But seriously, how long has "old republicans are dying off" been a meme? I've heard this dumbass talking point since I could vote in early 00's.

Other urls found in this thread:

This has been a meme since '68

I don't understand this meme when conservatives typically marry and have lots of children far more than liberals.

Funny, the Detroit Free Press (or News, one of the two) just stated the the GOP had a younger average than the Dems

I've been in the hills fucking superstars, feeling like a popstar.

Old conservatives die and get replaced by aging former liberals.

People are old for a long time

The short pill is liberals and sjw types are bad at breeding. The long pill is people tend to vote conservative as they age to protect the wealth they’ve accumulated from being subject to taxation

Digits confirm


>I don't understand this meme when conservatives typically marry and have lots of children far more than liberals.

Politics isn't genetic.

Most people have their parents' politics. Most.

COULD IT BE that older white men have both the money and the time to attend political rallies, while younger white men are too busy making money, since the economy is so shit one can barely support a family on two sallaries?

Basically. If you were raised by conservatives, and you don't turn into a conservative by age 35 or so, you're an idiot or a chronic failure. Either way, you probably don't have enough skin in the game to justify voting in the first place.

Actually, many studies have shown that it is strongly genetic

Not sure but it should concern us all.

>Politics isn't genetic.
>Predisposition towards certain political views aren't genetic.

Now imagine the one for speech regulations.

>Whites are the only people that care about personal freedom and autonomy
Yeah, no shit.

And welfare usage vs. tax contribution.

even if the republican party by name died out, there would be something to take its place that shared the same values.

Coloreds were a mistake

If the country was entirely white we'd have a budget surplus.

I call bullshit on the asain part, korea, vietnamese, china, all have mandatory military service, and when they move to the america, they are incredibly racist and ready to drop a nigga, maybe its their faggot liberal kids thinking this






Not that I really disbelieve your pic but
>Vox Day

That’s like linking Styx as a reference.

So Newsweek got into boomer posting?
Nice to know.

Did they even see the pro Trump Republicans during the election night stream?
It was a combination of frat guys, well dressed rednecks, and some minorities

>liberals don’t breed. Either they support abortion, they’re the child free type, or they’re gay; so their ideologies don’t travel well across generations
>people turn more conservative as they get older, to protect their wealth from taxation so they can pass it to their children, also because of nostalgia and hatred for government
>most wives vote as their husbands do, but are less politically involved in general. So a rally full of “old white men” is also backed by an unseen force of old white wives.

The only problem is that democrat pets (poor welfare minorities) tend to breed like rats.

It's about time people stormed the offices of Newsweeks and slaughtered the fucking jews. Not that I'm advocating such a thing.

I went to a Trump rally out here in Wisconsin. It was young white dudes, rednecks, some bikers, and assorted top tier minorities.

The protestors were dykes, faggots, low T incel nerds and trash blacks and hispanics

Blacks want more gun control because they're already breaking the law buying illegal guns and shooting each other up anyway so what do they give a shit if there's one more law saying not to do that?

That’s actually false. They’re really good at gassing themselves with abortions after first gen.

The real problem is borders are racist and anyone needs to be able to live here and draw from the already shitty welfare state because they breathe air.

What’s false?

I think Alternative Hypothesis is the guy who originally calculated it. It's the bottom archive link, or:

Full sources and methodology there.

Thanks man. Got to hold ourselves to high standards if we want to win this war.

The breed like rats part.

>That’s actually false. They’re really good at gassing themselves with abortions after first gen.
Let's see some stats nigger.

The DNC has been saying this shit since the '60s. It's nothing new.

should have picked your god damn cotton , and should have wash your god damn toilets

it's "dieing" in the sense that the only thing keeping the dems afloat as a party is maintaining an open floodgate of migration from 3rd world shithole countries.

10 seconds in google maybe

>just passed a 2 TRILLION (2,000,000,000,000,000,000) dollar tax reform

>dying party

Then go ahead and spend those 10 seconds to back your claim nigger.

Not as many as Mexicans

Burger you’re making us look bad

2nd gen hispanics are 2x accepting of abortion. I’m on a tablet suck my balls you lazy cunt.

You've never met their degenerate, septum pierced sjw kids have you

It takes 9 months to make a child, and 18 years for it to grow to voting age.

You can get a spic across the border far faster. Two if its preggers.

It is true though. Every sheboons goal is to have as many niglets with as many different guys as possible for that extra EBT

>if they don't take action soon

They won't . They'll die a slow death. Within 3 election cycles, we'll be living in a one party (D) state. Within a single generation, the US will be colored majority shithole. There is no future for the west.

i wonder why liberals want all the gimmiegrants.

According to whom?
I'm also on a tablet you worthless nigger. That's no excuse.

It isn't that the Republican party is dying off. It's just a party constantly full of old angry men who rarely tend to be liberal. .

35% of aborted baby’s are black, 3x the total pop of black overall. Real tired of you dumb new faggots not taking 10s to educate yourselves on what the real happenings are

Fucking learn something yourself for once you worthless piece of shit. I’m not spoon feeding you. Back in the day if you had sand in your cunt you’d find opposing sauce vs demand me to regurgitate facts for you like a worthless Babby bird

Prove it.

>learn something
I'm trying, but you won't provide me anything. Not a link, not a pic, nothing.

Its really rather bizarre that you think the burden of proof is upon others when you make a claim and that they're asking to be spoonfed when asking you for evidence of your claim. You also argue like a liberal college woman.

Stop being such a nigger, use your tablet - its not even a fucking phone, christ, get your shit together - and give us the data, you nigger.

Post the one showing gender. The one that shows how only white males as a group have a net positive contribution. That shows how they pay for everyone else, and how women are just as parasitic as blacks.

Ok nigger. Google 2nd generation Hispanic abortion rate. 2nd hit. Learn to read a data table. Profit.

Civil War or Balkanization when?

It's still a ways off, but it's sooner than everyone thinks.
Just wait till Texas is irrevocably blue.

Now, was that so hard?... Clearly it was, because the 2nd hit doesn't show anything about abortion rate.

Yay, GOP is peepee!

> Throw away and make a new one!

You think every woman that gets her cunt scrambled is tabulated? It’s proxy data you dull nigger

So, what you're saying is, you have no data to support your claim that 2nd gen spics abort heavily? And instead you have to rely on very-shifty 'proxy' data as regards their views of abortion, implying that such views suggest a likelihood of equivalent increased abortive activity?

Why didn't you just say so.

yeah, that was my last sentence, i guess thats what it is

How about you sauce me data that says 2nd gen spics abort equal or fewer than 1st gen

Exactly, because you can’t fucking do it, you disingenuous piece of shit. Legitimately hoping you were pretending to be retarded. Thanks for jogging my nog.

That picture... Just.. It literally gives me tears of joy. I hope bigots will have a change of heart and accept fellow humans in to their community. Gosh...
I really wish Trudeau was born American.


>prove a negative

Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, I was arguing with a leaf about multiculturalism in Eastern Europe.

You want me to prove the negative of the thing I asked you to prove that you've utterly failed to prove because - by your own admission it seems - no such data exists?
Hard pass m8. Hard pass.


>not supporting your counter argument
Yeah get fucked faggot

>haha, you won't try to prove the negative of the point i couldn't prove! gotcha!

No way, there are plenty of 20 something neets who are republicans.

seattle area right? he lives in the u district and is ALWAYS super smartly dressed.

>no data
>continues to shitpost


I can remember it going back at least 30 years.

You deny it though?
Demographics are future
Immigrants and their offspring are more inclined to vote liberal, and they are on the rise, not white people, who are the GOP's voting base

>i couldn't prove my claim with data
>so you have to prove the negative of my claim, with data, because reasons
I never even suggested you were wrong, I merely asked for data, which you failed to provide.

Its funny how autism works.

>no data provingg otherwise
>still shtiposting like An butthurt woman

Get rekt bitch

>im a defeatist faggot yes i am, ill return to my soyboy vidya after i type my degenerate bullshit

Its true. My sister decided when she was in high school she wanted to join amnesty international and be a communist. Then she got into hard drugs, dropped out of college, fucked a bunch of losers, got not one, not two, but THREE abortions, technically died of an OD for 30 seconds, was brought back, went to rehab, and began her life anew as a suddenly very christian conservative person who suddenly wanted to tell me how I was totally right about Hitler and the Nazis.

I'd already disowned her and we rarely speak anymore, but she has voted republican in the past two elections and is moving further to the right every time I have the extreme displeasure of seeing her. I know a few kids from high school followed the same trajectory, now that we're almost 30 I've started seeing some of these former marxist retards posting stuff on facebook about how they don't see how the government has a right to their hard earned money and they like Trump's tax cuts, etc etc etc.

As far as I'm concerned if you didn't "get it" from the very beginning, you can board the ship later but you will forever be a 3rd class passenger. I don't like these opportunist converts who spouted commie shit while they still had the mind virus. Half of the people I see writing conservative shit either did argue with me about the things they now accept or would have years ago. The secret to republicans is everyone ages, and as you get older and see the liberals fail to deliver on any of their promises over and over and over and over and over you start to get a clear picture of who is or isn't concerned with your well being...well, strike that, the republicans are faggots who don't care about you either, but you can see who is more likely to pass a bill that favors you instead of favoring an illegal mexican to come into America and swipe all the shit you worked on your entire life out from under you, then kick you in the ass as a thank you.

>As far as I'm concerned if you didn't "get it" from the very beginning, you can board the ship later but you will forever be a 3rd class passenger
what a terrible attitude, i didnt "get it" until i was 23 and the 16' elections were occuring. Try being a bit more open to people moving to the right, you kinda need as many people as possible seeing how democrats are importing niggers and spics by the busload

>Doing all that over complicated shit to beg some roastie with 10's or 100's of guys in her sexual history to be with you for a while, so after some tame, aimless vanilla sex she can steal half of your shit.

Just hire a scort, they are much cheaper in the long run.

>this post
Wew lad. I'm embarrassed for you.

By all means, move to the right and vote that way. I still assume anyone who didn't figure this shit out themselves from the start is either mentally slow or an untrustworthy asset if you ever believed in liberal lies and SJW/marxist propaganda and whose allegiance could bounce back and forth like a fucking ping-pong ball.

they give a shit because it means their team has an advantage over the others.

it's a pitbulls and labradors kinda world.

Still no empirical argument. Sad

People become more Conservative as they get older because the Progressive agenda eventually gets too far out of their comfort zone or everything they wanted gets accomplished for the most part. This isn't rocket science.

This. Most people go through a retarded leftist phase, it is a natural part of being an angsty young adult I think.

Maybe you were right from the get-go about your politics, but your attitude is condescending and elitist AF and will only serve to drive ppl away. People we need.

I'm 65 and republicans have been "dying out" since the new deal
liberalism is mostly fueled by teen angst and rebellion against "muh system(muh dad)" so labeling conservatism as the ideals of your parents is effective messaging

>what is having lived in a liberal bubble your entire life without any conservative counter points to listen to

you are a pseudo intellectual who pretends to have it all figured out, Ill just ignore your opinion and continue on conservativing. You really really havent thought this through my conservative pure breed lmao. Its like a purity test applied for autists.


In my country there's a saying: "If you are 20 and vote Right you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and vote Left you don't have a brain."

Coincidentally just listened to a Gavin Mcinnes podcast where he said the old white men meme was in full effect at least since the 80s.

>just listened to a Gavin Mcinnes podcast
Fucking why? Anders, is that you?