Are American Prisons Inhumane?

My brother is in prison and he HATES it. He got protective custody so he doesn't have to do anything in public but he had to strip naked in front of guards to change and they saw his dick. He also hates it because they put him on suicide watch since he said it was so bad he wanted to kill himself but couldn't. This is American prisons.

its prison

Exactly! It's prison, not a torture chamber.

Actually looks rather comfy without nogs stacked to the ceiling

How? The toliet is in the open what if you are shitting when the guard walks by?

If your brother is in PC, he's a pussy.

So is your brother a snitch?
a gang member leaving the gang?
a child abuser?

Those are the main reasons for being put into protective custody.

>but he had to strip naked in front of guards to change and they saw his dick.


if us prisons are inhumane then what are the russian ones?
let alone turkish prisons

It's not his fault he's average height, blond and rich. If you are that you're put in PC no matter what

No he's just average height (5'10), rich, and blond. People like him would be hated in prison. Also he has autism so would be bullied.

If you can't do the time...

what did he do
>how long did he get

You are sent to prison as a punishment.
You are not sent to prison to be punished.

Tell your brother that if really wants to die to tie a wet bed sheet around his neck

..kill yourself so you dont get caught

>strip naked in front of guards to change and they saw his dick

so, they do that at the local pd dept if you get a dui - that's the fucking least of his problems and your post is a lie since you even mentioned that. who gives a fuck if some fat retard turnkey sees your dick

oh I haven't seen this pasta in a while


Lmao just don't commit crimes like it's not that hard

Lawl, you don't automatically get put into PC because you're "rich." Plenty of niggas click $40 per week. Plenty of niggas is 5'10". Plenty of niggas is blonde. Your brother fucks little boys in the asshole or something.

>commit crime
>expect taxpayers to put you up in luxury hotel

>autist in prison
chomo detected

Fuck off, prison is supposed to be a punishment not a hotel. Throw degenerates in solitary confinement for life

Armed robbery he did it because he was bored and depressed and was going to return the money anyway. He's more of a "kicks" criminal than one who actually wants to hurt people. He has 7 years

>its meant to be punishment
Then just take away their videogames for a month

>tie a we tbet sheet aroudn his neck
That won't kill you, that will just make you look like a retard with a sheet around your neck

Being seen naked is the most scary thing in existance retard.

I agree they need punishment, prehaps a month with no videogames?


A Kekistan flag, bitching about prisons... I've seen this thread before. This is bait.

christian country don't trust god to punish the guilty enough so they make sure they get in a few shots just in case

No shit sherlock
Stop replying, slide thread

do you think a for hire prison system can afford to give any extra? American prisons are basically the equivalent of mandatory stay hotels unless your crime is deemed "not so bad" or you had enough literal good boy points while inside you can leave early,, but mostly to make room for other low level drug offenders.

I know a guy who stabbed a bunch of little skateboard beaners because he was getting kicked by about 8 of them and spent some time in prison, went in with charged hair as a skinny punk and came out a baldy skinhead, prison isn't so bad if you know how to deal with people, it's almost like high school. If you don't know how to make friends and share stories you'll get fucked with.

it ain't suppose to be torture

American prison is basically torture. everyone but me gotta learn this.

>He hates prison
>He is in PC
Snitch, Chomo or weakling? Doesn't really matter to be honest but PC is tough for security reasons. If he is in the federal one he either snitched or downloaded illegal materials
>Have to strip search
Yep. For weapons and officer safety.
>Suicide watch
Yeah, it sucks.

Prison isn't meant to be fun

Maybe that faggot shouldn't have gotten himself in prison?

if you treat people like animals you get better people or something

In Canada we have rehabilitation and no one has to worry about being raped lmao.

>It's not his fault he's average height, blond and rich. If you are that you're put in PC no matter what

Fake and fucking gay OP. You should be ashamed of your gay self.

I remember you posting this a while ago.
fuck off.

please someone post the video of the brazilian prison when they kill and eat prisoners

Your nigger brother should get the noose.

Soy boy

>Do crime
>Do time

>armed robbery because he was bored
That's not how it works kiddo

as well as learning the bible is school I think people should have to do a stretch in prison as well as the military so they can be raped, robbed and beaten to learn the difference from right and wrong

not comfortable being in the nude around men is a sign of latent homosexuality

>because he was bored
>going to return the money anyway
>he did it for free

They are terrible places. Why do you think criminals repeat? In countries that got their prison system down, they don't.

the old ways were the best ways.
holding a prisoner under water to see if they drown was a good away to check for witchcraft

>backwoods leafs still believe in witchcraft

Or do what Norway does. Their prisoners don't return.

I have to be vague or I will dox myself but I made guards really, really mad in juvie so they sent me up north to a chug center and I had to stay in solitary in that center and it was just a concrete room with nothing in it, and a canvas babydoll that I could use as a blanket, sit on, or wear. Otherwise I was naked, and there was nothing in the room but a toilet. It was always almost freezing in there, I could usually see my breath.
They would randomly turn the hose on me when I managed to get to sleep and sometimes after they would throw delouser on me which is the opposite order of how you're supposed to use either of those things on inmates, the way they did it was basically a chemical attack.
I would have to slowly clean it off with the toilet water while it burned and as I'd scrape myself with my fingernails it would leave these huge pronounced welts although they were not normal welts, I am not sure how to describe it. They were not discoloured. After cleaning an entire part of my body, it would appear to be corrugated, it was really weird and unconfortable.

They were supposed to let me out for a whole bunch of various reasons but they never did, I was in that room for 8 months straight.

It wasn't all bad though. The other cons felt bad for me and they prepared meals and loaded my meals with extra stuff and cigs/matches hiding in it sometimes and I probably ate way better then anybody else who wasn't in the kitchen.
I've always wondered if they knew that I am white or not.

It actually helped me to escape the cycle of prison and later on to put in insane hours to start my business and keep my family together in rough spots ect.
Not because it scared me or punished me or made me pliable...but whenever something sucks I think about how I have made it through worse, and I've never given up on anything after that and the first time I tried something legit, I stuck with it.
Learning how to be patient before you're even an adult is actually pretty helpful.

>t. North American Buddhist monk

probs just degenerate like the rest of the tards and niggers that make it there.

So are post like this faganon...

Yeah, and?

Everything in this thread is fucking bullshit.

I follow the exploits of Martin Shkreli who got jailed for offering money in exchange for the demon's hair.

His letters say its not bad at all. All you have to do is stay in your lane, stay with your race, and hope there's not a race riot. if you're not in gang life going in your not in gang life inside of prison. If pasty rich autisitic Shkreli can make it in prison so can OP's autismo brother.

>they saw his dick
So. how is this different than gym class in school?

>You are not sent to prison to be punished.
Had to go to a psych ward, you get punished and bullied into submission there. They also poison you with forced medication and the judge decides when you can leave based on psychiatric feedback. I would rather be in a normal prison with a set release date.

do you consider being seen naked by guards as torture?

dude, I transferred schools once and boy-howdy, did they not take kindly to not giving a shit about nudity

Think of people like Breivik! His fate would be so much less palatable if he were in the USA because of niggers and for-profit prison conditions.

crucifixion worked

Don’t commit a crime. I feel like your trolling.

Ok you are a troll I feel dumb for not realizing this and shame on all the people responding to this as if this is real lol

The Pilgrims put people in solitary for thirty years.

I served a prison sentence for 18 months. It wasn't too bad. British prisons are not like Scandinavian prisons.
I got sent down for ABH (actual bodily harm) and assault because I attacked a policeman. He tried to cuff me and I told him not to. I deserved to go to jail. The worst thing is having a criminal record - no matter what crime you have committed, no matter how much time you have served, then a criminal record is a life sentence. It destroys people. It's nigh on impossible to get a job, get a mortgage, get any credit. Even getting a phone contract.

I regret what I did, served my time, but I'll always be a criminal. Redemption doesn't exist as you'll always have a criminal record.

what is prison like


you again?

No, the creatures inside of them are inhuman.

NOGGS have fun with little nazi ... Hahah

>caring about inhumane conditions in prisons
>implying that criminals deserve anything

That'd explain you not exterminating non-Whites yet.

Depending on severity, criminal records should fade with time.
Like in your case say the record lasts five years after sentencing.
But for a murderer it lasts 25 years.
Something like this?

im in prison right now, we all are
this is it
think about it

>My brother is in prison and he HATES it.

thats the point retard. so you dont want to go back and you start following the rules like everyone else who isnt a special snowflake.

>My brother is in prison and he HATES it.
>he had to strip naked in front of guards to change and they saw his dick.
I'm so sorry. Did they also laugh at how small it was?
>they put him on suicide watch
He should ask to be taken off and put back into gp. Maybe he'd grow a nut.
>This is American prisons.
That kekistani flag can't hide the fact that you're Swedish.

>criminal gets to violate others NAP and gets sad when he is punished.
>also saw this thread 3 months back

My brother in law is in prison. He thinks it's easy. It's not his first time, so him saying it's easy is saying something.

prisons is the most retarded form of justice.
you close a man in a cell for what?
send criminals to the labor camps or kill them. there is absolutely no reason to hold humans in a cells for years.

Did he deny the holocaust in front of holcause victims grandchildren

That happens to me at county, I thought that was normal

Sounds good. Did he commit a non crime or something that motivates prison in a moral sense?
Also, what you are describing sounds less bad than conscript service.

I went to prison for 3 1/2 years bud and I can tell you that no, they aren't inhumane. The atmosphere depends largely what state you go to prison in, but the time I did in comparison to other places was basically free housing/food for the period I was incarcerated.

Yeah, some shit is unfair and downright shady as fuck, but if you go to prison expecting anything else you're fucking retarded. Prison has only made me a nihilist and pessimist.

My brother is in prison and he says everyone in there is a little bitch and he had to punch just one nigger to set a point. He hates the neo-nazis cause their fags the bloods and crips are bottoms. The place he is at is a joke and it's a state prison

Prison is expensive and inefficient torture. Nobody is reformed in prison, who couldn't have been reformed by serving their sentence in the community.

Prison is a systematic means of oppression, go to jail on some weekend trip for a fight. Plant of guys going off to the can before they’ve been sentenced. You have to fight your case from the inside unless u have enough money to bail out, they give you good time and then time over your head. 3in 3out 5in 5 out 2 in 10 out. Once you’re out you’ve got to follow so many rules and have a felony on your record. Show up to piss 1 time a day and Go to meetings on ___ day for 2 hours. Then you find a job to pay your court fees while finding a decent place to live and if you so much as smoke a joint poof you’re doing that 3out over your head. The American prison complex is a huge money making scheme, man jails and prisons have been built forever they don’t get upgraded and the give you an iPod or electronics because people are paying to talk to you or for you not to go crazy, the food they serve doesn’t cost any money and if you’re doing Slave labor, you 5 hour job for a quarter a $1.50 an hour it’s to free you mind not the money. Most prisons aren’t super violent and make a shit ton by adding electronics and things to buy. Then if you do fuck up and go back you’ve done your couple years, intututionalized and rarely are the same. I’ve never been to prison but been in jail like 10 days for a dwi and love to pick peoples minds. It’s not normal to keep a man locked up like that, light on when you sleep, told when to wake up and go to bed. Eat only when they allow. The prison complex is weird user. I’m not defending murders but it makes people alotttttt of money

This is true. It's even hard to find a place to live because no one will rent to you. That's life, I guess.

>My brother is in prison and he HATES it.

Pretty sure that's the point. You're supposed to hate the idea of going back so much you don't do the dumb shit you did to get yourself locked up in the first place.

Most people in prison know each other it’s a fact the same people once you’ve been in it’s hard as fuck to get out of the system.

That’s not how prison works 16 yr old it’s a revolving door

Not inhumane enough. Prisoners get way too much time to socialize and form thug packs and gangs and whatnot. That should be broken up. US prisons should be converted into penal labor colonies, with prisoners working 18 hours a day, getting a meal a day and regular beatings and punishments for failing to meet work quotas. At the moment, prisons are just factories manufacturing more refined gangsters instead of terrifying institutions of severe punishment. We should look towards the DPRK prison system as a role model to emulate.

You can be a faggot and kvetch about "human rights" and "the constitution" but I'd bet 5 bitcoins that nigger criminality would drop drastically if you employed my methods.

>the guys in prison might bully him
SAGE jesus fucking christ

You should do life without parole for being a kekfag and a fuckwit, but you can't be one without being the other. I'll be glad when your stupid underage ass is back in school.

Prison is hard, it's supposed to be.
Your brother is obviously a bitch, so are you, try rubbing sage on your manginas

>Allow private prisons to be constructed
>Prisons receive money for how many inmates they deal with
>Prisons use excess money to lobby for laws and regulations that would net them more prisoners, thus more money
>Repeat forever
There's something dreadfully wrong here.

The easiest way of breaking up prison gangs is to give the death penalty to anyone with a life sentence.

It breaks off the gang hierarchy and leaves people with shorter sentences who WANT to get out. People with shorter sentences are far less likely to contribute to the prison culture.

how is anyone taking this seriously?

>Then just take away their videogames for a month
My keen trollsense is telling me that this might just be bait.

Getting advice from a bunch of 14 yr old kids on the internet who think hitler was cool and all bully each other over who is the whitest isn’t the best place for realvlife Questions

Your momma and daddy should be out in front of a firing squad at dawn. It's a crime to raise such stupid faggots as you and your brother. Some nigger is gonna ream his asshole out good, But it will be okie-dokie cuz blackie wiill do it for fun and it gets boring in the slammer .

Your brother is a pussy

They're profit-driven, they're gang war zones and they're full of diversity-quota female guards. D'you really need to ask?