Is she right?
Is she right?
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Sounds like her colleges blew her the fuck out.
part 2
my theory is that she used the numbers her friends gave her as blackmail to give her a raise or she'll use "muh sexism" card
This is what your Twitter feed looks like when you're fishing for attention, and have the maturity of a first grader.
If I was her boss and saw this twitterfeed, I'd fire this dumb bitch on spot.
>implying my workplace hires women
>smile more
the problem with this is that when you do that you could be sued for sexual harasment
here in belgium we have a tv comedian with a long carrier realy, started for kids and the yought to more adult humour.
he's getting sued now for tings long ago , the main reason because he smiled alot and put a too friendly hand on some's shoulder..
sued ? sewed?
>my theory is that she used the numbers her friends gave her as blackmail to give her a raise or she'll use "muh sexism" card
the perfect jewish trick and yes this happenend before,even among male collegues.
SJW are making themselves crazy by believing their own bullshit. This is actually good/
>Oh so do I
This doesn't apply to me because no women can handle working in my field thus there are no women in my office.
I'm a research engineer designing integrated circuits
My God. It is as if an entire generation was raised with no cultural inheritance.
It's sued
Sewed would be past tense for the act of sewing (like cloth)
Vp pence said he never has a solo meeting or dinner with any female that is not his wife
Starting to seem like a good plan
I'd tell her how little money I make, but then she wouldn't fuck me.
*sensible chuckle *
This is why working with women is a fucking nightmare, all they do is create drama in the workplace.
WTF why does John who's been with the department for over 10 years make more than me, the new hire out of community college women's studies?
Where is the social justice in this blatant cis-skin patriarchy?
TFW the hot women I work with make way more than me
>HR is typically in charge of salaries
>HR departments are overwhelmingly dominated by females
>Women still end up with less money
Pick only one
other than killing some cult members nothing anyone says is relevant
she's right but for all the wrong reasons
hiding how much you make and making money a taboo subject is a jewish invention, made so the employee won't know how much of a peon he is. people should be open about their salaries, thus the employee and ultimately the consumer will have as much information possible thus bringing the market closer to a true free market.
salary shaming leads to disinformation, which ultimately contributes to the jewish monopoly
She's not right because the NLRA protects discussion of pay rates by employees
Obama in 2014 passed an executive order requiring that same protection from companies that laid outside the NLRA boundaries. Namely federal contractors.
So she's wrong
She can just ask people. She is just acting like it is some big deal.
It's not illegal, it's just in bad taste.
>Sauce below
this is achieved not by government intervention but actually by realizing that in order to effectively maneuver in the adult world you will have to use leverage and force to get what you want - if you aren't willing or afraid to use force, people will take advantage of you and abuse you.
if you are worried about not making as much as your coworkers, or about mr shlomoberg partaking in unfair trade and employment practices - call him out on it. Learn as much as possible, become strong professionally and trust the market to employ you afterwards, should you lose your job. this is the only way a true adult can function in this world. if you sell yourself short, people will short you even further
men get paid more because for 1 week a month, 12 weeks a year women do jack shit at the workplace because they are bleeding out of their vagene
real talk
That myth was debunked years ago and you can get fired for discussing your salary. She would know that if she ever had a real job
>Asian talking about the racial pay gap
Is there anyone else really bothered by their use of terms like 'ally' and 'resistance' that have become so commonplace?
Ally I don't mind so much because at least it's not divisive. The resistance shit is retarded and is just pop culture Star Wars/Harry Potter meme shit.
I am more bothered by words like "problematic" that have no real meaning and are mostly placeholders for "FUCK YOU SHITLORD YOU DIE".
What kind of dumb fucking chink uses that kind of language? It's just fucking dumb desu
The moronic sales sluts in my office are always breaking my balls about how I'm always at the office (browsing /biz/ mostly desu) and they're out sucking dicks for sales
In my division I just need to pick up the phone to make $10,000, do all my deals over email and phone
They'd be devastated to learn I make six figures
You either work somewhere where your salary is public information, like where I work now. its posted on every bill board where I work, exactly what I make. we are given raises for merit every six months until you reach your cap for that position. You either meet expectations at each evaluation or you are fired.
Or you work somewhere like where I used to work where salary information is confidential and discussing it is grounds for immediate dismissal.
If you really want to get into it, look at the stats for what genders populate what fields of work.
look at who takes more time off and who signs up for overtime the most based on gender.
why wouldn't companies hire all women (inb4 woefully unqualifed and in general shittier workers than men, its true, I've never seen a woman go above and beyond in any place I have ever worked, anecdotal evidence but its my first hand experience and I acknowledge it may not be like this every where) for dirt cheap.
It has been illegal to discriminate for almost what, 60 years at this point?
what these bitches are bitching about, is actually the gap in who works in what fields, and the only people bitching about this are those who went and got useless degrees in gender studies and etc. The very places that they learned this b u l l s h i t.
disregard any female who believes in the gender pay gap. its not real, and what parts of it are real, are misrepresented and they just keep moving the goal posts.
I wouldn't give a shit if these freaks didn't have so much institutional power. Think how bad it's gona be in the near future when most HR departments and most managerial boards at most business's are going to be full of these scumbags.
In large companies where livelihoods are at stake, if the person doing the hiring and firing, hires and fires shitty unskilled people based on gender instead of merit it WILL be noticed by anyone competent. And they WILL be removed from that position of power.
if it isn't it will cripple a company, and if a company goes down like that they deserve to.
Women were a mistake. In Buddhism the natural order rules all, and the point is to accept it. One in three Mensa members is a woman. Women have contributed comparably shit to human thought and progress. Women are worker-tier, sorry you dumb gook cunt. Denying the natural order every step of the way--the touchstone of liberalism--is why our society is so dysfunctional and miserable. I hope this chick hangs herself.
These are terms of warfare being used causally on FB like it's no big deal. It's unnerving despite how harmless they are.
Hory shit on a shit sandwich.
We need to get these other brothers woke
women are too dumb to negotiate.
They'll just sign the work contract and then happily bitch about it.
>tfw you only work with man
>if you trust women you must be gay and deserve everything you lose.
"Because ((((((THEY))))) cant fire us all"
Yes (((((THEY)))) can
kike TV told me the billianre with teen girls stalking him dide the lose side
(been hjjer esince 2015 stfu NEWFAGS)
also somone also somtimes di0d to- win becasuye some words say more times than OTHER WORDS!!!!
i am reminded multiple times every day, and not even on Sup Forums, that giving women equal rights was a colossal mistake
I don't understand this "smile doll" meme that Feminists peddle. I don't know any Women who have ever been told that, nor any Men who have ever said that. It is like they all live in comic book world.
>wahh wahhhh wahhh i'm a righteous bully.
wage gap is real, gents. There are women out there working at boutique shops making less than fighter pilots. Time for the patriarchal pay system to collapse!
I actually quit my job after finding out that most of the women I work with make more than me despite them hardly doing any work.
The boss wanted to discuss my raise after giving them my 2 weeks notice but only if I agreed to stay , I declined since I know they'll lowball me on the raise and I already had a government job lined up.
>how come the men with more difficult degrees, more credentials, and tougher jobs get paid more than I do for answering phones? PATRIARCHY!
>tell woman i work with how much i make
>she responds with telling me how much she makes
>she makes more than me, because she's been working there longer than me
wow, powerful.
The CONSAD report basically debunked the wage gap quite thoroughly in 2012. It's an exhaustive study contracted by the Department of Labor in 2009 and actually looks at all the relevant factors that lead to a disparity in earnings between men and women. When all is said and done the REAL earnings gap is around 5% give or take.
Funny that all these pundits and experts never bring it up and appear to be completely unaware of its existence.
the shitposting excellence
>do us a favor and tell three women how much you make