Why haven't you got yourself a fun yet Sup Forums
Why haven't you got yourself a fun yet Sup Forums
Fucking SKS's man, kek
It's the standard issue leaf civilian rifle.
Stop pointing that at your animal.
We don't stab our kitties with bayonets.
you hating? my farmer friends love them lol
Good for the price point. That's why they're "standard issue"
get a svt 40 and make me jealous
i couldn't count all the coyotes that they've shot
You fucked up mate, Sup Forums is known for this crap. You do something to that cat and I swear we will make your life a living hell. METADATA MAH DUDE
Why would I post my collection of guns, tools, ammunition, food, and other supplies on the Internet?
Plus they're everywhere and cheap as dirt. The ammo's widely available too.
Now be nicer to your kitty.
Save that behavior for niggers and kikes.
got a really nice bow and a 3D camo suit
first idiot who comes into my woods post SHTF gets the honor of supplying me a firearm
Why are there so many gun threads right now?
Yes, guns trigger me. My cousin died at Sandy Hook.
how would you theoretically go about getting some funs in canada?
Guess he should’ve called in sick that day
As usual, hardcore cat doesn't give two foxes and stares down the armed human knowing he is quick enough to leap that barrel and remove eyes before trigger can be pulled.
Black market for the heavy regulated stuff ( only if you know the right people) for everything else a license and pretty much any sporting store
Why was your cousin at a closed school?
Digits confirm: your cousin sucked.
>Implying I still don't have mine from when I was a kiddo.
I have two, a 1911 and an over/under shotgun. I’ now saving for my ‘salt rifle
Im gonna get a nice AR10
Might as well have photoshopped the dog's hind legs in.
Why do you correlate the evil action with the gun rather than the person committing the action? We could bring world peace by banning AKs.
I had a hard enough time using my laptop Camera and trying to get my feet in it.
No need to learn photoshop too.
gametime, faggot.
Don't point that at your cat Moron
Because everyone on Sup Forums who isn't an intelligence agency asset is on a watchlist.
>something black moving around in the house
Could just be an honest mistake
Dude, are you a dog?
>newfag doesn't know about metadata
Fuck off Greenberg.
This. My Jewish uncle Levi was gangbanged and then shot by a legion of Astartes under the direction of the Warmaster. This happened in Auschwitz in 1943.
Germany must pay. (Btw, don't even think about questioning my story unless you like a jail cell)
Kekked hard. 10/10
is this you?
>by a legion of Astartes
Basically but I have a better haircut.
kek, thanks for being a good sport. couldnt help but make that joke when I thought of it.
No problem.
I put my feet in the pic for laughs.
get it away from the cat you fucking retard