How does America thrive with so much debt? Is there a certain point at which we'll just collapse?
How does America thrive with so much debt? Is there a certain point at which we'll just collapse?
When you say "America" are you referring to the collective debt of all individuals? American debt to other americans? American debt to overseas, like China? Or governmental debt?
The Jews use that debt to hold the nations domestic and foreign policy hostage.
I'm not saying that we're not facing some serious problems with debt right now, but I think the average person really doesn't really understand what debt means in this context.
National debt is nothing like personal debt. It's not the same as "oh shit I spent $100K I didn't have on a shitty college degree with no job opportunities and now the bank is gonna take all my shit."
At the national or even enterprise level, debt is used as a way to grow. Think of it like a business that wants a new factory. That company might issue bonds in order to pay for that new factory, thereby going into debt. However, the idea is that if this debt is managed wisely, the factory will pay for itself and turn a profit before they need to pay back that debt. When it comes to governments, the idea is to use that debt to fund public institutions that will ultimately improve the economy, essentially making the country more profitable.
Again, this is assuming finances are managed wisely, which hasn't been the case for quite a few years in the US. Hopefully this is about to change though.
Yup. Supply and demand. At a certain point no one wants to buy our debt.
Its not really debt because it will never really be paid off. Its a system that couldn't ever actually be paid off. Too much currency is created from nothing by banks every time they loan money. 98% of currency was created as debt so it only exists as negatives anyway.
It will thrive as long as the Kikes need it to thrive
The debt is only real when the creditor wants payments. World bank is happy and lend you more money when you do their dirty work. Like overthrow "dictators" because they don't want to play along.
But every henchman outlives his usefulness and comes to realize that the work he did for his master did nothing to paydown his debt.
ITT: People that think the largest economy on Earth works like your personal bank account.
this, one people come to actively collect there will be problems. That or the petro dollar collapses and USD is no longer the global reserve currency.
Anyway the USA is the bank of the world. So it will keep filling that role as long as it is needed. It literally has nothing to do with the productiveness of the American economy. In fact the USA has beena net-importer 4x for many years. It is possible that Trump will improve it, but the truth is that the USA would have already been bankrupt if it was not the central part of the global banking network.
Once the world returns to Gold as the Standard, all will go poof for everything else. It's not Rocket Science, you know. The West runs on worthless paper, which will soon lose all value. What do you think will happen, dork.
>How does America thrive with so much debt?
We're not exactly thriving. We don't have much of a manufacturing base. We have a service sector economy- yet so many of our retail stores and even restaurants have closed in 2017. We have a lot of people unemployed. We have inflation in housing and education prices.
>Is there a certain point at which we'll just collapse?
When the USD stops being World Reserve Currency. When China completes the Belt and Road and creates a new World Reserve Currency.
Which is why bitcoin will rise. It is the only money that is debtless and it is no more worthless than other money either.
The dollar will remain strong as long as we have the weapons to point at people when we make deals. At this point everyone has to be nice to us or we'll destroy their country. Our opening bid is "nice country you have there, it would be a shame if something happened to it"
if the economy expands faster than year-over-year interest payments on the debt, then you're fine
True too, the common measurements of prosperity really only applies to the richest 1%. Rest of the people are mainly just interested in employment.
Partly true, but Russia also got weapons. Equally important is that you are currently the chosen vessel of the world economy. That is hard to fix with your weapons, but for sure your weapons are good at enforcing the petrodollar.
the same way japan does except with a monopoly on force
The Chinese are working on the 'one belt one road' economic partnership of nations linking Chinese rail lines to India all the way through Europe.
China just made a pipeline deal with Burma as well, this is why there is currently a Rohinga Muslim refugee crisis there....Chinese are preventing Americans from radicalizing and weaponizing these muslims in the future potentially destabilizing Chinese interests.
I'm not going to act like I can predict the future, but it's not looking good.
National debt only matters if another nation has the ability to make you pay the debt by force.
Who's gonna bully America into paying up?
based English teacher also schooling people on Economics
>How does America thrive with so much debt?
No. We'd take down the world economy if we collapse. Too many countries rely on US T-bonds to support their currencies.
>Is there a certain point at which we'll just collapse?
No. We'd take down the world economy if we did.
Yep, but if the powers that be want to take down the world economy they will collapse the US economy regardless.
See the 08 housing market crash that almost turned amerifats into ameripoors
burgelandia is living on borrow money and borrowed time
soon the working class will realize that bailing out the financiers was worse than letting the lie of capitalism die and finally SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION
it used to be that you could measure the health of a country's economy by its ratio to the GDP. so when America used to have $5T in national debt vs a $10T GDP, then you were a model economy. all those faggots REEEE'ing about the debt pre-2000 were just ignorant
but now, obama raised national debt to $20T and our GDP is a paltry $18T, so we're past the 1.0 threshold of debt-to-GDP
he took the economy from a $12T debt (Bush Jr went from $6T to $12T in his 8 years) with a $14.4T GDP in 2009, to $20T debt to $18.5T GDP.
Obama basically borrowed $8T to raise the GDP by $4T over 8 years. but what else would you expect from a nigger
We still have enough resources domestically to support ourselves fairly well (for instance, we have more area of farm land than Europe has total land). Things wouldn't be as cheap here, but we'd survive.
Do you know who holds U.S. debt?
>hint: no you don't
It will happen when the world no longer follows or completely relies on the country, when our money is no longer coveted, so probably a little ways off yet.
But a downfall is inevitable, no country or people remain on top forever.
This is a pretty sage post.
we dont have any means of production here you retarded gommie
China is working to supplant the United States and dominate the world, they've been laying the foundation of that for at least 15 years now.
The vast majority of US "debt" is money it owes to itself, because it borrows against things like Social Security.
Only 34% of US debt is owned by external actors.
It's not a big deal, and never has been, other than something for politicians to jack off over.
Then why are the Israelies involved in arming the buddhists? And Saudis importing those shitskins?
That's what I'm saying, and the NK sanctions and threats are actually threats aimed at China, actually both....but china has also been checked in the South China sea by the Americans as well.
China is having border disputes with Pakistan and Pakistan is having border disputes with India.
>people aren't going to experience the happenings because they will be drafted to fight instead
>countries will soon have to be forced to go back to the gold standard to compete with Bitcoin
at any point we could snap our fingers and reset our debt to $0 but it would destroy the world economy as every single currency is based off US debt (wether they are willing participants or not)
we created the debt
we created the system that created the debt
we define what “debt” is
no new wealth is created
the best you can hope for is to own slightly more US debt
this is our club, you just hang out here
>*blocks your path*
Lol yeah lets just put the entire world's economy in the hands of a few autistic programmers and hope they dont log in and cash out their millions of Bitcoins they printed at the start.
>*has a wild mood swing for 40% of value*
>*takes 3 days to complete your transaction*
>*literally has no value, not even as toilet paper*
There is likely to come a point of recognition where it will become clear to holders of the debt that it will not be paid back in currency even remotely as valuable as the currency used to buy the debt precipitating a rush for the exits. Its hard to see how this will not eventually happen. So far no historical fiat currency has been able to last. There is no reason to believe the US dollar is exempt.
>*has a wild mood swing for 40% of value*
>*literally has no value, not even as toilet paper*
Yeah that some master level logic there, noncoiner, stay poor
>pol supports usd inflation
>pol hates bitcoin
Look at me, im the jew now
>Sup Forums is one person
Your newfag is schowing
Good God damn.
When Sup Forums says Jews play all sides....I'm literally shocked I didn't see this angle (which I absolutely should have).
>globalist/nationalist jew meme
>there are no good jews
>ancap meme flag
>digital currency
See what our former FED chairman has to say about it
That's not what China is doing, they are colonizing in the name of that trade belt
Holy shit, did I seriously just hear that?
A lot of people depend on the interest payments on that debt to heli ski and hang out on their yachts, user.
You best do your best go grow the economy. It's really the only way to service the debt, and if you don't service the debt then the jackboots will come and throw your ass in debters prison.
Damn straight you did, it's a pretty famous quote.
What do you suppose Quantitative Easing is?
> implying trillions of dollars in made up money means anything.
Government debt can be forgiven. Can't wait for this to happen and shit up our credit rating even more.