I think we should start a survival thread in case things go apocalyptic and just for general knowledge. (What to eat, what not to eat, etc. etc.
Survival Thread
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Vodka and diet sausage
Food and water are essential
Lol, thinking this will ever happen.
Not even remotely politics related.
have a bump, interested.
>What to eat
>what not to eat
eat berry
don’t eat salamander
>hygiene supplies
>things to defend yourself, your family and the above (Guns, etc.)
I have also heard this is the case. Any survivalists here who could confirm or deny?
Water is essential. Everything else is just about getting enough proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
20 KG bag of rice: enough food for 6 moths for 1 person.
Having a few gallons of water on hand is good, dont go nuts. Invest in a good water filtration system instead, a potable one.
Have a place to bug out to. Have a months worth of food on hand.
Ultimately, you want guns and a destination with water supply. A place to Hunt, fish, build small shelter. Having a place to leave to is more important than any prep.
There's a very high probability of it not happening within your lifetime, however if you look at the history of humanity it has happened several times before. Don't go broke prepping for it, but you want to put a little something back, fuck just in case you lose a job or something.
You can go a long time without food, longer than you think. The problem is hunger is a bitch at first, but if you can get through the first couple days your body will adapt.
Without water you won’t last three days. Go to an outfitter and buy a bottle of iodine. One drop per liter - it will taste like a balloon but it will be safe. If you get diarrhea in a survival situation it’s pretty much over unless you’ve got lots of water at hand.
>>What to eat
People are optimized disease vectors for human borne disease. I opt against cannibalism unless necessary.
buy a solar charger like this:
get an old smart phone or tablet that it can charge and keep them together.
download books. survival books, encyclopedias, technical bulletins, any books you like or have ever been interested in reading. put the books on a micro sd. anything short of an emp or massive solar flare and you can still read and look things up.
if you buy this:
you can charge aa and aaa for flashlights and other small things.
if you buy this:
along with this:
you have 2 solar powered comms under $100
>Water is essential. Everything else is just about getting enough proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
Is bait high in essential nutrients?
>20 KG bag of rice
Rice grows mold. I prefer pasta. It is more shelf stable, though it may require more energy to cook.
Ive had some rice stowed away in a big rubbermaid container, still in its bags for 2 years now. No mold yet. I would for sure prefer to stock pasta, but where could i grab 20 kgs of it for under 20 bucks? Thanks for the tip tho.
Alternatively you could just piss in that hole instead of trying to grow plants in there.
Water is easy. Just make a big tarp funnel that leads into a bucket and you when it rains, you get lots of water.
Let's eat each other, humans are a good source of protein, the retarded and elderly will be the first on the menu, also niggers and other shitskins if they are clean and healthy
You're the only one that picked up on that so far :p
bleach and coffee filters for water purification, you can also drink water in the toilet reservoir, it doesn't hurt to keep a few jugs of tap water, occasionally clean them out
get a bike from walmart, (or a nice one) first thing, its more important than supplies since an EMP destroys most petroleum and electrical mechanisms
have a bugout bag prepared now, that has all the things you won't remember, bandana, toilet paper, socks, medical stuff like alcohol and wraps, fire starting stuff in ziplocs, scissors+light rope, clothes that cover your skin, and so forth, you want big supplies and also portable supplies ready to go
its ok to have a little food, but food is hard to move around
100x more important than having a weapon is just making good decisions, don't make yourself vulnerable to anyone, always try to appear poor but not weak
and many other things, thinking about it ahead of time is more important than the supplies themselves, in many ways, because even the tiniest disaster will make people act like complete fucking lunatics
more important is FIRE and the ability to make it. I have like 300 bic lighters in storage. every trip to the store I just buy one or two and toss them in the fire bin I have. if nothing else excellent trading items. No fire? you kinda will die...
Costco is fairly cheap. I think it is Garafalo pasta. I still secondarily store it since rats got into it.
Shit didnt think of costco, thanks
Back to the rice: I am in AZ. We TYPICALLY have very dry weather. We have a short period of very high humidity every year and almost anything can mold - even leather.
Works better if you do both. Needs to be leafy and transpire. No musky stuff
More sun the better
hello norwegian catposter
Only if the meat is tainted don't eat niggees!
(((Fellow))) whites carry Creutzfeld-Jakob.
Idk about that. There are a lot of soulless sociopaths on this forum and I want to make sure they get killed off in the coming purging.
Like that pic you posted is some soulless Gen Z shit and YOU could be the walking dead, nigga.
Get a copy of Lofty Wiseman's SAS Survival Handbook.
Solid data and practical advice; not all of it nice. One such is to kill and eat your pets - you're not going to have any spare food for them, and leaving them to go feral and starve is vile.
Excellent book - no home should be without a copy.
-the will to kill your fellow human when nececary
-humans are food too
many times overlooked.
and not known how to cook.
this, especially water. people take for granted, but millions and our rivers are nearly all polluted
system breaks down, cities are the last place to be. also primary targets in war
every day you stay is russian roulette
>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU
>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium
>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”
>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"
>the use of a Borak in an improvised bomb “could effectively disperse the sarin nerve agent.”
>“We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris,” said the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, adding that future attacks will be on “an order of magnitude greater.”
best plan is to be out of the way
ww3 soon, innawoods probably won't cut it.
Yea but a magnifying glass is eternal if you can keep it in good condition, except the issue is knowing how to maintain the fire once its becomes dark
How can you know ww3 is soon?
You know very well Sup Forums creates suicides not prevent it.
the apocalypse is cool.
Brown rice can go rancid. Not white rice since the oil containing bran has been removed
Do they have any of that in Kenya?
read the links
>leave Sup Forums
>stop playing games
>grow a sack
Look up Serval mesh. Download it and put it on your phone. You don't even need to use it yet. But if shit goes down, it's a way to keep communicating.