What's the secret for Jewish IQ superiority?
What's the secret for Jewish IQ superiority?
Sampling bias.
Reporting false stats
Having your ethnic group be relegated to highly intellectual professions like banking (thanks christcucks) and experiencing purgings every century or so, where only only the most subversive and cunning Jews survive, and propagate.
The sample-sizes in those surveys are hilarious. One of them had a total of 22 Jews. Twenty-fucking-two. Meanwhile, Non-Hispanic Whites had a simple size of over a thousand.
Study for a test and pass
Simple really
the ones that weren't smart enough to sell out the other jews in town got pogrom'd
Eugenics. Have you ever met a Jew with down syndrome? Yeah, didn't think so.
Actually Ashkenazim Jews have the highest occurrences of genetic diseases.
lol at nigger Baptists tanking protestant IQ
>swastika meme flag
>"Jews score higher than whites on IQ because of institutional bias and selection factors and and and..."
>"Whites score higher on IQ than blacks because we're superior."
What else did I expect?
You expected s lie and you received the truth.
>What's the secret for Jewish IQ superiority?
Lies about their IQ believed by morons who don't understand statistics or genetics.
How do we know whites have superior IQ to whites then? What if whites do sampling bias/cheat/nepotism/etc.?
Blacks claim this, are they right too? Is there no correlation between race and IQ?
>Have you ever met a Jew with down syndrome?
Crack open a fucking book some time.
Richard Lynn, the main source of white vs. black IQ differences on Sup Forums and beyond, came up with 113 as the average ashkenazi jewish IQ and 103 as the average Mizrahi jewish IQ. This is higher than anywhere else in the world
Are you saying Lynn is wrong? what study should I use them to determine racial differences?
Israel is 30% Arab, if you look at Lynn's studies you see that Jews in Israel have a higher IQ than any European or Asian state.
Also if Jews are dumb and mentally malformed howcome they're able to control everything and trick everybody all the time without being noticed like some kind of comicbook supervillain master planner light yagami?
>One man told me a gold bar is heavier than a feather and then another told me a rat is heavier than a gold bar.
>Obviously there's no way that one of them could be lying while the other is telling the truth.
You are a fucking retard.
Keeping their degenerate bloodline alive with fresh goyim DNA.
Mordechai's can't survive on their own, as we see in America.
I addressed Lynn's findings in what I posted, you kike cock sucker.
Jews haven't "tricked" everyone. They cheat in ways that nobody with a soul would every be willing to cheat. Everybody except total retards knows what they are and what they do.
*I* have tricked everybody, including the kikes. I work beside them and undermine them all day every day and they don't know what I really am.
They are genetically superior ofc...
>nobel prize are politics
What's the politics of the transistor field effect, or relativity?
You have insufficient evidence to support your argument you chimp
>Einstein was a plagiarist
Opinion discarded
Jews don't race mix with niggers.
This is the true answer
Being forced to learn a second language with a different alphabet, read backwards, where words like “light” mean everything but the literal definition, and with the vowels taken out.
It sucked.
This I argue that due to a behavioral correlation niggers tend to "feel" more inclined to use their brains less than whites, thus having less IQ, because the brain needs constant stimulus, nutrients, water, and rest to be truly smart. What we consider "natural talent" is due to genetic ancestry, but that alone doesn't make you truly smart
Your IQ can change over time as you age btw but posting on Sup Forums isnt going to help with your number im afraid
Uncle Adolf figured out the trick to Jewish intellectual superiority and had to be shut down. Protip: Marrying the wealthiest merchants daughter to the brightest man at yeshiva for a couple millennia will do the trick.
Pretty ironic to call him a chimp, isn't it Tyrone?
>Jews with a average act composite score of 15
yeah, I'm gonna need to see some sauce user, that's literally nigger tier.
also don't fucking post sourceless images, at best it makes you a retarded faggot, at worst someone who is intentionally trying to misinform
I'm not at all African, typical leaf poster
We’re G-d’s chosen people.
>When your only comeback is a flag
being Italian and even smarter
Jewish iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi and other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest. Ever wonder why variance is never reported in these studies?
The fact is 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. Jews simply lack the visuospatial skills to innovate in these disciplines. Word games and aggregation are all they are good at.
Write the tests and use them as a basis for your superiority.
>that drop in Baptist IQ for non-whites
He wasn't a plagiarist but his contributions to physics have been embellished to say the least. He begged Hilbert to create the mathematics necessary to describe his theories his theories. In all honesty saying they are Einstein's physical theories is still giving him too much credit. Gauss, Riemann, Bolyai and numerous others posited that the universe was non-Euclidean more than 100 years before him.
>Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest.
So who is bringing down the pack?
it's not IQ. their IQ alone can't account for the representation we see
there is pic related to consider, among other things
This, kinda. We gassed all the stupid jews.
The stats published showing high AshkeNAZI IQ are only in regards to the verbal section of the test. They get btfo in 'visual reasoning' for example. It's controlled.
Jews control the world. They did WW1, WW2, Communism, Capitalism, Freemasons, 9/11, the French Revolution, Sandy Hook, literally EVERYTHING.
And despite this, only mudslimes and some neckbeards on a cartoon board are onto them.
How the FUCK isn't this 10/10 intelligence? Literally impossible to do this to whites unless they were smarter
>there's too much x representation here! we need affirmative action so whites can compete!
Pretending to be white
What was the secret to NSDAP IQ superiority?
$$$ and nepotism
That's literally true though. Even when adjusted for IQ they are grossly over represented in a lot of things that just so happen to be the leavers of culture and political power. (1/2)
who are you quoting retard
Now prove its favoritism and not high IQ
IQ alone can't account for their representation
The fact that this is happening to whites now will bring them in line with Jews over time. The dumb ones will breed outside their race as white countries are overrun, the smart ones will rise to the top and propagate.
It says plain and simple in the text, less qualified applicants of Jewish ancestry are chosen over more qualified gentiles
If you mean that image specifically it's pretty easy to do, even with the rather spurious and contentious statistics from studies with sampling bias and small sample sizes. So even if we are to assume the average IQ of Ashekenazim is around 111, we can look at their population size and see they are vastly over represented.
Ive seen many dipshit.
That person who said no down syndrome jews exist is a fucking idiot. I could post retarded jew pics all day long and never run out of images.
Preventing khazars from taking the test.
Jews are highly inbred which has caused many genetic problems to be highly prevalent compared to other populations.
Yea that image is evidence that favoritism exists, Jews are a very closed culture and I admire them for that. The favoritism hypothesis does not negate that high average Jewish IQ exists however.
what about the muslims with their 80s
Oh, I didn't say I doubt that Ashekenazim have high average IQs. But I seriously doubt the statistics we have now. The only studies with significant sample sizes were riddled with sampling bias, in much the way Chinese IQ tests are biased. They only take people from affluent families in urban areas. There's just no way to know the real answer since the Israelis refuse to allow unbiased sampling.
Marrying their cousins.
This but unironically.
All the dumb ones died in the holocaust
Their life expectancy is quite high tho
Once we figure out the physiological expression of intelligence genes I think science will have an edge over politics.
In medival times cucks used to play with pigs n sheit and jews picked up a book
The Jewish communities in America and most countries they are in place a high value on educating their people in their own schools with their own expectations, many teaching them to read and write in multiple languages which is proven to increase IQ, etc. And at this point and for generations they have generated great wealth and thus could afford to have their people sent to the best private schools and universities. I think it is simple as that. I don't believe it is hereditary. I have worked for Jewish businesses and have met a few idiots overall but who focused on one particular skill to succeed at, and it worked. But this didn't mean they were smart or intelligent, but wise.
This is so full of nonsense. Education does not improve IQ. Being multilingual does not make you more intelligent, rather, people who speak more than one language tend to have a higher average IQ. You've put the cart before the horse. And IQ is most certainly hereditary.
They run the IQ tests
Jews have always bred based on wealth and education so they have smarter babies. Gentiles just fuck like animals and birth worthless mongrels who can't compete. Jewish women are also better mothers than gentile sluts and divorce isn't anywhere near as high. Face it, no race can compete with us for we are gods chosen people.
How in the fuck is the episcopal average so high?
Exactly. Jews are just better than whites, Latinos, Asians, filthy mudshits and niggers. Nothing you can do about it.
How is it b8 when it's reality? Jews easily outperform every other race. Don't call it b8 just because it upsets you, that's cowardly.
Seriously guys, it's within the margin of error (at least the fully white episcopal average) with Ashkenazi jews. Is it because they have less faith-based marriage restrictions than Catholics and other groups? What's the reason for this?
Factually incorrect things upset me, what can I say? Jews will not allow random sampling for IQ tests, thus any claims relating to it are highly suspect. And as I said before, even if we are to assume the outlier result of 111, they are over represented when adjusted for population.
If jews are dumb how do they control the world?
Stating that a group’s IQ is inherently genetic is over simplifying the issue of intelligence. There are several reasons why one group can appear to be more intelligent than another. A person’s intelligence most definitely is affected by their environment, family culture, nutrition education, family medical history and a lot of other factors.
Why the average IQ of Indians in USA is 106 while the average IQ of India is 82?
They share the test questions and answers with people in their tribe. Anyone can game these tests if so motivated. I knew a guy that bombed the SAT's and took a summer class on how to prep for them. He scored so high, Harvard was after him. There's plenty of ways to game an IQ test as well.
I'm surprised Switzerland, Sweden and Iceland rank so high in longevity desu.
So who do you think is the most intelligent race based on your personal experience?
>Why the average IQ of Indians in USA is 106 while the average IQ of India is 82?
Because the US poos are significantly more intelligent than normal poos, not just because of cultural and environmental factors here. Many of the poos here are doctors, shitty coders, etc. and outperform the vast majority of normal poos.
simple. they brought the smart indians not the 3rd world dumbfucks.
The greed and vanity of monarchies giving them complete control of the banking system over the past 2,000 years. Which gave them virtually unlimited political power in the information age.
Yeah but IQ has a heritability of at least .75 (and it's probably in the .80's)
I have no doubt Jews have higher than white average verbal IQs but I think their spatial IQs, which are important for the things which modern society run on (math, engineering, etc) are probably the same or slightly below the white average. Anecdotal experience is of very limited value and it depends on what you mean by race.
Ian Juby is a Christian and member of Mensa. He's the first to tell you, that the only thing it proves is that you know how to take tests.
Nobody is necessarily bringing down the pack, but probably some white ethnicities are smarter than others. I would take Lynns studies at face value nor would I consider them anything close to definitive. As a general rule the further north you go, the smarter the population. So Estonians, finns, scandis, northern Russians, Dutch, north Germans, Brits, etc. are all very smart genetically. You can look at PISA scores, it's pretty much a north-south cline.