Daily reminder

Hezbollah is based as fuck.
They BTFO'd Israel
They work with Christians and Muslims in the syria and lebanon to fight (((isis)))
They partnered with some white nationalist groups to fight against ZOG aswell.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Based as fuck

Just because you attack Israel doesn’t make you “based”. Muslims are fucking scum and will never, under any circumstances, be /ourguys/

>Muslims can't be bas...

Muslims can’t be based. Period.

Typical amerimutts. Would rather suck off ZOG then fight for his own people.

>calling out mudslime filth is (((sucking off zog)))
Fuck off back to reddìt and take your based shitskins with you

/sg/ has been here long before /ptg/ nerd. So back to /r/ the zionist with you.

reddit is over there --> www.reddit.com

Amin Al Husseini was designated as an Honorary Aryan by Based Hitler himself.

Amin Al Husseini is not a nigger.

You need to take that mudslime dick out of your mouth

>uses the term mudslime
back to /r/ the cuckold

typical amerimutt, playing the ZOG's games.

They ripped their logo off from a Jew

Fuck off, shillblue.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is pro assad.

>even their logo is kiked

At some point anons will realize all these "anti-Israel" groups exist solely to gain sympathy FOR Israel. No one is making real arguments against the Jewish State and violence is not normie friendly at this stage. It's a Jewish trick.

Fuck all Muslims.
Fuck all Jews.
Fuck all stupid white people who don't get this yet!

What should I call them? Fine, upstanding men of good faith? Just because “omg guise they hate teh jooz just like us, omg so fashy and based!”

Don’t even bother going back to reddìt, just fucking kill yourself instead

>shillblue meme
Holy crap you are a newfag. I recommend you to go to /fsg/, /nsg/ and /sg/ before posting on this fine board.

> being this triggered by "amerimutt" and le 56% meme



so many kikes on here

Simmer down there Cleetus. I think your cousin/sister wrapped the tinfoil around your a head a little too tightly this time.

Hezbollah has been BTFOing Israel for years

they sold tons of cocaine to americans

if you ain't muslim you aint shiite

>not an argument

>Triggered Jews itt


Based american.

You are an Ancap shouldn't you like this?

What has Hezbollah done to gain the support from the regular people in Europe and America? They attack Israel with violence, which allows Jews to cry "anti-Semitism!," which causes the West to support Israel even more.

HA only a jew would respond like that.

Nothing wrong with making a bit of money off drugs


>I can't answer your questions so I'll call you a Jew
Why even make a thread if you can't hold your own in conversation about the topic of your thread?

I was stating a fact, senpai

Doesn't Hezbollah know if it destroys Israel, Israel wins?

Israel won't be destroyed by some violent Muslim faction. Israel is protected by America and the other Nations. Destroying Israel isn't a matter of violence but waking up the normal populations to the crimes Israel commits.

Redpills not bullets.

So many jews on Sup Forums ever since trump ran for president.
/po/ is a...
National Socialist board
Fascist board
Ethno Nationalist board
Assad Board
Anti Zionist Board
Your entire argument is
like we get is Mr. Tyrone Goldstein the mutt, you love israel.

My argument is violence against Israel results in Jews crying "anti-Semitism" which causes the West to further embrace Israel. This is my claim. If you disagree explain why I'm wrong or consider I'm right.

>Fuck off back to reddìt and take your based shitskins with you
No you kike burger shill, we all know that you have r*ddit open on your 2nd display shilling both at the same time. Fucking projecting kikes.

Jews can't cry about anti antisemitism if there are no Jews.

>Ethno Nationalist board
That's why you have to go back, street shitter

Your reply is nonsensical.
There ARE Jews.
Hezbollah will not destroy all Jews because if they try they'll simply cry anti-semitism and America will protect the Jewish State.

Stop shilling.

That's something only a kike shill would say. Hezbollah is helping defeat ISIS and stabilize the Middle East which allows refugees to return to their lands.

Oh trust me, i want to, but i cannot leave this god forsaken jude country. Currently trying to finish my degree and find a job in pakistan.

Pic related, It's what the average american looks like now

The U.S. and Israel created, control, maintain, and direct ISIS.

ISIS will win or lose as it benefits Israel.
There is no "sincere" fighting against ISIS because it's a fucking fake movement.

>t.Scared jew


Only reason people don't think they are based is because they are some faggot from the Donald trying to be edgy

I like trump, but his redditors have to leave the board at once.

Why are there so many sand niggers on Sup Forums now? Do the refugee centers offer good wifi?

We have always been here newfag. Again, Pol is pro assad.

>Be Hezbollah
>get bombed to rubble over nothing in 2006 in a war the hezbollah leader calls a mistake
>sand niggers and their dick suckers celebrate GREAT VICTORY despite it finally bringing total quiet on Israel's northern border, something the Jews had wanted for 40 years by that point
>Few years later
>Have to fight a colonial war for your sugar daddy in Tehran
>Lose agains ta bunch of syrian farmers with AK's
>Cry nakba, Russia comes to rescue you
>However Putin lets israel bomb you daily because he values good relations with the jews
>tfw you're literally cucked as your patron lets the jews play target practice with you
>never retaliate out of fear
>a...al quds will be liberated any day now! muh based shia muslims!!!

lmao, I love it when the MIDF gets uppity on Sup Forums

>haha kuffar newfag! don't you know Sup Forums has always liked the based arabs! die for palestine!

no, fuck off ahmed.

Literally lurk more

>sees flag
>checks post
>obviously a shill.
Hitler would be ashamed of you.

ok Mr.Goldberg. You made your point we get it. You love Israel.

Why are you hiding flag rabbi?

I don't care if Hitler sucked sand nigger dick. I went them out of my country. This #NotAllMuslim shit pulled by sandpeople on Sup Forums is disgusting

No, Syria is not based. No, Hezbollah is not based. No, Islamic Iran is not based. All of these shitholes should rot in hell. I don't give a shit about Israel and don't even think US should be giving aid to it. I only post the memes to trigger your towelheads. However I'd much rather have you shitskins and your shills deported back to "based" arabland ASAP

why haven't you sand nigs blown yourself up yet?

Hey kike, remember in 2006 when Hezbolllah handed your ass to you? They had something like 8000 rockets and minimal training. Today Hezbollah has upwards of 160,000 rockets with years of training. Enjoy your extermination kike.

Cool meme, why are you pretending as if you faced the entire Muslim world Moshe? A few shitty Arab armies using WW1 era weapons is nothing. You better pray that never actually happens because when it does, all it would take is a few countries like Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and Pakistan to wipe you out in less than 6 hours.

lmao, "Israel will be destroyed any day now" has been the mantra since like 1948 right. How's that going for you ahmed?

Your "based muslims" couldn't handle a couple of farmers in Syria without Russia bailing you out. Go die for your precious palestine instead of ordering whites to do it mahmoud.

ok kike show us your real flag.

Nasrallah denounces terror attacks. MSM and zio-right wing sites just don't really cover it.

okay mahmoud show us your refugee center

wtf, #NotAllMuslims I love weekly terror attacks now

that's cool man. the problem is the West doesn't know that. they have an image problem. their logo involves a gun for fucks sake. how do you think this looks to regular people? their image problem is either on purpose or someone is setting them up for failure.

>Be Hezbollah
>Israel blows up one of your leaders
>Nasrallah too chickenshit to retaliate
>Read this


>checks real flag
>checks out
Ok Mr. Tyrone Goldblyatt Israel should totally take over the Middle east and they never destroyed the USS Liberty. We obviously got BTFO'd here boys.

>Go die for your precious palestine instead of ordering whites to do it mahmoud.
Meanwhile the kike cries for America to fight his wars for him while they funnel him billions of dollars per year. Can you project any more Moshe.

hezbollah is responsible for the 2nd deadliest terror attack on the US in its history. It can fuck off, and you should go die in a shithole in syria instead of shilling for them


same flag as you, except I didn't come from some subhuman shitskin shithole on the good graces of the Democratic Party.

I want you, your shitskin family, OUT. Go die trying to liberate al-quds for the 188th time instead of infecting this country

America & Russia just defeated ISIS because you shitskins cried so much. Hezbollah couldn't do it and had to be bailed out. How many wars are enough for you shitskins?

Did you forget about the Israeli terrorist attack on the USS Liberty goyim?

the point stands, Israel bombs syria/hezbollah weekly and russia never makes a peep, nevermind fire on the Israeli's. And mighty Hezbollah never has the balls to retaliate for each weekly attack. Rly makes me think!

>defeated isis
Nope that was just Russia and Assad kike.

Last week one of your "agents" if you can even call them like that got blown up by a mine.
That nigger cant even understand basic warning signs.

>nevermind all these terrorist acts by Muslims, look at this thing 50 years ago!

taqiya ain't gonna work.

>trusting jew news sources
Sorry goldblyatt, into the ovens with you.

US-backed forces, under US air support, with US special forces, took ISIS' capital of Raqqa.

A capital that your "based" assad/iran couldn't taken for years

>hezbollah is responsible for the 2nd deadliest terror attack on the US in its history.
Literally a military barracks in Lebanon during the Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon. Good, I'm glad all those kike burgers died.

You think America is trying to help shitskins rather than serving the typical kike agenda you dickface? The only reason they are bombing ISIS now is so they can pave the way for Kurds to take as much Assad territory as possible and the only reason Russia is there is to counter-act America's kikery. Stop being such a parasite kike shill you fucking faggot.

Nope, we're fighting our own wars, shitskin, unlike you sandnigs who need Putin's help to bail them out.
btw, we're pretty much violating Lebanon's airspace on a daily basis :^)


So are you saying Israel DOESN'T bomb syria/hezbollah constantly? What are all these then?


Russia hasn't condemned a single one, and their air force/S-400's in Syria are silent each time. Why?

>US back forces
You mean the FSA and ISIS, both of which are complete failures?

The US troops in Beirut were there to PROTECT your precious palestinians after they got killed by Lebanese christians. And still you cheer it on when they died

Fucking disgraceful shitskins, you have no loyalty to the nations you subvert.

>big black cock
Holy shit JIDF you are making it so easy.

>Nope, we're fighting our own wars, shitskin, unlike you sandnigs who need Putin's help to bail them out.
Cool, so you invaded Iraq and Libya? You're the one who is going to deal with Iran? Not America or the Saudis?

>btw, we're pretty much violating Lebanon's airspace on a daily basis :^)

Wait until a real war starts kike, when Hezbollah will by finished in Syria and when they will have to green light to knock your jets out of the sky like flies. The only reason they don't do anything at the moment is because they are playing the long-term game and buying their time.

No, I mean the force that took ISIS' capital of Raqqa. The SDF.

I don't give a shit about ISIS or FSA, I want them dead. Just like I want you dead, with the rest of the shitskins.

At least you admit you're a pakistani subhuman, I can't wait for Trump to deport you parasites.

Go back to your poo-in-loo dirthole sand nigger

aw isn't the mixed kike adorable?

Wait, so you're claiming these bombings never happened.

Even though there's VIDEOS of it


Even though your own shitskin leaders have acknowledged it

I can't stand you subhumans and your 55 IQ's. Hopefully Israel nukes you all.

fuck off mudslime filth. When are you going to go back to your own country instead of leeching off the west and shilling for wars to make jerusalem muslim?

>The US troops in Beirut were there to PROTECT your precious palestinians after they got killed by Lebanese christians.
Of course they were kike shill.


>The four-nation MNF was created as an interposition force meant to oversee the peaceful withdrawal of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

>calls others subhuman
>is literally a mixed raced kike.

I'm not Jewish, I'm Anglo-Norwegian and I want you subhumans and your 50 IQ's out of my country. Fucking parasites

One day Muslims will realize they need to win the hearts and minds of the American people, educate them on why Israel is bad, before they turn to violence. Otherwise the People just see crazy Mudslimes attacking poor innocent Jews. One day.

>imagine being this delusional
But what one can expect from a literal sub-iq subhuman sandnog.
We were pretty cool with Gaddafi btw, and pic related is how most non-mudslime Lebanese see Hezbollah

Holy shit you are literally a meme.