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Bringing back my favorite show. I approve!
hmm wonder whose behind this...
I like that doctor who had a really REALLY black female (you know, big lips, voice, nose, everything)
and then they named her Bill (a boys name)
and THEN shes also a lesbian who has a girl friend and they fuck and kiss and date and stuff
who the fuck watches this shit?
How do people justify this
My ex watches it with my kids.
may god have mercy on your children.
Young people need to learn to punch racists and take sides against their own kind somewhere.
The regency era was probably just as Black, and East/South-Asian as it was White.
i guess
it's a damn shame that Dr. Who has become literal BBC degeneracy propaganda, because Capaldi was great as the doctor, but he was wasted on this shit
>still watching telly
neck yourself tv licence cuck
>Dressing up chinks and niggers in human clothes
It's fucking bizarre, it's like putting clothes on giraffes and lemurs and trying to integrate them into society.
the worst is just the gaslighting. Census data says UK was 99.7% White even in 1960.
well I say this on every thread so I'll copy pasta it
friendly reminder that the reason they do this is because of demographic trends.
UK is one generation behind USA demographically, which is one generation behind Brazil... which is one generation behind South Africa.
Very soon, UK will be majority non-indigenous, and they want to look back at history and see themselves "represented.
History would be called "white washed" or "white supremacist" if they showed history as it actually were, with historical indigenous populations.
If you protest, they tell you, "its just history, a story, only a racist would care about the skin color of actors."
This trend will only accelerate, because there would be chimp outs if average BLACKED >80 IQ found out UK was 99.7% white until the 60s, when by 2060s, it will be majority non-indigenous.
Also, Western Europe is obviosuly on same trajectory demographically, with countries such as Sweden, France, Germany, and Benelux region being even more BLACKED.
I end with a Hitler
"If the war is lost, the people will also be lost and it is not necessary to worry about their needs for elemental survival. On the contrary, it is best for us to destroy even these things. For the nation has proved to be weak, and the future belongs entirely to the strong people of the East. (Eastern Europe.) Whatever remains after this battle is in any case only the inadequate, because the good ones will be dead."
Also the fact that it is always other races encroaching on whites, and nearly never the other way around, and certainly not accepted in popular culture.
girls, not kidding
>Dr. Who punching someone over a verbal insult
Character assassination complete.
I can see why this is your favorite show.
I've never been a fan of Dr. Who but even I think it is a real shame that they saw fit to ruin a decades old, well established character for the sake of their agenda. The Doctor is supposed to be reserved and noble, and in that second they turned him into a violent thug who settles problems with fists and not words. It may seem petty to some but this is a very good example of how these marxists will tread on anything to push their narrative.
Just imagine shitstorm if he said the same about Mohammed.
I used to watch this all the time on Nick at Night.
Oi mate! Crumpets and watermelon, we wuz royal n shite.
Whites in 1914 were 40% of global population
Projected to be around 2% by 2100, and every indigenous white country is projected to be majority non-indigenous by then, even Eastern Europe.
Blacks are ironically projected to more than mirror the whites
Blacks were around 2% of global population in 1955
Blacks are around 15% of global population today
Blacks are projected to be about 55% of global population by 2100, with Chinese Indians being about 45%.
If Race Realism is correct, Humanity is ultimately doomed.
This will permanently change the genetic make up of homo sapiens, as population growth after 2100 is projected to stabilize.
If Blacks continuing reproducing, and the theory of them going to European levels of reproduction by 2050 is incorrect, they will likely exceed 60-65% of global population by 2100, instead of 55%.
The only way to stop this, would be a genocide of 4000-5000 million people, something that would make the holocaust look like a tea party. The meme of "cut off aid" is an Ethiopia meme from 1985, and the countries in Africa growing so much, are largely not in famine anymore. Only very small desert countries, and like Zimbabwe still need aid to avoid famine.
When you see shows such as Star Trek, (not that long term space travel or FTL is physically possible), and you say "that's too diverse" not only should it be more diverse, it should be radically more diverse, as blacks and Asians alone will account for 90%+ of the genetic pool by 2100 alone, let alone further projections.
Take the genetic BLACKED pill, user, and embrace true horror.
Were whites really 40%?
to le atheists
atheist as a percentage of the population is actually shrinking, and Islam globally is mutiplying in absolute numbers, as well as percentage. Islam will be the largest global religion by 2050, and a plurality of Europe will be Muslim by 2100. Atheist as a percentage of the global population peaked in 1975, and has been shrinking since, as the growth of religious people exceeds that of people rejecting religion. As a result, atheistic or secular politics will become more fringe, and most countries, especially in the west, will adopt the Singapore model concerning free association and free speech, in order to prevent hysteria from the lack of cohesion.
>*Blocks Mohammed's path*
>Make me a kebab or else
population is going to collapse user, death rates will skyrocket for nigs and accelleration will commence. the remaining whytes and asians will be genetically enhanced and won’t need to breed anymore. they’ll liquidate the browns and engineer the one’s necessary to keep things running. no turner diaries will be necessary. its going to be miserable but the whyte genes will survive partially through genetic engineering of a new species. the blacks will be wiped off the face of the Earth save for a few valuable alleles for disease resistence, endurance, explosive strength. you all don’t think clearly about the demo change
The same people that thought Peeple was a good idea.
Checked. I literally teared up reiterating the destruction of our race.
Eat your horseshit, goyim.
Forgot picture
>Kill off old characters
>Create new ones for the current generation
4D Talmud.
>as population growth after 2100 is projected to stabilize
And you believe the projection? It's utter bullshit and I'll tell you why. It depends entirely on whims of politicians who aren't even born yet. And politicians depend on population growth for their paychecks.
Those "projections" are basically just the excuse politicians of today need to keep the status quo intact so they can continue being bloated fucking consumers that they are.
>as population growth after 2100 is projected to stabilize
And you believe the projection? It's utter bullshit and I'll tell you why. It depends entirely on the whims of politicians who aren't even born yet. And politicians depend on population growth for their paychecks.
Those "projections" are basically just the excuse politicians of today need to keep the status quo intact so they can continue being the bloated fucking consumers that they are.
>like 450 likes/dislikes
The last chance for this to be prevented was 1911. We've been past the looking glass for a while. I've written a lot about this but i'll tldr it
best case scenario is technological hedonistic nihilism, where people exist was tranhumanists plugged in to a unity network that simulates reality nearly flawlessly to each person's desires. AI is projected to be at human levels by 2035, and AI will be more intelligent than the collective brains of all humans by mid century. A very small group of trillionaires, mostly jews and chinese, will control actual reality, while the BLACKED basically subhumans and the rest are plugged in. This will supersede the race realism problem by AI taking over anything involving intelligence.
This will be mostly be possible by self-replicating AI and universal basic income. We already have people worth 100 billion. Do you know what compound wealth does to 100 billion over a century? These people will be so wealthy, and machines will do 99.9% of labor, they will essentially be transhumanist gods, gifting us an existence in the transhumanist hedonistic nihilism-based bug person utopia. Human rights, offense, free speech won't matter, because people will prefer their plugged in existence, the same way people enjoy their gadgets and being on Sup Forums or vidya today.
Holy shit Lancelot Link and the evolution revolution! I loved that shit as a kid!
Linear projections are bullshit. Most African infrastructures that supported their growth in the past few decades are overwhelmed as it is, they won't support the energy, sanitation, water and healthcare needs of millions more.
you people always pull some deus ex machina excuse why it won't happen
Chinese are pumping hundreds of billions to control rare earth metals and keep infrastructure functional
people such as bill gates are funding hundreds of billions to continue this population growth.
thousands of millions would have to die to prevent this. More humans will be born between 2050 and 2100, than have ever existed in prior.
There will be segments of society who outright reject that reality to live in primitivism.
they will be varg tier or Ted Kaczynski tier and be about as numerous as they are today
honestly probably a lot less
For the record, obviously I detest Kaczynski's attempts to bomb universities to prevent technological progress, his is an incredibly forward thinking and nearly prophetic foresight into the future and where humanity is heading.
Varg very similar if you can forgive his peculiarities
Nobody will just give the kind of money needed to provide four billion nogs access to free water, electricity and a place to crap. Without those necessities, there will be no growth. Nobody will make the massive investments required because nogs always end up not paying their bills or having local conflicts that make collecting those bills impossible.
I would probably choose to be an innawoods larper at that point too, though. I'm not cut out to be some elite hacker that can fuck with the system, and being in a 24/7 poz simulation is not an option.
we will probably have a trillionaire by 2030
people with tens of trillions by 2100
regular income, let alone shitskin income will come nowhere, near that. This is cosmic levels of income disparity.
They can afford to keep them alive as they are useful, and the rare earth resources of Africa, and the influence are more than worth it. I'm not talking retarded Rothschilds memes here, these are actual projections. There will be multiple singular people in 2-3 generations, making as much as the entire continent of Africa through compound interest off of already hundreds of billions in 2017. Not even including growth besides just compounded, as humans spend more and more on technology, leading to the transhumanist hedonistic nihilism bug man utopia.
In the distant future, reproduction will severely halt, probably global population ~1b after few centuries
doubtful if you're not someone already doing
doubtful even more you'd do it in a state where life is even more radically easy and involves virtually zero labor to be in a constant state of heroin sex food coma bliss.
doesn't matter either way, it's just my theory and my projection for 4-5 generations from now. A human born in 2100 will probably live 200-250 years in the enhanced state. Right now life expectancy increases today 0.4y/1y each year in industrialized society, and by late century will probably be more like 0.95+y/1y.
Please fuck off, niggers. And your Jewish overlords too.
just wait until the amazon LOTR show
Don't even get me started on the Netflix Witcher series
Dr Who used to be for young children and 18 yr old nerds, now it is for childish adults .
I passed Elementary School my dear Watson.