Kino no Tabi

So which one?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Kino no Tabi
>Kuso anime

download the first episode for each one

take screenshots of the same frame

post results here:

Share your findings with us

>dual audio
Trash that first.

Is that kickasstorrents? Why the hell would you go there.

FUck off.

>he doesn't know

>Is that kickasstorrents

>muh sekret club
Kill yourself. I have an AB account, but I literally used Bakabt for 95% of all the things I want, unless there's a freeleech.

use kissanine

You can freeleech of bakabt though.

This. There's literally no reason you should use AB over Bakabt unless what you want isn't on Bakabt.

Obviously none of the ISO files. Just pick the latest encode. So, (aF).

Bro, there's literally three good torrents up there for freeleech.

And all if not most of the series will have freeleech torrents so what's your problem?

I know, but there's that 5% of things I need on AB, certain encodes that aren't on bakabt, but I will only download during freeleech period.

fair enough

I have a AB account, but I can barely keep a decent ratio and I have like 5 hit and runs that I can't fix because my internet sucks

kuchikirukia is the best. His encode uses ordered chapters, but is definitely better than any of the others. Pretty sure KAA and E-D used the original ADV DVDs, which had awful video quality, aF is some no name group, and niizk uses autismo OGG audio.

get kuchikirukia.

read it

I'm watching niizks.
KAA and Exiled destiny's video is shit and kuchikirukia uses linked mkvs.

Did you just get accepted into AB so you made this thread to "subtly" brag about? Just download the most popular freeleech version, it's what everyone else does.

Does anyone use linked mkvs anymore?

What was the point of such a thing?

Except a lot of things I want aren't on bakabt. Now my buffer on AB is much higher which means I use it for everything now.
Download and seed seasonals. They're freeleech, It'll keep your ratio up.

>Does anyone use linked mkvs anymore?
Most encoders don't cause it's dumb.

>What was the point of such a thing?
You can shave off a couple of MBs by cutting out the OP and ED and linking it against an external file. But it isn't worth the extra hassle and compatibility issues.

It's pretty great when you're marathoning a show while lying in bed and don't need to get up every twenty minutes to skip the ED and OP because you removed their files. For that reason alone it should have become an industry standard.

Here is comparison from 1st episode between kuchikirukia and niizk.

None of them. Go and read the LNs instead.

Or you can just have your player do it automatically.