Less than 1% of the world population. Make up 50% of Sup Forums discussion. Really makes you think. Is it jealousy?
Black Americans
Yea and 50 percent of the world's crime
No, it is pure, undilutated hatred for a violent parasite subrace that destroys cities, ruins workplaces, and spreads disease.
They're ~13% of US discussion, and this is a US dominated english speaking imageboard
Goes to show how fucked up and disgusting niggers are
>>Less than 1%
>>Extreme cherry picking
>Doesn't realize US is a superpower
>Butthurt about being driven out of cities and pseudo-genocide.
>jews make up the other 50%
>is less than 0.01% of world population
>Less than 1% of the world population. Make up 50% of Sup Forums discussion. Really makes you think. Is it jealousy?
1% of the world population, 90% of the cancer eating America
No, its anybody that lives in or near American cities know niggers are the biggest problem in this country.
We shouldn't have to live out in the middle of nowhere just to avoid niggers.
There are more than 1% niggers in the world. Unfortunately
Anyway it is the Muricans that bring them up. I would rather discuss the gassing of kikes and muslims.
I'll be honest I do get tired of hating niggers.
It's depressing.
I don't like hating people, it's not in my nature. It's very difficult for me to hold a grudge for long. It literally just takes an unprompted smile and a kind word from a black person to make me forget the nigger hate.
Stop giving me reasons to remember why I hate you. You don't have to be perfect, I'm not asking for you to never get angry or act like a fool. Just try to be decent for fuck's sake, and odds are you already are decent so the hates not directed at you anyway.
were not less than 1 percent you inbred cracker
A nigger is a nigger no matter where it nigs.
>Be 13% pop in USA
>Commit at least 50% of violent crime
>Wonder why people are talking about why you historically cant get your fucking shit together
Incorrect. Black or African American make up
0.53566% of the world population.
Do something about then, that's right your a soyboy
Best wife material?
"Ticks are less than one percent the size of your body, why do you care so much?"
>Being this obvious of a soyboy leafposter
You have to go back Jamal.
Kek. No
Please don't shit in the gene pool
Butthurt? We're headed for the ringer and I'm stoked because it will never have been so bloody. Get ready faggot.
nigga the world is 18% black. GTFO
We whites are the real global 1% that rule everything despite our lower numbers; god wanted it that way.
We are the anglos, euros, and the jews. Some jews mixed with dark races and started to break off and call themselves their own race - ayylmao we them too. Yall niggas lost
What makes you think I haven't?
Some people can't accept the truth until it's at their doorstep.
Why would I have ticks anyway you dirty redneck.
>Thinks Steph Curry and Mugabe are the same.
>most annoying race
>No, it is pure, undilutated hatred for a violent parasite subrace that destroys cities, ruins workplaces, and spreads disease.
That would be leftists. Blacks are simply being exploited by them, as are idiots like you who cannot see the full picture.
>Is it jealousy?
More like hatred.
I just want a submissive black girl who lets me call her nigger and treat her like a subhuman.
I'm with you. I don't think we're asking too much.
White People. Make up like 10% of the world population. Make up far more than 50% of the non-White discussion. Really makes you think.
Is it jealousy?
Yeah, its jealousy.
How grotesque. I thought bestiality posting was unacceptable here.
Its hatred towards the people who have the nerve to act like chimps, blame others, and complain about white supremacy as they are coddled in welfare hammocks by their ((Democratic Party)).
They are a cancer on this nation, and need to be expunged.
>Slide thread, but its not jealousy its pertinent information.
>Blacks are violent animals, its like a public service announcement
All niggers are going to die pretty soon. Save this.
Obviously. Every autist here wishes it was them packing a 9 incher and on the receiving end of gibs.
Obviously. Every autist here wishes he was packing a 9 incher, and on the receiving end of gibs.
your telling me you wouldnt fuck this nigress?
My dick is legitimately 9"
>"pls stop, I'm a Malcom X scholar."
Holy shit man. You can put your dick inside of her nose.
No, I don't want aids or ebola!