>left side
Liberal hellhole
>right side
Conservative paradise
According to Sup Forums
>It's another "regulation causes prosperity" episode
Like Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago...
Apparently someone has never visited San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or any other major Progressive stronghold.
The exact opposite is true though, every major city is Democrat controlled and looks like the left.
most of this is just backwards though
>cut rate liquor
>payday loans
these are found almost exclusively in blue neighborhoods
This is a slide thread
Slide threads are created by shills
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>he doesn't live in IGotMine Estates
lmao'ing at ur life
Both are bad
So on the right side, I can buy liquor, smokes and guns and hang out at the strip club. All of which I can afford because there are big chemical and mining companies to work at as well as a large bank and factory farm. On the left side I can be a huge faggot.
>be country on democrats
>windmills causing sound pollution, driving everyone insane, causing hearing deficiencies
>organic garden produces only enough to feed 3 people in a town of 5000
>light rail houses homeless niggers that rape everyone
>community going bankrupt do to credit union handing out gibs and giving more money to small business that have to pay higher taxes causing economic collapse
>go to job center
>can't get a job because theres only two cafes and a bike rental in the whole city
living next to chemcorp is unironically more appealing than next to monorail
The left side is what liberals wish their side would look like..it ends up looking like the right side more or less
No, it's an "infinity niggers and spics creates Eden because of magic dirt" episode.
Funny, I see tons of those payday loans places in places with solid democrat control.
people make a country great, not politics
>art by greenberg
>no niggers on the right
Im sold
Why do you monkeys even have internet
>democrat side has a union hall and job center but no actual employers
What did they mean by this?
Good catch!
let's see here. Democrats don't have a city park, nor any housing. Somehow they reduce the temperature by about 27 degrees, and for some reason republicans have a ban on libraries operating for longer times.
i'm confused. and yet, I remember the mindset. sad.
>oh look a cartoon I made that reinforces my bias and derides my political opponents
>this proves I'm right
Progressive economics is everybody selling each other cups of coffee, Etsy shops and magic technology wizards who make iPhones without massively environmentally damaging rare earth materials.
The Democrat side would look like Bartertown in two weeks. Virtually everything is a public service but there’s only one producer, the organic farm. There’s a job placement center, but no skilled positions available save for maybe the monorail engineer. People certainly aren’t going to shell out for a degree when the best they can hope for is part-time at a coffee & bike rental shop. You’ve got a Union Hall, but no skilled trades present, meaning unions have taken hold of menial jobs like truck driving, which doesn’t seem to be a problem because the roads are restricted to hybrids and smart cars. It’s a society on the verge of collapse and it’s amazing it progressed this far.
You morons who think pol has always been right wing are missing the point, pol has always been a devils advocate, hence the name of the fucking board. Right now the world is leaning heavily towards the left, it only makes sense the backlash would be on the right. If it was the other way around and the media pushed a right wing agenda you can bet pol will be on the left.
Democrats don't buy sex? I- if you say so
The picture is quite silly as many of the businesses that it claims to be republicans are actually democrats while the ones claiming to be democrats are republican type businesses.
Left is canada right is Detroit. Left looks like my fuggin town
the wall cant come soon enough.
A more accurate representation would be Detroit. That shithole was run by democrat after democrat to hell and back.
if it were the old left, maybe
not this "open your borders and your arseholes" suicidal left
How did being pro rapid transit = left winger?
I'm all for rapid transit but would consider myself right.
The right side's cost of living is actually affordable. The left side's cost of living is only affordable in crime-ridden ghettoes that make the right side look like a wealthy neighborhood.
This is the third thread you've made tonight. Aren't you tired?
Conservation is a conservative value. All the great foresters and environmental minds have been hunters and conservatives.
In fact to this day in the US hunters provide 3 BILLION dollars towards conservation. Animal populations and land quality is on an huge rebound because of hunters.
Each of those cities is a better place to live than literally any Republican-run city. And I don't even like the Democrats, actually I would argue Trump was a better choice than Clinton all things considered.
>recognizing that libtards and republitards both have flaws is not allowed
Amerimutts are retarded
>leftist don't realize that leftist policies create the right only instead of all the strawmen policies it's just ''nigger library, nigger projects, nigger loans'' etc
>Uruguay 88% White
>UK 81% White
>Organic fruit
>All those vegetables in the ground
Leave it to a Liberal to confuse the two.
>Republican-run city
There is only one, Colorado Springs, that is it. Just Republican-run towns and villages
Where's the gibsmedat station, or the gay aids infested bar, or the 3rd trimester abortion clinic, or the worthless college, or the local NAMBLA chapter, or the niggers shooting up the local school where no child gets ahead, or the piss infested, chronically late bus, or the SS thought police, or the big nosed jew rubbing his greedy jew hands because he owns all media, or the long socialized medicine hospital lines, or the crippling debt, or the big jew bank the muslim genderqueer nigger president bailed out?
The liberal side doesn't seem quite right without it
Honestly it both looks like a liberal country. On one side you have the rich liberal elites that live in their little enclave while thinking they are urban, and on the other you have all their poor nigger pets that keep voting for Democrat.
Sup Forums has become a cesspool of partisanship and retardation. Sup Forums is dead. This is nu/pol/ now.
Liberals can't feed themselves. That's why they need welfare. You can't expect them to know the difference.
Miami-dade is R
yes they are
>i draw bad stuf an put repulaican nexto it i draw igood stuff an put demorcan nex to it wow ppol btfo!
also all of their cars run on wind turbines
On the democrat side, you need to replace the white guy shooting a bird with three blacks shooting eachother, the church with a mosque, and the other cross with a sign promoting atheism.
>left side
pedophile in the bushes
>right side
user comfy playing Duck Hunt
Reveal your leaf
The streets of san fransisco are filled with homeless and "socialist" "progressives" walk over them like they are nothing,
>I lvi draw to rek naze
Somebody draw a naked guy jacking off out a window on the left side.
Also draw some BDSM freaks fucking a child in the street with rainbow flags everywhere.
>this is what liberals really thnk
you are gay
>a train that goes nowhere
yep, liberal indeed
The Left side missed a few things.
>jew cities
>better place to live
>"goyim, you better make over 100k a year if you want even a "white trash" level of living."
Right, a better place to live. For the almost million dollar shit-tier house you buy in LA would buy you a fucking giant mansion and a few acres of land in any "republican-run" city in the U.S. Fuck off, you commie piece of shit.
>left side has to import electricity from the right side because those wind turbines sure as hell wont be cuting it
San Francisco native. Don't come here. The sun doesn't reach the concrete in certain areas because people insist on building the tallest fucking sky scrapers and other disgusting glass towers. Fuck this gay place
Yeah, right for me
Hmmmmnm...Art by Steve Greenberg.
Mere coincidence
forgive me for I am a poor memer with only MS Paint at my disposal.
>nigger transit
1 post by this id , slide thread sage
Where do the people on the left work? How do they make the money to maintain all those community projects?
People of the left hold one of four "occupations":
1. Rich person at a company traditionally thought of as "right wing" making money off gaming the system, who abuses tax loopholes and pretends they don't, lives in a gated community that let one rich black uncle-phil type family in and preaches about diversity, and is perfectly willing to spend other people's money on social programs because they're obsessed with virtue signalling or so self-loathing that they are actively doing things they know will destroy traditional white society, since they're sure their "ally" status and money will protect them with the socialist coloreds descend upon them.
2. Poorfag who got a college degree in women's studies and considers themselves "educated" or "intellectual" as a result, who has been working their "temporary" wagecuck job as a cashier, waiter/waitress, shelf stocker, fry cooker, etc. for the past 5 years with no end in sight. These people's lives are failures in spite of them embodying everything they were promised would lead them to success and happiness, and they blame conservatives for their shortcomings.
3. Actual government employee faggot. Lazy retards who can't cut it in the private sector who fill a needless position in an agency hemorrhaging money, failing to solve problems that probably don't really exist and paying union dues so they cannot ever be fired for any reason.
4. Gibs me dat professional welfare niggers and spics/illegals. These people's entire occupation is not having one, and pumping out babies for that sweet sweet crack...I mean welfare money.
This is all that there is. These are the archetypes.
Ever seen West Virginia, Idaho, the Dakotas, or any other conservative stronghold?
I guess Belarus should be the best place in Europe, and Equatorial Guinea the poorest place in Africa.
ebin meme XDDDDD
West Virginia was a Democrat stronghold until the 2000 election where it started to swing Republican nationally. Dems won it in 96, 92, 88, 80, 76, 68,64, etc. They currently have a democratic senator, and the republican senator they have currently was the first to win a seat as a republican in their state since 1958. They elected Robert Byrd from 1958 until he died in 2010, one of the only senators in US history to serve 9 terms. During that time the other senators were Jennings Randolph (D) and Jay Rockefeller (D). If you remember Robert Byrd, it's because he was one of the many racist democrats the party tried to keep out of the spotlight while mudslinging towards the republicans about race relations. He was a KKK member- the same guy in the photo kissing his good friend Hillary "Bring them to heel" Clinton.
12 members of their state senate are democrats, their current governor was originally elected as a Democrat and has since changed parties to the Republicans, the past 3 governors before him were also Democrats. You could say if you want to talk about what a shithole West Virginia is, it would be unfair to attribute that to the Republicans.
its kinda sad that leftists are so unintelligent to actually believe the very strawmen that they build of their opposition... We really need to start sterilisation programs for left-wing subhumans to stop this plague of smug, fart-sniffing retardation.
after your leftist sophistry has destroyed a town, move to a conservative stronghold you so hate in order to live like a normal human but also bring your marxist insanity there too so you can also destroy that place too. Pretty much the same way cancer behaves... Pinochet had the right idea...
>YourCountry ONLINE.jpg
>art by Steve (((Greenberg)))
Goyim, I...
when you are wrong about everything you have to lie even to yourself to keep your brainwashing from collapse
Good thing our BSP is already sterile or in menopause.
Also worth noting that the reason why it's starting to head Republican is because people are starting to see that Democrat policies always lead to failure.
Interesting.... You mean the same PC college students that support the Israel BDS are supporting the Jews? The Jews have loose puppet strings on these people, but the controlled aren't supporting Israel or Jews right now.
Imagine drawing this unironically.
Lurk more newfag
Miami is on the right, everything west of I95 is the ghetto filled with niggers, spics, Haitians.
Look at Detroit. That's your country on Democrats.
Look at Orange County. That's your country on Republicans.
>strip n poke her club
Hell Yeah!
these wind engines kill lots of birds
Pretty comfy to me.
t. Used to live in Nebraska
>thinking there is a difference between the two
Both are going to let mass immigration of subhumans, both suck the dick of the fossil fuel industry and both are funded by corporate and banking interests.
Objectively: both are the right side, only difference is that the democrat side would have slightly more brown people.
>what is an outlier
Equatorial Guinea are indeed incredibly piss poor but have a high GDP per capita (proportional to other African countries) because the rich are just really, really rich. Also, Belarus doesn't even exist.
where is the truck of peace and Merkels happy barriers ?
it looks more like
regulated capitalism
free market utopia
The left option with no xenos sounds pretty good to me