World in 2118. Only serious posts, how will world be geopolitically 100 years later.
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World in 2118. Only serious posts, how will world be geopolitically 100 years later.
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Those tits remind me of shoe0nhead
Enjoy the ban.
i like the pimples on the stinky pepperonis. those are the best part
absolute chaos
>Most of western Europe will be majority non-white
>Also implementing de-facto sharia law
>Break up of east/west europe (eurozone) - east to remain white west europe to become non-white
>west europe to be crippled by debt due to most current gen whites dead and no one to replace the working population,
>america non-white, also in cripping debt
>BRICS the new super group due to remaining ethnically homogenous and low/no welfare state
australia to become around 50/50 asian non asian but due to close ties with china will remain relatively stable
thats if the US doesn't kick off a worl war due to the petro dollar becoming obsolete
fun times it's a shame i'll be dead
Does she have nudes? I've never heard of any.
>Ethnically homogenous.
That's funny user. Tell me another one.
god damn those are nice breasts
user don't post porn plz
there are people trying to nofap here
this should be a virtuous board
> only serious posts
> open with A+ tiddies
are you retarded?
BRICS is a dead meme because of Brazilian chaos and South Africa never really belonging there anyway.
China and Russia will absolutely rule though when not if the petrodollar is smashed and the U.S. balkanizes as country
100 years is too far ahead to even discuss with any certainty whatsoever. In 1918 no one would have foreseen television, jet engines, or the internet let alone penicillin. With the speed of technological advancements any speculation is meaningless. I suspect we'll finally have those flying cars they originally promised us by the year 2000
The only way U.S. Balkanizes is if it gets nuked. So unless you think nuclear Armageddon is in our immediate future then that's a no.
This planets likely doesn't exist in 100 years anymore, titties.
Just won 0.001 bitcoin cash on the blockchain lottery. I think I'll buy an island and retire.
if the us balkanises where will that happen? will cuckifornia secede?
Doubtful. What would be the practical sense for any business to manufacture them?
There will be neat prototypes that work but it will always be a meme tech. Also think about how it would need to be regulated by a nation/state. It would be a pain in the ass having to set up a whole new system of air traffic control that monitors where these cars are going.
if there's some form of energy production which can generate sufficient force to lift 1 tonne of steel off the ground efficiently that's also not petroleum based.
>Calls it cuckifornia
>Thinks it can secede
Texas is probably the closest to anything of a separate country in the United States.
>1 tonne of steel
correction some type of light super strong synthetic polymer. 3d printed off course
after the success of the wall, national borders are enforced by every country walling themselves off on all sides.
then the titans attack
>China and Russia will absolutely rule
show your flag, you fucking traitorous leaf
china will have to change dramatically or crumble under its own debt in less than 30 years. You think it's homogenous? It's ripe for balkanization too
russia? please. the only thing keeping them afloat is energy, mainly gas, and military exports. the US can do the latter too, as well as the rest of europe, if a crisis forces you to throw away your principles and export to countries you wouldn't consider in the first place. and given the algerian route, and the fact that europe is less dependant of the russian gas every day that passes, I'd say it will be russia joining the debt crushed economies
Possible, just retarded is my point. It will be nothing more than a hobby craft for your average citizenry. I mean they basically already have vehicles that do this for the military.
We will be a superpower.
america only retains power due to petrodollaar hegemony. once countries start trading in their own countries and oil becomes obsolete their power/influence will wane dramatically
At least you have hope.
100 years is a long time. imagine being able to drive-fly across your state in 1/5th the time it takes to drive?
Russia is forecast to drop in GDP ranking due to reliance on oil (as opposed to gas) and their inability to diversify their economy.
*currencies i mean
you won't be nothing except shit. your country is shit and will remain shit for centuries. 90% of your population are literal retards
That is far from America's only power source and should the petro dollar collapse it will also dramatically effect every other nation on Earth in a negative light unless someone figures out something to replace oil effectively and then monopolize it.
slide thread... sage in all fields goys
Does it even matter? Every single one of us will likely be dead. The world could literally blow up up 2118 and it wouldn't make a difference to any of us.
This is basically politics dumbass. Not everything has to be about Jews.
OK but we are still talking about regulation and control. Just because they can make the tech affordable and effective doesn't necessarily translate into mass production.