>Blame soy for femenization of men
>It turns out its really just girly anime that pol watches.
What will pol do now that there shitty soy theory has been DEMOLISHED?
>Blame soy for femenization of men
>It turns out its really just girly anime that pol watches.
What will pol do now that there shitty soy theory has been DEMOLISHED?
I don't care what makes those bois so pretty when they dress up.
All I know is, I like it. They are so qt
It was the (((japs))) all along
I'd fuck the one with the purple hair
How does this btfo me?
It looks like another shitty photoshop cartoon like Muttdoch Muttdoch
>Associates "her"self with anime obsessed trannies
>"Undeniable correlation"
...In his circles yeah. This isn't even a study, just a
half-baked theory.
Can i see some proof of this soymeme soyboy?
left is actually fuckable. damn.
Can I see how this refutes any evidence provided for the soy argument? Whether it be pesticide, chemical or cellular composition, or even processing of soy. Soy has only recently become a problem, like corn. Each of these have been so heavily genetically modified that it's hard to call them the same plant.
Im gonna need to see more evidence
Perhaps you should consider this piece of evidence.
I want one of my own ;_;
what is that
Isn't that guy in the middle OnlyAfro?
I can give you evidence, Especially of the GMO Corn, Cotton, and of course, to a somewhat lesser degree, soy. I'm a bigger fan of documentaries myself and so I'll recommend a few for this: Food Inc. , The Yes Men Save The World, and Forks Over Knives. Food Inc. is the most centered on it, specifically focused on Monsanto, before they declared bankruptcy in the face of several high-profile lawsuits and hid under Bayer.
Das rite goys, drink ya soy milks
It's a boi with very pretty undies. Much like pic related
Would pay good money to see these traps sent to a prison canteen, then all the guards go away and leave them with the sweaty, smelly, buff inmates.
We all do, user :3
The middle one is actually ugly though. His name is Afro something. You can see he's even covering his mouth with his hand to hide his ugliness.
Would do the one on the left
>sweden has catagorised milk as a hate symbol
>pewdiepie recently said not to drink milk
Guys is pewds dare I say /notourguy/?
I call bullshit, no adam's apple.
Nigger i am a skinny beta and have a thicker adam's apple.
No, Hans.
>cute girl
>cute bulge
The only thing that would make him cuter is if he was locked in a chastity cage :D
reminder that the only way to get the gays under control is to dress them up as girls and fuck them into submission. This has the added bonus of making women jealous
That is as adorable as it is hot.
her little cock would be safer in my mouth than in a cage
>Weak willed men want to live life easy with as little suffering as possible.
>See women in current year getting a free ride through life
>Can't tap into that mainstream easy street yet
>Cross dress at anime cons because people there are chill as fuck and won't ridicule you if you put effort into the cosplay
>Weak willed men become addicted to the attention and praise they get from their cosplay they put into it
>They get the wrong idea and think those guys want their soypussy
>They continue doing it and get the attention of a very tiny minority of degenerates in the anime community
>This justifies their faggotry.
Youre not gay if you like traps, only degenerate
This is the trappill
Fucking kek.
>demolishing a strawman
>demolishing a false representation of an argument
Do you tackle scarecrows in fields sometimes too?
Maybe some of them, but not all of them...
Some of them wanted to do this ever since they were very very little...
some transgender women could have clearly scored girls/guys before transitioning. but they still transition because deep down they're girls and they're unhappy pretending not to be.
Would def bang
Plus he probably acts super femme, which is a big turn on
it's not because they're girls trapped in guys' bodies it's because they have a sexual fetish of being a girl.
If you're going to beak chinese cartoons, get the genre right at least. Moe is shit.
How much would it hurt you if I just said all of them were traps.
>Blonde Kalindra
Thanks leaf
oh fuck off with that made up nonsense
>muh happiness
>muh genitals
all trannies deserve death if they cant act fucking normal
>you'd stick your (probably small to average) dick in the asshole of a "feminine" man?
i'd get a blowjob and that's it. Also beat them up for being so fucking gay.
embarrassing, Hans don't let these faggot leafs trap you
you realise medium is just a blog?
like, you could start one and write how Earth is flat? lol
get out anti-anime shills
>deserve death
you're retardedly edgy, sperg
>common, reccuring subjective experience of trans people is nonesense
>subjective experience is nonsense
fucking tard. Gender dysphoria is real, the real question is how do we deal with it. Do we let them transition? We have to let them. I don't believe we should restrict someones sovereignty over their own bodies.
the big issue is putting this propaganda on kids.
what a tragedy. Goes from being a 9/10 male with chiseled, masculine features, to a non-passable 0.5/10 giant jawed tranny.
haha, came here to say this. i'm straight as an arrow, but the more fuckable shit the media creates the happier i'm going to be. the more angry and bitter all these other guys get about it the more to go around for me too.
i got dibs on the one to the far left, btw.
Fuck you leaf cunt.
. If I wasn't driving right now and phoneposting with one hand I would post a shit-ton of smug lollis in this thread.
Help me out NEETs.
hopefully she's more happy being a girl. I question that though.
I hope you crash into a roo you fucking gunless motherfucker
Reply or your pet roo will die in its sleep tonight
wtf im gay now
>i got dibs on the one to the far left
You're about 10,000,000th in line, faggot.
Goddamn he's qt
If liking cute dickgirls makes me a degenerate then so fucking be it. Feminine cock is a godsend.
I'd go for the same user
doesn't matter, we sexbot now
I am not guy, but jesus i would fuck all 3 of them.
They are so cute!!
>letting the mentally ill permanently damage themselves
the left one is a qtie :3
You have the gayest flag of the three Baltic States.
Does that effect your psyche?
i want a soyboy gf
i appreciate your forthrightness. it makes you not gay because you're not insecure about it.
yeah fuck it. you want to kill them anyway so why not let them mutilate themselves?
besides, it's their body. let them do what they want.
Also, transitioning does make some people happier. Denying someone happiness is fucked up.
You're not the only one.
wanna kidnap him and take turns? we'll treat him nice so he likes
is there a version of this with sound?
all those gook embarrassments are uggo as fuck tho. wouldn't even spit on/10
>in Blanchard’s terms,
warning bells.
>but why would an average straight boy have feelings of sexual submission in the first place? (I doubt that any person naturally has such feelings.)
Wildly inaccurate. Teen boys, or beardless youths as the Greeks called them, naturally have sex with older men in terms which are submissive. Having surrendered as a downy-haired teen into the strong arms of an older man I would think is a fine thing to experience. It isn't going to cause some sort of masculine failure later on in life where he cannot fight an enemy or take control in an emergency.
I'd probably fuck any of the four of those sissies.
Just no talking at all. Before, during or after.
>anime imageboard
>doesn't like anime
fair going. make sure to smack em around a bit. low self esteem messes like them love that shit.
Anime is for real men.
Because moot was a cuck
Trap sex absolutely requires some choking and slapping around. Only cuddling is peaceful. Sex should be degrading for these non gendered faggots.
There is definitely a connection
I have been on imageboards since 2005 and around 2008 or 2009 I started noticing a lot of trap posters and then boards like /cd/ on 420chan.
Around 2009 - 2010 shows like Maria Holic and Hourou Musuko started appearing.
I hope this all happened naturally and wasn't coordinated by the CIA or jews.
Go to any trans group on steam and you'll notice that 99.9% of the users have anime avatars.
>implying the soylent grin nu-males would let themself be seen within 10ft of anything anime
Fuck off, retard.
I'm telling that you retards for years now. Anime is pure poison for the west. Hell, not even Japs themselves can really cope with it.
would suck dick of that one in the middle
Full homo gay dude here I would bury my cock so deep in the left and rights ass that the one who could pull it would be crowned King Arthur.
Anime just needs to depict healthy masculine values.
no, he's just a cute and i would love to get assfucked by cute boy
thank you based japan
It's.. So beautiful ;')
missing a few cromos
Does anyone have that image of Japanese men Then vs now, with the badass looking gruff dude on the left and the bitch boi on the right?
Japan did nothing wrong
you wrote this yourself, didn't you?