How are there still atheists when they consistently get BTFO? Do they not realize atheism is a scam to destabilize the west?
How are there still atheists when they consistently get BTFO...
hello jew, you btfo just jack shit, you're only ridiculing yourself with your discord sowing lol and it's people like you who are trying to destabelise the west
piss of and crawl back in your oven.
oh and sage ofcourse
Contemporary atheism seems to largely be a product of the false dichotomy between science and religion and general disinterest in metaphysics.
I think when things start to get tough people will start crawling back to God.
I think you're spot on.
This is how I'd post if I wanted everyone to think I was twelve.
Not an argument Nazifag
Ah yes, Christianity, the true bastion of stability.
Expect not even close.
i dont think there has been any point in history where the average person has been interested in or aware of metaphysics
idiots will always look to place responsibility on something other than themselves to deal with tough situations. sometimes that happens to be god
wich is exactly how the brain of the meek functions.
I don’t believe in all the same gods you don’t believe in.
Kill yourself retarded manchild.
What is god and why should I believe in it?. What religion should I practice?.
>crawling back to God
Do you mean becoming Christians?.
>What is god
Spiritual being responsible for the creation of our universe
>why should I believe in it
Because deism is the only logical conclusion when answering the question of how our universe came to be. Cosmology and physics is now pointing strongly towards the existence of a creator god.
>hehe stupid commie atheist cucks
>ahem the kangz feet need some kisses Christgoy
>Im so terribly sorry Mr.Jamal, I was so occupied in thought when signing all these donations to Israeli children in need for a new golf set. I will immediately call my daughter to your room. How was breakfast?
>it's time to go pluck the grapes again for our master's kosher wine
>i am forbidden to go inside the winery because i'm a goy
>i am forbidden to taste the fruit of my labour but it is oké because it is for our masters, they are the chosen one afterall and we are mearly worthy.
I miss the old Sup Forums when it was an actual Christian board free from redditfugees who don't respect board culture.
If you can explain to me the reason that god waited to deliver his gospel until the vast majority of human history relative to the present day had already elapsed, I'll convert to an Abrahamic religion right now.
I would convert instantly if the religion told me my tribe would be the chosen ones (Judaism). Fuck it, i might even become a Jew just to make christcucks suck my dick
fuck off flaggot
"Many were called, few were chosen"
Only those among the elect have been blessed with clairvoyance necessary to comprehend Faith and achieve salvation.
The others have been left to their own devices. With each foolish word, they only add one more sin to their name, until list of their sins will be long enough to reach Earth, if descended from Heaven.
I pity them.
the only thing you can do
... soo meek
so weakbrained solution when there is nothing you can say in a normal adult conversation...
pitty is just a waste of time on people like you
>Christian board
nowhere is written that this is such a board
too lazy and weak to make your own board
go hang on a crotch
reveal yourself and i'll bother discussing with you, otherwise you're just a flaggot
The Universe is infinite. The cycle of life and death is no different. The human brain cannot truly grasp the concept of infinity so they settle with God.
Everyone grown up was once twelve.
t. Buddhist
You know that we know you're a shareblue shill right?
But not everybody grows up.
Good goy, obey the sky jew
Pagan here.
I unironically like white nationalist Christians more than fedora tier atheists. You may be universalist cucky faggots worshipping a jewish made god, but atleast you aren't atheists.
Who created the creator?
Sup Forums and christianity is always funny to watch. You all know that it's nonsense, but feel like you should believe since it's on your 'side'
Why should you believe in bullshit? What evidence do you have that it will do anything whatsoever to stabilise the west? Reducing immigration would be a more concrete and immediate step. Let's discuss the fucking illegals busting in by the 1000s before resorting to bullshit.
Gnostic Christianity says the same. Bhuddism & Gnostics are allies against the demiurge.
Cathocucks know of the council of Nicea and still follow the pope with the babylonian fish hat.
>all conclusions inevitably point to an intelligent creator
>Fighting thousands of war in the name of christianity
>Tricking millions of peasants to fight for god king
>Meme heaven
>Thinking your god is stronger than muslim god even if theyre the same
>Worshipping a kike
This is more like it
>be christcuck
>turning the other cheek
>be the reason of west's fall together with boomers
>reason that god waited to deliver his gospel until the vast majority of human history relative to the present day had already elapsed
1. We don't know how many human history is left there, so we don't know what will be before the Gospel/ after the Gospel proportions of it.
2. Only elect are saved. If someone was born before Gospel was proclaimed, or outside of its reach, then it was done so according to the desire of God, i.e. he was not elected to hear it and be saved.
3. This works and is just, because salvation is from no virtue of your own, but from the mercy of God. For example, President doesn't invoke his right to grant amnesty to any criminal, but to those elected by him, for no criminal "deserves" it, it's from President's choosing.
There is no pope now, only anti-pope Francis.
And resisting excellent Being by imperfect means of man is pointless.
If there's no God then explain this
I wasn't brainwashed or tricked into becoming atheist. I became atheist because I realized on my own that religions are used to control the behavior of large masses of people. Religions turn people into puppets on a string for the Jews to manipulate.
How often do you guys think Barron Trump masturbates?
》implying religion is not a control method
you know nothing
i piss on people like you and your shareblue dribbles
i know perfectly who and what i am, i don't need zeealots for that
now on your knees and open wide
Why would Barron need to masturbate? His dad has connections to Kabbalistic sex cults and Epstein's Lolita Island, and Trump has the money to buy any girl he wants. Barron probably has a harem of sex slaves in his basement.
Because of evident massive autism. Any rational observer would conclude the kid has to knock on doors three times, compulsively masterbates, and then shitposts repill me threads on Sup Forums with photo of Lolis and traps. He’s /yourgoy/
The churches are responsible for South Africa's fall as well.
Atheism is a form of ignorance sometimes a mental disorder but they aren't destabilizing the west
he had sent many prophets, many had failed.
he chose to spread his gospel when we were ready for it, and how do we know we weren't ready for it previously? the prophets were killed and tortured or their words were twisted
I thought Sup Forums were a bunch of people eager to have an debate and to use comprehensible arguments but most of you all just write
>hurr durr atheists are dumb
>stupid christcucks ,omfg they are so dumb
This sums the thread by now
>use comprehensible arguments
It's impossible to do that in matters of faith.
How can one explain Creator using science that can't explain His creation?
There is no proof, or refutation of God in science, because science is impartial and obscured truth, as anything of man.
That doesn't mean that it isn't valuable and should be disregarded.
It only means that no argument can be made, between theists and atheists, because they don't use same judgements and measurements.
They can use philosophy as its mostly not related to material science but most of them dont even know what that is.
Using philosophy which is an abstract science is not the best solution it is the best we have towards making a civilized argument .
But it is the best*
How are there still Christians when they consistently get BTFO?
Agreed, however philosophy is too, a matter of personal beliefs of a person.
The best we can do is to comply our religious philosophy in non self-contradictory, logical way.
Scientology is truth. For only $99.99 you too can ascend to SCA level 1!
They are known as christfags
Atheism almost got 100,000 people killed in Nashville.
> Thanks gods! I now know of God.
The Bible names the Jew as the second biggest enemy, right after Satan.