I have a superpower Sup Forums

I'm based and black, I can get away with far more subversion than any of you. What should I do?

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Confront hostility aimed at whites and redirect it toward Jewish whites.

It's easy under the (truthful!) guise of "wanting to be more specific".

Pick ONLY one.

You don't have to be white to be pro-white. Anywhere you see an intersection between two leftist identities, use your black authority and influence over them to make them fear and loathe one another.

This is literally the only thing anybody could do to help everyone.

Call out the Jews, THEY are the fucking problem with the world.

See video

How can I get black women to vote for trump?

Just brow beat feminists and soyboys with hatefacts and when they try to say anything tell them to stop whitesplaining and check their privilege then keep berating them about how feminism destroyed black communities and abortion is black genocide and Jews were the majority of slave traffickers. Then when they go silent out of confusion, anger and shame yell that their silence is complicity and that the holocaust never happened and corporations use immigration to undermine black communities and unions and homosexuality is a conspiracy to undermine working class masculinity. When they run away, place a swastika on your doorstep and when they say it's a hate crime call them racist for assuming a black man isn't allowed to embrace the teachings of a white philosopher like Adolf.


That is really good.

Fix your own community.


I'm only one man

Deport yourself

Make stupid movies, Axel Foley.

Money talks bullshit walks. I have thousands to invest in the logistics of psyops, how should I spend it?

I'm not allowed to leave the country

Why are there so many black people on Sup Forums tonight.

>What should I do?
I don't know, just be cool. Go back to being user so I can feel less awkward, like we're sucking each other's dicks for not letting the hate come between us.

God it's like a bad 80s buddy cop movie in here.


Stand up for whats right, and dont take no for an answer.

You see white nationalist groups. They’re trying atleast. BLM had a chance until jewish money&influence fucked it all up and made it a laughing stock.

Who’s that faggot in baltimore with the blue sweater vest thing, that claims to be the head of BLM. Deray someshit? Check out where he lives, who pays his rent, and who pays his paychecks.

Try to not find the name of a Soros owned organization. Good luck.

I mean... if you actually did this it would cause so much cognitive dissonance and infighting that it would be a psychological nuclear weapon and you'd probably be a celebrity in a few months.

Nobody would understand what was happening.


Nobody's forcing you to participate faggot. Go back to your trap thread.

Can you please explain to other black men that breeding with white women is ACTUALLY destroying the black race?

Also, get right with Jesus. Hate to see you burn in hell with the degenerate niggers.

You'll only be called an Uncle Tom if you show your power level and immediately dismissed. You need to push for shit under the guise of it hurting the right (if not, then at least in a marxist pro-black way).

You could get away with saying white nationalism has the same goals as black nationalism if you sound radical enough. Which really is the truth as both prefer segregation.

I'm voluntarily celibate, at the moment. No way other nigs will go for that shit. A LEGIT psyop needs to be initiated not some edgy teenager shit. Money's gotta be spent.

Become the new tupac with a happier message and be a gangsta rappa that raps about the conspiracy to wipe out whites who are your friends

Because its a false sense of power they have given you, you may get away with crimes against poorer white people but try getting away with it against rich white bankers and see how you 'get away with it'.
It's all part of the divide and conquer, you feel like you have power, white people get angry, cops shoot you, blacks feel racism is alive and well and blame whitey, whiteys get tired and feel you're all racist.
and if you think worldstar isn't teaming with Jews doing the same as pic related then....well I feel sorry for you and hope you and other blacks wake up and realise what is going on.

neck yourself as an example to others

Fucking this Just go full SJW black separatist. Don'y do the swastika thing, they might try to have you institutionalized in today's climate. Doesn't matter what truth is when you're caught in the cogs of society.

I'm in college, my plan is to make my way into the mainstream channels and play the role of blue-pilled simp, and go from there.

Argue for an ethnic nationalist state. A nation for Africans and a Nation for whitey. There would be far less hate if we did not have to live together.

Isn't it passed your bedtime kid?

If the Alabama election showed anything is that blacks are monolithic in siding with the left. Playing a simp that becomes 'redpilled' will only play to the, what 5% of the black people who would agree with you.

Just tell them Trump is promising gibs and the jews are lying about the republicans being anti-black/anti-gibs. Most black women are too stupid to do their own research in my experience

I have a fake news website in the works

Be sure to keep it in the tribe, black-user. There was some Spaniard on here last night convinced he could genetically modify women to literally make their immune systems reject non white sperm, and to give them vaginal secretions lethal to other races. Normally I'd have written this off, but the world has gone off the rails of late. CRISPR I think is what it is called. Now autists can do it at home.

But what exactly does it mean to be based and black? If you tell me I will advise you.

Yeeeahhh.....that sounds batshit.

Wog that desperately wants to placate the vast mach8ine of white nationalism that is about to crush him to dust under its wheels.

If I were black I would just fucking tortuuuuure liberals. I'd say anything I damn well wanted to them and just watch them squirm. It would be glorious.

I hate wat has happened to my ppl. It is embarrassing. I'm trained in PsyOps and civil affairs, but what Sup Forumstards don't understand is that influential, effective Ops cost money. I have a personal budget for this in the 10's of thousands but haven't seen any ideas that give me the confidence to commit to them.

The Jew has made a mockery of my people, and I want to at least attempt to retake a little bit of ground.

Look at GayHipHop for example


He does gay remixes of popular hip hop songs and makes these degenerate rappers look like the faggots that they are. Subtly implanting the idea that these rappers are degenerate losers that should not be looked up to.

No that's not me. I am a real nazi. As a nazi I want to steer all people towards embracing national socialism. Ideally we can get this blackie to leave our countries and lead hist people to a prosperous future in Africa. Also why you use some Aussie slang?

"We're not on your plantation anymore, massa" is the most powerful thing you can say to smug white liberals who pretend like they have all the answers.

Not only will you shut down any immediate debate, but they'll associate feeling like a racist with those arguments, even when you're not around.

So you are basically based because you have understood the deception of the Kikes and want to further your people? Fair enough.

Essentially what you need to do then is to strive towards a Black ethnostate seperate from the White one. Now as odd as it seems it is in your interest to cooperate with White "Supremacists" because if you do you actually get a say in the conditions of that ethno state as opposed to if you just let it happen.

Personally I would suggest you guys try to expand and fix Liberia, but in worst case you could setup your own state inside the US supposedly.

>I am a real nazi.
You're a real fucking moron, is what you are.

Being a National Socialist does not make you a Nazi, faggot.

I was too lazy to write it out faggot, get some irony. Of course I mean national socialist ( though not really high on the socialist stuff, let's jsut call me a fascist). Point is that I am aware of my race and I am not threatened by his race. Because I understand races I understand how to deal with blacks. And no it does not involve mixing. Essentially they need to get back in touch with their roots. We need to expell them of course, but if we help them adapt at the same time we reduce the risk of them crowding our borders again. That is what national socialism is all about. Get it?

And no I don't have much hope that cooperation will work, but we have to try everything we can in order to secure our race.

I can't really buy the ethno-state idea, because I already live segregated, which I prefer, but leaving a country my family has been in for hundreds of years, and that I fought in a war for is non-negotiable.

To be honest the whole ethno-state concept as it is laid out on Sup Forums reeks of sophomoric inexperience in the realm of real world ttps.


I will tell you what you should do, what will work 100% of the time...

Go to Jewish Shabbats. Free meals every Friday, it their custom. Say that your Jewish. Start inviting all your Black friends over.

Its their custom to sing and pray ALOT before meals. They hope it will bore you enough because your black, and blacks like excitement.

Do it anyways.

They will start to be racist. Call you a "Schwartze" (German for black) behind your back.

Smile and indulge in Jewish culture anyways. Let them know that your are Jewish and that you are HERE to stay.

And then my friend... then..

Make a move on their women. Get your black friends to do it. Bring in drugs. Invite them to parties. Rap concerts. Clubs. Bribe them with money.

It will drive them fucking crazy. Having a black dude hitting on Jewesses. They will try to take you aside and explain why you can't come.

Record it. Get them to suggest its because you are Black. Record it.

Then take it up with civil liberties union. Now you have legal power over them. Now they can't even stop you from injecting yourself into their culture.

Then invite the whole damn crew to take part in "Friday Night" Shabbats.

You'll know you have won when pop music is played at the services.

This is because your people (the Blacks) are currently inepts and that's why you lack confidence in them. However as an intelligent Black you got a better chance than a White in them listening to you. So your first task would be to educate your fellow Blacks and prepare them for the ethnostate. As for leaving the country, it seems some people like Spencer advocates you guys getting your own state somewhere in the USA anyway.

The concept of monolithic "whiteness" is really an American notion. You are Scandinavian, don't be so naive as to think you would get along with all "whites" as brethren.

There's nothing you can do for now except build only yourself up. They'll just shut you down or suicide you. Even if you got to Mel Gibsons level, you'll get Bill Cosbyed. Work the trenches, underground in your community. Sabotage from the inside out the other black leaders who ate screwing things up. Keep a low profile if you want to be of any help. There's will always be alot to do if you stay underground.

steal money to support you #backtoafrica movement, or #Blaxit, whichever you prefer.

You are not special, but thank you.


We already have pseudo ethno city-states in the US. There are some points of blending, but largely everybody lives and deals among their own kind.

Jews already love the bbc, I dunno about the hasidic


Volunteer at a local church for the youth ministries or something else that helps out male teens in your community. I did and saw a few more minority kids trickle in. Every one you can show that choices matter more than skin tone counts.

Stress that black nationalists and white nationalists have no quarrel with each other, and the conflict between our races is stoked by (((certain))) people for their benefit.

You dont because hes a kike puppet. Just focus on naming the jew thats the only thing that matters.

White people don't need "allies"

Clearly this forum is evidence of that...
Aye but it hardly works out great

Damn one good reply.

Damn one more good reply.

This white man says. Eat a dick you hateful fuck!

>Trying to hold back the tide

We have more in common with each other than with other races. And when the chips are down, we know we can rely on our closest relatives the most, cooperating despite our unique cultures when we are all threatened. Like our response to the Muslim and Turkish invasions of Europe centuries ago. Wrought with political intrigue, to be sure (fucking French), but you get the point.

>You'll only be called an Uncle Tom
Make a Jewtube channel to red pill the normies.
>call yourself: Uncle Thomas.

Is not about allies. We do have some overlapping goals. I have funding, but no solid ideas or platform. Sup Forums is essentially compromised, because it's popular. However there are lesser known chans that can literally be weaponized for propaganda purposes.

Start a race war by killing trump.

Wear a t-shirt that says "It's ok to be white"

I lol'd good shit here, you have to be careful you only get special treatment for being black if you are a leftist they will turn on you also if you show you true power level. Just do subtle subversion bets thing is to always point out the jew

stop larping Buckwheat memeflag
wise herb in options

share this stuff around

Be sure to let people know the kikes call you akum which literally means dog. In the talmud it says you are literally lower than a dog and should be treated as such

what in the actual fuck nigger are you retarded?


Obvious LARPfag is LARP. Y'all are retarded.

Breh, they're retarded. "There is a war", "Look at my Rolex"... sleep is better from this shit. I accept blacks into our "movement" of proper reality.

have you ever brought up the jewish slave trade among your friends? i'm thinking since they hate whitey they won't be shocked by some antisemitism. also what's the deal with sowell? he says the welfare state has worsened everything for black communities, destroyed cities Is he a coon? I wonder about these things based black man.

based or uncle tom