Why is Sup Forums aligned with the SJW's in their butthurt about the Jerusalem thing?
Why is Sup Forums aligned with the SJW's in their butthurt about the Jerusalem thing?
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Because of their pathological and irrational hatred of Jews.
im not, fuck islam
They all hate the Jews because they're successful. I wonder if something similar with happen with Asians in a decade or two.
Israel is the enemy of the White Race if you are Pro-Israel you are Pro-White-Death and you may as well join antifa and world for Blacked.com because that's how ANTI-WHITE you are you basically want a Holodomor 2.0 you sick cucked anti-white discredited retarded ZOG-loving Fuck!
Hitler was right, you need to get educated and loose the ZOGjewCation.
Proof that Palestine is Pro-White and Trump is a filthy Anti-White jew bitch.
Trump is more Anti-White than Antifa. He works for the Dual Israeli ZOG of America which is the only force with the power to White Genocide America, and has ruled America since before Israel was formed. Yes, they forced us to fight the National Socialist Freedom Fighters. Hitler was right.
If we want ANY one White Nation of the world to be Free, Palestine must be Free.
Laugh all you want.
If Palestine is not Free of ZOG Occupation, Which Genocide will never be ended as White European Nations of the World will NEVER be Free or have Any Chance of Being Free of Dual ISRAELI Citizen ZOG Occupation, which is the deepstate force within White European Nations that causes White Kike-Created Genocide.
Fuck Jew-Terrorism.
(((((( Op )))))) IS A JEW-TERRORIST.
Hitler was not racist 18 pages of truth:
Op is JIDF pretending to be a NATIONAL SOCIALIST.
One cannot be NatSoc OR Pro-White and be Pro-Israel.
If you are Pro-Israel you are Pro-White-Genocide and Pro-White-DEATH.
Trump is a filthy jew bitch too. He is Anti-White he supports Israel and supporting Israel is Anti-White so he is Anti-White.
And anyone having a problem with this is a Anti-White Antifa Retard Cucked Faggot of ZOG or just a Federal Agent / Jew Terrorist JIDF Mossad Kike
It’s literally gotten to the point where I can’t tell trolls from actual conspiritards. I guess it goes to show it’s impossible to satirize something that’s already batshit insane.
You are Anti-White for calling The Truth conspiracy and trolling. You are trolling the truth thus you are Anti-White and should just go join Antifa and work for blacked.com
You have no room to speak if you are Anti-White.
It’s just a shitty copypasta
You are discredited, don't open your Kike Swine JIDF mouth again. All three posters except myself are discredited as Jew-Terrorist JIDF agents so far.
They are clearly anti-truth / Pro-Israel.
The one I am responding to pretended to be Anti-israel in his first post but showed his other side.
Retardation does not show you as a pro-white.
If this is a joke to you, you are not Pro-White.
Trump is a filthy anti white jew bitch. If you did not know this and think that is a conspiracy, you are an Anti-White and are thus discredited. from having any relevant opinion on these topics.
This thread can't be fucking real....
I come back to Sup Forums after a 2 month break and this is the first thread I fucking see? Has the r/the_donald takeover finally been completed? Is this board r/t_d 2.0 now?
Fucking amazing....
They don't hate Jews simply because they're successful otherwise you'd see similiar hatred for Sikhs and Hindus in this country.
They're being very honest when they say they hate Jews because they meddle and pretend to be white in order to enact an insidious agenda.
What’s so insidious about their agenda. Sure individual Jews can be greedy manipulative scumfucks, but it’s unfair to attribute the actions of George Soros types to Jews as a whole. As to whether or not they’re white, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.
I legitimately support Palestine more than Israel.
Hitler was right he allied with Palestine against Jew Terrorism and Israel.
Israel is the ZOG of all White Nations in modern day that White Genocides White Nations World Wide.
If Israel continues as the ZOG of Palestine and White Nations, then guess what.
White Genocide Will Succeed.
So if you support Israel.
You are a discredited anti-white.
Whether you are paid or not.
Whether you know it, or not.
AIPAC 2018, if you're a Real Pro-White American.
You should lurk more.
since when are we aligned with jews
You are a National Socialist Freedom Fighter at heart than! Hitler would be proud of you, read more here: mourningtheancient.com
Hitler is for peace and no White Genocide and no Arab Genocide on Earth!
I need more of her
I can only speak for myself, but in my case I unironically hate Jews.
I'm a Monarchist but I respect National Socialism.
You can find her in your heart.
JIDF jumping on the thread fast. I wonder if the kike puppet president has increased funding for isreali shills and thats why Sup Forums is being flooded with pro-isreal posts.
It could just be actual retarded people from the_donald though.
Because the Jews shouldn't get away with it, fuck Palestine
This is what jews do. They coopt every threatening movement. This is why "purity spiraling" isnt a bad thing. Whats the point of bringing in more people if they transform your movement into something completely hostile to you.
>all these buttmad shitskins
I had no idea there were so many on Sup Forums. Good wifi in the refugee centers I guess.
No, Fuck Israel
>when you pretend your white and use taqiya to get the kuffars to die for al-quds but al-quds is still not muslim
must feel bad, being this powerless. Allah has abandoned muh Palestine, he must have for them to be in such an embarrassing situation
The actions of soros type jews are made possible because of their genetics. Every jew has the propensity for evil. There was a time when we thought segregation and deportation were enough, but after what theyve done to us now there is only one option.
fuck sand niggers. Jerusalem isn't Muslim and there's nothing you shitskins can do about it besides cry at the UN
Someone fire up the oven, we grilling tonight.
reminder that "palestinians" are only such good targets because they're fucking landwhales
>i-if y-you're mean to isreal ill call you a muslim and Sup Forums doesnt like muslims checkmate!
Nice dialectic shlomo but its a bit played out.
>more mad muslims
seriously though ahmed, give me ONE reason I should care if muh palestine isn't free besides "muh UN globalists says so". I find muslims subhuman so I can't be bothered to care about it otherwise.
only mudslimes get this worked up over the Jerusalem thing. Give me 1 reason why I should care where the US embassy in Israel is that doesn't involve muslim rhetoric
>the insane amounts of cognitive dissonance on Sup Forums trying to work out what the most contrarian position here is
Show your flag and fuck them both it should be a crusader state.
Step on a landmine kike
Because jews have destroyed western europe and so we want a president who actively works against Isreali interests and not for them. It points to Trump being yet another friend of kikes.
the root of the arab side to this conflict is the belief that a "muslim" land should not be under control of the kafirs, so your request is impossible
fuck Israel and fuck kikes
I support the Palestinians on this issue
and Palestinians are not the muslims that are coming too Europe
>can't give one reason
get deported shitskin
>and Palestinians are not the muslims that are coming too Europe
>white nation
>arabo-muzzie hellhole
You got to pick one.
You're not white Ahmed.
wtf muh based islam. #NotAllMuslims!
lmao, I love how you shitskins think this taqiya works. Trump still got elected, and he wants you subhumans O U T
I second this.
And yet Israel pisses off the commies and muslims. I don't see how the US embassy in Jerusalem hurts the US, except for getting you shitskins and leftists riled up
I hate Islam. I could never support any Islamic movement, period.
If you support Islam you're anti-white. Muslims killed and enslaved more of us than anyone else.
they're not you fucking kike
you have them trapped like rats in cages
they are literally living in a fucking gulag and each year you take more and more land from them.
You are doing the same shit you did to Russia and Germany you fucking jewish parasite.
And idk why you kikes are claiming Israel as your own, as far as i'm concerned, Israel is rightful fucking Christian and White clay.
The Swastika and Cross will be flying over Jerusalem soon, payback for what you satanic leeches did to our people in both world wars.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
>gets btfoed
>thinks no one will see and goes right back to calling people ahmed as a argument.
Holy fuck you kikes really are slimy. Hitler was 100x right about your argumentation style.
They are just buttmad muslims. No redpilled white man cares about Palestine, send all the kikes there
SJW: Israel is bad, stop being mean to those sandniggers.
Sup Forums: nuke the whole area
Your LARP is so bad I contacted your boss, I hope the JIDF fires you
Not Jewish, but he's right. You guys are no better than atheistic communists and are an enemy of western civilization.
If I had to choose between having a Jew on my bus or a Muslim for a long distance trip, obviously I'm going to pick the Jew because he's statistically a lot less likely to blow up the bus.
I hate Jews more
Everyone in this thread should see this as a good example of kikery. They create a dialectic, and force you to pick a side. This is the trap the_donald retards have fallen into.
If you arent a jew, and legitimately brain damaged, then it might shock you to hear that just because people we dont like hate something, we dont have to like it.
> shitskin
i'm not a nonwhite you fucking sperg
you think i'm a koshercuck cuckservative alt-lite faggot
i'm not
I;m a NatSoc and I couldn't give a fuck what religion you are , I only care about my people and avenging them from you satanic children of cain. you khazarian mongrel scum.
There were White Muslim SS Divisions that fought against the Red Pest that was spreading and engulfing Europe like a fucking plague.
Waffen-SS Handschar
Waffen-SS Skanderbeg
Waffen-SS Tataria
Waffen-SS Caucasian Legion (Chechen,Georgian,Dagestan,Azerbaijian)
Waffen-SS Free Arab Legion
Muslim and Christians united to take down our common enemy.
fuck you kikes and fuck Israel
and go back to plebbit you faggot t_d lolsperg trash
>I'm white guys, believe me!
>if you dont support jews you are destroying western civilization.
You have to tone down the gaslighting a bit if you want it to be believable schlomo.
> s-side with us goyim, s-side with Israel, we promise we aren't the ones promoting massive third world immigration to your lands to finish you off
kys shill
>id: SHr47BTu
SHar BTue
Share Blue
>Why is Sup Forums aligned with the SJW's in their butthurt about the Jerusalem thing?
Because it benefits the Jews
Anything that helps Israel is to be disapproved
His post had arguments. Take off caps and try addressing them.
Compare how many Christians Muslims have killed vs. how many Jews have killed. The obvious answer is that Muslims are the common enemy of Christians and Jews.
Hitler had lots of non-white accomplices because he operated under the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." That doesn't mean he viewed them as equals, he just thought he could control them. I doubt he would have ever invited them into Germany to settle and breed out their women like Merkel has done.
He didn’t post any arguments he just used his taqiyya to try to explain to these brainless white kuffar why Muslims are so “based”. Muslims are just as bad as Jews when it comes to deception
I didn't say that either. I just can't be made at them for putting bullets through Muslim heads. Any conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims I'm always going to side with the non-Muslims. India over Pakistan, Ethiopia over Somalia, Israel over "Palestine," and Europe over Islam.
kek, it's funny that you think i'm a muslim just because I support Palestine and not Israel
you koshercuck The_Donald plebbit faggots are fucking retarded
yeah ally with the kikes you fucking idiots, the same ones who wouldn't even blink twice to send a nuke to America or Europe with a push of a button.
I suggest you take a look at what the SAMSON OPTION is before you cuck to Israel.
they have all of their nukes pointing at America and Europe , if they go down one day , they are taking all of us with them as revenge.
one more thing, just because I support Palestine doesn't mean I am ok with the muslim rapefugees flooding Europe right now, they all have to go back, but Israel needs to be fucking glasses and the kikes need to pay for what they have done to my people.
>meme flag
Sup Forums is dead. Organize irl.
Take off that flag, kike. We're against Israel because you're the bad guys.
Never change.
>Compare how many Christians Muslims have killed vs. how many Jews have killed.
Jews have killed more Christians simply through wars caused in their favor post-WW2 that the numbers Muslims have killed are negligible
All Americans killed in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and other conflicts have been for the benefit of Israel
Huh? Jews have killed orders of magnitude more whites. They've done something even worse still, distorted our countries and have us living in depraved fake realities.
I think you're a Muslim because that's how you sound. If you're not a practicing Muslim then you probably have family ties to them. What is worse than Islam? Also it's useless to pretend these people are a nation. The only nation they have is Islam, all names they come up with "Iraq," "Jordan," "Saudi Arabia," etc., are just regional subdivisions.
I will admit, Most Israelis and Jews in general are just khazar and Russian Converts. Still doesn’t mean I don’t want to see them all gather in the middle of the desert instead of america. Plus they won 2 wars against the entire Arabic world so they deserve the land through conquest
I'm not talking about your conspiracy theories, I'm talking about actual facts.
Jews have done infinitely worse to the european race than Muslims have. I dont like either but a bunch of low iq sand people wouldnt be a threat if jews hadnt subverted us.
are you fucking serious?
the fucking kikes started both world wars to finish the white race off.
They slaughtered 60 million Christian Russians during the RED TERROR and 20 million Ukrainians during the Holodomor.
they killed 10+ million Germans after ww2 was over.
They opened the gates of America in 1965 and fucked us all up.
They flooded Europe with nonwhite shitskins after Germany got defeated.
They fucked up The Third Rome, Russia fell and was destroyed.
fuck off with your kosher cucking, kikes are our true enemy and the only ones that are pushing an agenda to wipe out the white race.
Muslims wouldn't be a problem for us if they stayed in their own nations.
But whose bringing them to the West? ah yes, the fucking filthy hooked nosed kikes.
Listen up, kike. Not only you are the same kind of desert trash as the mudslimes, you also have shit for a soul. Israel is disgusting and there will never be peace in the world while it stands. I dont give a fuck about sandniggers like you or your neighbours, you're both sandgod worshipping jokers.
Because kebabs once again fail to get their shit together and drive them into the sea after POTUS RGB(208, 178,120) set the table for a chimpout.
>Northern India is Islamic
lol wot
He did nothing wrong.
Then go back to the_donald no one here is going to take you seriously for having a kike-created worldview.
Jerusalem should be turned into radioactive glass along with all the sandniggers on either side of it.
Trump is doing the Lord's work. He's sowing hatred of Jews throughout the world, and by extension, of their HQ the USA. When the Jews are done converting the US into a broke, powerless Brazil, hopefully, the rest of the world can finally make some headway in solving the perennial Jewish problem.
> I think you're a muslim because you don't think like a cuckservative lolsperg
I'm a NatSoc, you haven't even taken the true redpill faggot, you're nothing more than a fucking koshercuck, a stupid shill that can't seem to grab the bigger picture.
Muslims are the symptoms yeah? but the fucking disease ARE THE FUCKING GOD DAMN KIKES, you got it?
Holy fuck the absolute state of plebbit fags.
Yes he did, he didn't kill the Jews, now we have to deal with that mistake ourselves
I'm not talking about your nonsense conspiracy theories, I'm talking about actual facts which cannot be disputed. Islam has unleashed nothing but a violent bloodbath on this world, and I can never be sad when those savages are shot regardless of who is doing the shooting. All you people showing butthurt over Jews "occupying Palestine" aren't bothered by Islam occupying Constantinople.
The perfect embodiment of anti-Tradition and ignobility, the modern West, which the Jews, more than anyone else, have crafted, is worse than Islam.
> letting the people who killed your people in both world wars have anything
kek why are you such a fucking cuck?
fuck the fucking kikes, those khazars don't even come from the middle east, they are all Turkic mongrel scum that should sent to fucking central asia where they fucking belong.
The Levant is rightful Christian and White Clay.
The Swastika will be flying high over Jerusalem because us Whites fought for it during the Crusades, the kikes can go fuck themselves, those 60+ million people who died at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks will get avenged one day, don't think the kikes will get away scotch free.
The day of the rope soon.
Islam at least breeds warriors, devotion to the metaphysical, submissive women. Murcuh breeds grotesque porn and fast food.
>All left wingers are Jews
>FDR was a Jew
>Merkel is a Jew
Sorry, but I'm not able to make sense out of your claims. IT seems you don't know much about the world. Muslims will never stay in their own countries, that's the whole problem with them. What have you got against shooting them?
False, the kikes have enslaved and destroyed far more than even the muzzies. At least two jews have been detected, both wearing meme flags. You will regret betraying your humanity.