One Piece

They look like the Kidd/Apoo/Hawkins alliance. Confirmed Jobber.


>dark and edgy
>goofy monkey traitor
Will Luffy becoma Big Mom's underling?

Yea reality is you need law to get shit done really

List of people who will get BTFO when Carrot joins.

Tears will be delicious.

>Pepe (Pudding) fags
>Monetfags (they are probably dry from crying already)

Nothing happens: the chapter

Everything spoken here will be subverted when the assassination inevitably fails.
Oda is a predictable hack, on top of everything else.

>Luffy will screw it up
>Gastiny will job in a funny way
>Bege will be trolled by the soul split of Big Mom
>Pudding will ruin it
>After all is said and done, Big Mom will open the box for relief
>Only Caesar will escape

Nothing has happened since 8 years ago.

I'm ready for stuff to really go to shit.

Do you think Luffy might have allies within the people invited?

Like if Dragon and Sabo show up then you know they'd side with Luffy (Sabo at least and Ivankov too if (s)he's there).

Although I don't really know what kind of people will show up to this.

Let's say this chapter didn't happen, how would Oda show us the confusion and drama when the plan fails?

Why the first post are always so bad? The other thread was pretty good compared to the usual standards. The only thing that comes to my mind is that these living failures keep refreshing the catalog to see if someone has created a new thread and post as fast as they can to have their retarded shitposts on top of the page for everyone to see.

The amount of grammatical errors and faggotry in these threads makes discussing a new chapter unbearable. Calm the fuck down.


The only way Carrot will join is if Jinbei dies.

He will.

So Caesar can't suffocate people like he did to Luffy?

These threads are full of underage users who only come to Sup Forums for the general.

No Judge is worth Yonko and Poneglyph.

I agree. Oda should just skip the arc all together and draw the final chapter. We already know Luffy will be PK anyways.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

So how exactly is Caesar needed in the plan?

Can't he just fill the X missile or whatever in advance?

there is around a billion things that can go wrong with the plan

bravo bege

That's the point by showing it. Oda is telling the readers that it will definitely fail.

Ceasar gas poison is needed.

He's filling the rockets with the pod right? Then why can't he do it before the party? Why is he needed there?

Probably can't due to superior haki. It works on luffy because he was caught off guard by it.

>Luffy having a role
>Expecting things to go according to keikaku

Pick one

Haki doesn't magically create oxygen.

>Luffy won't die at the end
After all the hormone healing from Ivankov and Gear 4 he's wasting his life force away

This will be the direction oda is going with superior haki is going to negate everything.


Chopper will do something about it. It was his dream to find a cure for everything.

Wirror Witch will get killed by somebody to stop them from fleeing.

>It's the only way to trick fate, or murphy's law. Don't actually make plans, or keep them secret, and just do it.

Come on Oda, are you trying to tell me there are no mirrors on Raftel?

So who has the best laugh?



That ability is only good when they don't know about it. It makes people panic because they don't know what's going on.
If someone knows it's due to the overpowered fruit of a physically weak guy, they just punch him in the face and breathe again.

here's my guess of what's going to happen:

the plan fails and BM is not killed because luffy fucks everything up (his entrance probably prevents the shot/makes it miss).
her conqueror's haki will knock out brulee and then there's no escape.
jinbe sacrifices himself and everybody escapes.
BM + luffy are super mad and everyone becomes enemies with everyone else.
gastino joins the crew

Dereshi, I thought we went over this a long time ago.

i'm getting meruem palace invasion vibes

What if, I know it sounds crazy, what if Pudding manipulated Jimbe's and Capone's memories?

Maybe Capone isn't actually a Boss killing gangster, he just thinks he is. That's why his plan is so shoddy.

Sure are a lot of hxh fans over here.

This Gastino guy does look like Caesar

capone's was a gangster since he first showed up in sabaody

What if Pudding manipulated everyone's memories into thinking the One Piece exists?

>giving luffy a pivotal role in a plan
can't fucking wait

Everyone needs to take a second, sit back and think about why exactly the Straw Hats would recruit a child murderer who tortured many of their friends, wants nothing more than to never see them again in his life, and who they've said to despise over and over again over the past 200 chapters.

As dumb as it is, at least Monet faggotry had the basis of "Monet was already a double agent, she might have some hidden motives." Caesar is the most comically evil character in the series and he takes pride in it.

Yeah, but boss killing? That's information we got just recently, through Jimbe, who vanishes for large periods of time. We don't even know how he escaped Big Mom. What if he didn't have to escape?

I think the plan is going to fail, everything is going to escalate, and we'll obviously have a luffy/big mom showdown in the end (maybe even a three-way battle with Capone)

He's a villain in One Piece and we didn't see his tragic childhood story yet.

if bonney is big mom'smama then why is she so shit

We already had a backstory given to him on Punk Hazard where he turned out to be the monster ruining everyones lives, not the misundertstood anti-hero. He even fakes being the victim for sympathy before being revealed as a fraud.

We also know from this arc that his primary motivations are wanting money to buy whores.

Can't they just get rid of Caesar already?
He's as annoying as that pirate in Berserk.

>he isn't a hero
>wants to spend his hard earned money on whores
getting mixed messages here

Well that was pretty uneventful.

Hopefully Oda can deliver on the entrances.

Everything has a meaning in this series.

everyone is gonna jump out of cakes. every. single. person.

What are the chances Luffy will be hiding in the cake?

Oda loves to forget criminal's past for the sake of it, mr 3 was a dick when they fought him and on impel down was all cool bro, crocodile too, he made so much people suffer then he became a ally to luffy during the war.

Im sure as hell that sanji is going to forgive his family and be lovey-dovey with them even after his brother almost beat a woman to death just to for the fun of it.

what if the photo is actually big mom's real soul and her current body is just a decoy just like crackers soldiers

very very high

that's retarded.

That's gonna be tough for him. He has to concentrate on the plan and hide the cake in his stomach at the same time.

3 is just comic relief now

What are you even trying to imply with your post? Someone was a dick this one time and then a few weeks/months later Luffy was able to work with said person for a bigger goal. So? Are you comparing this to him taking a child murderer in his beloved crew?

pretty sure the bomb from fishmen island and burlee is going to fuck it all up. If they were smart, they would killed burlee right there with a fruit near her and had someone eat the fruit.

Okay, so far there are couple of variables that are guaranteed to mess up with the plan / our expectations.

>the tamatebako exploding
>how will some of the guests react / intervene
>how will Pudding react in this chaos
>plan leaking before it happens by Pekoms, Brulee or someone else
>Reiju intervening out of concern for Sanji

Also I feel like it's obvious Pudding will turn yandere for Sanji eventually. If Big Mom passes away then Pudding is crafty enough to usurp one of the top positions of Whole Cake Island and the Strawhats would have gained another ally.

Will the wedding start in the next 20 chapters?

Do any of you dumb faggots actually think Caesar has even an inkling of a chance to join after this chapter? Nami punked him and he threatened to murder a child.

How would you explain it? A normal person can hold his breath for about 5 minutes. Plenty of time to escape the Caesar's effect range.

Yes. The only thing left to do is to introduce the underground brokers with crocodile and Katakuri.

that's because Oda is a hack and can only draw samefaces

Only for females

How will shanks be defeated?


>If Big Mom passes away
that surely won't happen, not yet anyway. Probably all of your stated points and even more will happen. It'll be a bloody mess, they'll somehow rescue Sanji and this family, Capone will escape to and he'll swear vengence upon strawhat who he holds responsible for fucking up his great plan.

Also Pudding getting all yandere for Sanji seems very likely, I agree

He joined the crew of my heart, user.

I don't care if he joins or not, I just want him to stick around because he's funny.
He's gonna try save another kid from a seaking and lose his other arm.

>mind altering power
pudding is evil. EVIL!

They have Gangster Gastino on their side, what could possibly go wrong?

there's no fucking way mother caramel is bonney

>3:20 left at the end of last chapter
>2:30 left after they had finished explaining the plan
>more than an hour left when we see the Vinsmokes talking

2 to 5 chapters maybe?
...unless we get a flashback arc

just because you see something happen does mean most of the time you have the chance to stop it . Kinda like someone pointing a shot gun at you. You know all you have to do is dodge or stop their finger on the trigger, but it's a fucking shotgun with buckshots. Kinda like the gas being an organic poison, which im sure skin contact alone should be bad.

I stopped reading after Doffy got punched in his faggot face a bunch


Ceasar literally imprisoned and experimented on drugged out children and killed Monet

Now they're working together!?

Fucking stupid bullshit!@

He helped Crocodile in Impel Down

what if big mom's real soul is in the picture, and big mom herself is a half giant, but she's growing old and needs a new body to put her soul in, so she needs one of her kids to have a half giant babby so she can put her soul in it?

what are the chances it's Dadan?

Why bother when she can put her soul into inanimate objects? Just put your soul into a castle, or fuck, the entire island.

That was after a gorillion episodes had passed and because Luffy's brother's life was on the line

they all hate big mom

>unless we get a flashback arc
wew, if that happens people will lose their shit.

Carrot is Big Mom's daughter.

>Dadan calls and scolds Big Mom for even laying a finger on Luffy


They were talking about Caesar's ability to remove air, which is more like being thrown into water. And there's a difference if this happens to someone who can swim or someone who can't.

maybe to put her entire sould in something it needs to have her dna or something

I doubt
big mama should be at least 80~90 so the only people who could be her partens are bonney, kureha or giants since they live longer

i know right, you would think that Sup Forums would be the place to find Marvel and Warhammer fans, not mangas !

>people are defending this chapter

remove air? you mean create a vacuum? then my logic still applies, but now they have to worry about the air in their bodies.

What's the most tearjerking arc ?
The correct answer is Drum

It was a great chapter. Oda is a genius.