in many places. But don't expect them to think of grounding it to the water pipes instead.
Just admit you shoot water up your ass because it feels good.
Shitty thread.
ah, Brazil...
>ameripoor has never heard of an electric shower, or the concept of grounding
Wrong. It's more than enough to kill you but the water flow is not constant, hence the current doens't last long enough.
t. EE
>getting ready for work
>shit, shower, shave in that order
>ass always clean
I don't see the issue.
how do you guys clean your butts ?
what's the white way of doing it in your opinion?
What? No it doesn't.
You just keep wiping until you see blood then it's clean enough. Never itches for me.
I actually think you're right OP.
I'd happily use bidets if they were common.
>grab asshole with hands getting shit in hands
>wipe on face like warpaint
>spend day speaking with poo accent
>eat boogers on the side
>tfw resistant to disease and normies get their flu shots and still get sick
If you shower everyday, you are a fucking watercuck. One day in, two days off. Thats the way to roll
>eurocuks give themselves enemas with strangers poop daily.
>the concept of grounding
...Are we looking at the same picture?
probably you itch it without realising then. And then one day you'll get piles or hemmorhoids and then you'll wish you wetted your toilet paper a bit instead of having a pulsating, expanding itching anus like the end of a balloon, Ragnar.
Some people can get away with that, others can't.
Most of the people who can't don't know it either.
This is the only logical thing to do. I have been doing it for years. I can't believe this is not common practice everywhere.
Also you should train yourself to shit only once a day, right before a shower.
>rich people have suicide showers
Listen to this user
It is not a road you want to go down
>Not having one shit session a day in the morning just before you take a shower.
Quit eating so much you fat fucks.
>plastic wires
>even imagining the wire gets cut, it is copper
>shower bases are made of unconductive shit like plastic or perlstone.
>water is an insulator
>copper is extremely conductive.
they'll be fine, it's the same as that famous picture of the guys in the paddling pool with electronics going into a plug converter floating on sandals. The sandals are there to keep water from getting in the components, not to stop you dying, you could dunk it and nothing would happen.
I have a co-worker who takes like 5 confirmed shits a day
It is baffling
Ewww gross.
You must smell horrible or not exert yourself at all...
Are you absolutely certain he's shitting and not changing a colostomy bag
Yeah but your amerimutt friends don't give a single fuck.
>Taking a shower to wash the shit off your asshole
GROSS! EUtrash also you can just use both paper and a bidet faggot
His diet must consist of a lot of WHIIIIRRRING and its only natural it comes back out