Who was trying to leave the US?
Who the hell was on this plane? Happening?
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Bumping for interest
Also justice
Bump for interdast
Need a quick rundown
What's the back story here?
Plane from LA to Tokyo was turned back 4 hrs in because of a passenger who shouldnt have been there
I need to know
That doesn't mean anything, could have just been someone who snuck on the plane with a fake ticket
>stormfags (boomers, not the stormfront /ourguys/) saying it's happening
it's fucking nothing, again.
fresh habbening?!?!?!?!
most retarded post ive seen
watch this!!
Of course it is. In America, we do everything the best. Even retard posting.
Why can't any of you niggers post a link?
i must say canada rivals you in retard posting
they seem to have a lot of sand posters
Not really, if the passenger was in an unsafe area or there is any doubts on tampering (including accidental) the plane goes around. FAA policy. If I had to guess, some idiot in the cargohold
it's misdirection.
If they thought there was any safety risk they'd land at the nearest airport. More time in the air is more risk.
That's not what they did.
what time was this flight in context to the shooting?
if i was to guess id guess the shooting was around 9-10pm right?
Was it Bane?
Why does every faggot in the world think they are entitled to information about everything that happens?
afraid to get exposed, shlomo?
>Puerto Rico
Then Japan, then South Korea.
Didn’t Pudestre have an Island in Japan he liked to visit?
Why didn't that person take a Beijing-bound plane?? Nip is the 51st state of the US
You're conveniently forgetting Israel...
Trump confidant here. Stay tuned. They're going to mislead you, but breadcrumbs will lead you to a harrowing conclusion. Think Mandalay Bay.
not specifically him, but my first thought was a swamp nigger taking a flight to japan on their way to singapore or some other pizza country
who's the dead man
I love how (((Q))) tries to make everything about themselves. Jewish dis-info cancer.
Chris Farley.
who's the semendemon?
>Flight from LA to Tokyo 4+ hours into flight
>Suddenly reverses and flies all the way back to LA
>Only information leaked is shared by model Chrissy Teigen who was aboard the flight
>Says passengers were told one passenger had tickets for a United flight, not ANA
>Authorities order squad and supervisors be waiting for the plane to return
>Police question everyone who sat near "mis-ticketed" person
>Airline has to comp all other passengers, as well as spend money on fuel
>"Just got on the wrong plane"
Does this ever happen? If it was the wrong ticket they would probably just continue on to the destination then throw them on another flight.
Why would they inconvenience a entire plan vs one person?
Maybe this happens in burger land, I avoid your airlines like the plague. Shits awful compared to the rest of the world.
Passenger claims police were interviewing everyone who sat near the mystery person
hello boomboy
>its been almost 3 months since Podesta and Huma were supposed to be arrested
This meme is so forced it glows in the dark. Wonder who made the OC
>Airline has to comp all other passengers
>Airline has to comp
>has to comp
It's literally impossible to be misticketed.
They scam your ticket individually as you walk into the plane, they count as you enter and take your seat and they do a secondary count.
Likely it was a wanted criminal fleeing.
t. airline pilot
or they were telling people not to say anything about who they were sitting next to.
jesus christ. its really that bad?
it was Sally Yeats
Has this ever happened on a flight of yours?
yeah this reeks. maybe they were trying to go to the undisclosed island from the Wikileaks?
Latest twitter post: "More
Sorry the video broke up. Clearly the feds are trying to silence me"
Prove it.
Why wouldn't they arrest him/her at the destination? I thought that's what they usually do.
Hawaii would have been way way way closer, escort nigger off, continue.
This pretty weird.
Biggest red flag: No major MSM outlet is reporting anything about it.
Cover up confirmed.
Exactly, this was not some sort of accident, it may not be sp00py spy shit though. Most likely just some criminal trying to escape.
>t. airline pilot
That's retarded as fuck
Piss off an entire plane's worth of passengers to make sure you get your shekels from one goyim
Nobody with any sense is this stupid
Fucking McCallister's
No but you could get on a connecting flight to somewhere that WOULD help you, and if you knew the authorities wouldn't know to search for you for like a day getting overseas would be a good first step.
No, we don't turn around unless for an emergency.
They literally all are reporting on it.
Stopped reading there.
All of them look Jewy. Especially the second guy.
Digits confirm
Is there a site where we can look up arrests in LA?
Maybe we can find the arrest record
>who's the semendemon?
Holy shit can you not read?
Usually they detain them when they land at the destination so as not to interrupt others journey.
Fake and gay. CBTS is full of shit.
Turning a fully loaded heavy around 4+ hours into a trans Pacific flight is some serious crime, or high value target that needed to return immediately to LAX once the other means of escape have been ruled out.
This is a happening
This is fucking weird. This bitch is a desperate nobody. She's dragging John Legend of just got cast as Jesus fame into it. And she's quoting Spring Breakers which is now being regularly named as a Franco rapefest by cdan.
This is some kind of cianigger signal to flee because shits going down.
same thing
>This delusion
Boomer detected.
The plot thickens
>hurr boomer!
Fuck off
>Boomer meme
K boomie.
That's Kathleen Kane you dumb nigger.
and thats the sort of thing i was looking for except who the fuck is this lady and how does she "know".
That's what I said, kike. Stop Jewing everyone!
Guess i nailed it. Check out this jif that my grandson sent me.
Megs was just in another thread, if it was something major, im sure she woupd have said something
>random Russian on twitter
>omg its happening CBTS is real!!!!
Ok, anyone else notice how suddenly a thread about a factual news story in progress got filled with shills calling it a 'LARP'?