Is Crypto the End of (((International Bankers)))?

2018 is going to be the biggest financial explosion in history. All Crypto currencies will 100x. Is this the great flippening from fiat to Crypto?

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is for me
Just closed another 2k trade for today, too.

Crypto is a bubble. Skycoin will replace the Internet though.

Todays final trade

luddites will autistically screech about "its not real! muh tulips muh bubble mothafucka" while NEETs become the new elite by investing nothing but their GBP

These threads are pushed to the bottom

Seemingly someone doesn't want them seen.

Crypto will be the end of nation states, read the sovereign individual which predicted all this in the 90s. Crypto will eventually make it impossible for the nations of the world to tax their citizens, ending the hegemony of the welfare state in place since ww2

Crypto is the shit. Hop in or fucking cry for the rest of your life in regret.

Cryptos have the potential to revolutionize the economy as well as finance, thus flipping the kike banks on their heads. I wonder what the Rothschilds are doing to prepare for this?

Fiat currency buys you labor.
Crypto buys you fiat.

Crypto is only a means of money launderibg and illegal transactions.

As a tool uswd only for transactions it has no value of its own, exchange rate doesnt matter to anybody who uses it because they only use it to get XXXXUSD from one wallet to another.


>Crypto will eventually make it impossible for the nations of the world to tax their citizens
What do you think is more likely
>governments stop taxing their citizens
>governments start having police taxing their citizens at gunpoint instead of passively

It is going to be the end of them but only if you take precautions

>the bitcoin fork is most likely owned by them
>the exchanges are most likely owned by them
>the big government dick is going to regulate the crap out of it
>most new coins are owned by them
>etherium especially is owned by them

This topic is going to be such a huge shillfront, they will rev up all of their shilling up to 100% as if you touch a jews money he will screech much harder than if you touch his media.

I currently don't own any, but I want to get in before the mania. Even if it's a bubble, it's worth the gainz. How do buy?

Actually crypto doesnt even entitle you to fiat currency, it guarantees you nothing.

If I have X$ i know it buys me products of your labor.

As for crypto the only real use of it is making a transaction.
When making a transaction it doesnt mattet if it costs 10000$ or 0.000001$ because it gets tge job of getting X$ from one person to another.

I think its more realistic that a single cryptocoin will be a parent coin to a subservient set of crypto on it's network (ie: Apple Coin, WalMart Coin, Ross Coin, Ebay Coin, Etc...)

All the Corp Coins will be sellable for Parent Coin only, that way Corp Coins can be tracked on balance sheets making crypto taxable and trackable.

if you go to /biz/ right now you will find out that most of the things being talked about are 99% scams. Nearly all new coins are fucking scams. Its a new scamfront for the gullible. There may come a new coin which is not a scam, but I dont think that there is one right now which is as such. Maybe like 5 of them.

I have some crypto, but I don’t see it replacing fiat. Governments would just start banning it in that case

Read the book and get back to me. The nation state is a fragile construct that has required very specific historic conditions to exist for the brief period that it has. Technology is rendering those conditions inhospitable for the continuing existence of this transient little thing that you attach godlike power to. It's not that governments will stop taxing their citizens as their citizens will make their (mostly digital) wealth beyond taxation. You can't tax from gunpoint and have much of anything to tax

You know you don't have to hold the coins, right? You can buy and sell. It's much easier to trade ICX for STRAT than it is to trade anything for BTC. BTC is backed up to nowhere right now. Holding coins should be coins not found on open exchanges, that way they don't see the same volatility as exchange coins.

>I want to get in before the mania
You're a few years too late for that

I know nature, and the psychology of those who post here since I am trained at jew shill spotting. And I am telling you that this fucking thing is blowing up to the max right now. Most coins are scam shit right now. With only a seemingly select few not being as such. The "ICX" I have heard off before, maybe monero may be that as well.

But this topic is going to be such a fucking over the top shill topic, with crypto jews being added to the mix. It is not a volkish thing at all.

I am telling everyone here that they should tripple, quadrupple check every single coin since the amount of interest in these things, alongside with hostile actors is highest ever seen before most likely.

My job pays me in crypto

Kys luddite

reminder that cryptoshills deliberately hype this trainwreck of an "investment" on pol hoping to lure in suckers

The only way to make money with bitcoin is by cashing out when retards buy in

Which means your “ job” is probably illegal (Payroll is an expense and reduces taxes, there’s no reason not to pay fiat), and when you try to transfer bitcoin into cash there gonna be a reportable paper trail. And a lot of a questions from cops. Good luck with that.

>The only way to make money with bitcoin is by cashing out when retards buy in
Is it the same for Gold?
You buy gold at 200 an ounce, price goes to 1200, you cash out, did you just cash out someone else' buy-in money?

Yeah because who wants to take a haircut and sell it privately on i2p or Craigslist?

Crypto is still fiat currency.

>that face you make when user doesnt know about REQ

It will until governments start to outlaw it. No more coinbase or ATMS to convert it into fiat cash.

Once (((they))) will go after it, currencies will crash. The first bubble and crash (when it peaked at $1068 and crashed down to 300) was from China stating it was going to outlaw bitcoin. Took the life out of it. When the (((politicians))) go after cryptos, its over.


Crypto is the fucking evolution of (((international banking))), not the end of it.

Jews would love nothing more than all of you plebs to start using crypto currencies. It's literally fiat but inherently more globalist. Crypto shitters piss me off.


I transfered 300 USD to cryptocurrency a few years ago. A week or so ago that 300 was up to 16,000. In a year it will be (((6,000,000))).

Fuck off Shlomo. Crypto is not issued by (((central banks))).

fuck these no coin luddites

Seriously, this shit rips the power from jewish paymasters. You invest 200 wagecuck coupons today, make a few smart trades, set some orders, you'll have quadruple the amount's worth next week. Me and my mates literally started this month and I alone have tripled my wealth. The jew is a dinosaur, they can't keep up. They rely on age old usury and a bag of tricks that don't work on crypto.

While I support the end of fiat, crypto is not the way to go, as it benefits the creators too heavily.

For example, 5% of BTC is owned by the creator alone, and that's not even to mention early investors.

Now let's say BTC becomes the currency of choice for everyone on earth. 5% of all money on earth would belong to this guy?

No thanks.

>Hey Marty, what if we make a new form of currency that is still backed by literally nothing, just like fiat, except now we make it a one world thing instead of being the standard of different nations
>Fund it Mr. Goldberg!

It's too late for that. If (((they))) wanted to ban it, they would have done it already. Instead, the "cryptos are good" narrative is actually enforced in all mainstream media, most articles about bitcoin are positive, it's in mainstream hollywood shows - big bang theory, mr robot etc. (((They))) know that the dollar is falling apart, and cryptos are the only viable alternative.

>I made some money off of the inflation just like jews do everyday, therefore it's good!

Theres a reason why no corps or governments care about the threat of crypto. Probably a cia experiment for future cashless curencies.

On that note, if a first world country announced ahead of time that it was going to create a cryptocurrency BACKED by that government, or even better, the UN were to introduce one, and allowed people to invest LONG before the mining process began, then I'd be for it.

50% of the worlds current wealth is with the Rothschild family
Are you racist against Asians? A guy named Nakamoto can't be ubermench?

>50% of the worlds current wealth is with the Rothschild family


Of course you would
Goy are here to serve their masters
Nidrasch Talpioth, P. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

fuck off schlomo, if it's not on one of (((your))) media sites you'll just dismiss it anyway.

Look man, if you sound crazy on Sup Forums of all places, a board where everyone sounds fucking crazy, you're probably crazy.

The dollar is way more centralized, lol.

Nope, they're embracing it.

What part of fuck off don't you understand niggerfaggot?
Tell D Brock to call me.

they had no choice


>Is Crypto the End of (((International Bankers)))?
No just another opportunity for (((currency speculators))).

>is meme data that uses a NSA-created hashing algorithm the end of international bankers

You're an idiot. Also, every bank both private and central has been looking into blockchain technology for at least a few years now.

You're beta-testing the noose that will be used to hang you in a decade.

and a year after that, it will be 6 million more.

Thing I'll never understand about why crypto is valuable is that you can make infinite alt coins.

That's right go- I mean guys, the future of money is 100% digital!

Coinbase, gemini, bitstamp (usa here).

Start with litecoin. Faster to send. Play with altcoins on exchanges if you want. Best option is buy a few LTC, trade some shit coins to get a feel, and then store that shit on a ledger wallet. Hold.

Look at coinmarket cap and go back to like 2014 or 2015. Almost ALL of those shit coins are gone. Plenty new ones will be gone too.

>2018 US will have hyperinflation caused by cryptocurrency bubble burst
(((They))) will implement one cryptocurrency to rule them all with endless unpayable debt

I post actual proof of making 10k in the last 72 hours on crypto and you goys still shill away.

Shill on, shillbillys! Be merry in your ways.

I don't doubt you can make some money off of it, you can make money selling drugs to kids or defrauding old people but it doesn't somehow make it right?

Well, here's the difference.
One is legal
The other is not

I'll let you figure it out from there

Cryptofags will always say the made a lot of money to lure more greater fool into the bubble

You sound exactly like a jew.

Blockstream employee shill detected.
50% of his cheque goes towards the fees.

So Bitcoin, the supposed destroyer of the establishment, is only a valid form of wealth generation because it's approved by said establishment? Sounds like it's going to be great.

>Let's hold all this one world currency in a central location for people and give them IOU's in return
>Ship it Mr. Goldstein!

nocoiners wish they were dead

Can you shills fuck off back to /biz/? Inflation of 1000% in a year is nothing compared to some things historically. Sure crypto is something to look out for but I'm sick and tired of Sup Forums being spammed by crypto shill threads 50 times a day. As this is a Skycoin shill thread let me inform you that Skycoin is a scam. The project is designed to be ambitious, so ambitious in fact that it is absurd. Skycoin deva promise to replace ISPs with a peer to peer network. First off they have almost no infrastructure currently and the capital that would be required to build such an infrastructure is realistically unobtainable. The devs hold 95% of the coin and this is an issue because they are staying anonymous. Who is dumb enough to invest in such an obvious scam? The devs also pumped their own coin, selling at a higher price than exchanges then lowering their price to slightly below exchanges and increasing it again drastically. Skycoin offers nothing more than what we currently have other than a decentralised, cheaper to use internet. Then again they are monopolising their platform.

>fuck off cryptoshill...nothing can save your bitchcoins now..kys.

C-c-cmon guys, this wildly fluctuating c-currency with no physical backing and n-nothing to spend it on is gonna change everything honestly. P-please believe me.

>keep buying zero asset backed currency goys...what could possibly go wrong?

and the first thing you do is convert it to USD so you can actually spend it (or you hold it like an idiot because you don't realize bitcoin is a transactional tool and not an asset)

It's a pretty strange feel when you know who placed the Rothschild seed in power as their advocate. They aren't human, that's for sure. You better welcome our new ET overlords when the change of office takes place in the coming years. Because the losers are gonna get wrecked.

post yfw when cryptocurrency is declared illegal, all exchanges are shut down, a few well-publicized sting operations on average-joe buyers/sellers scare 99% of normies away from ever touching it again, and the value plummets to 0

The legal system is as fictional as bitcoin. That has already been exposed and popped like bitcoin will.
>t. totally legally untouchable street nigga

You mean like gold and silver?

Drugs are illegal but it hasn't stopped people from using them

7 billion people on the planet
30 million in canada,
300 million in usa

there are only 21 million bitcoins possible to exist
only way to get bitcoins is to waste a lot of technology and electricity to mine them.
65% of electricity derived from fossil fuels
which costs a lot of money
only the top 1% will ever own a bitcoin
that doesn't sound like a very useful currency if only the rich can have it.
especially since rich people like to hoard their money
bitcoins are useless if they aren't frequently used
and easily destroyed by taking out the internet or network

you fell into the Jewish bitcoin trap
they made something that is basically worthless
tricked you into thinking it had value
used their massive wealth to mine most of them already
built a bitcoin bubble in the online market
and have been using their bitcoins to buy gold which actually has value.
when the bubble collapses and bitcoins are worthless again
they'll be rich, and all of you idiots will have useless lines of code.

> officer, you can't arrest me, the legal system is fiction

Le Bitcoin will be the only crypto in existence meme

Go neck yourself retardo

What part of untouchable street nigga did you not understand?
I don't even drive with plates or registration. That shit is a joke. You are only willingly incriminating yourself.
Did you know it's illegal to use a legal name, now?

Either you are with God, or against him.

> when using crypto carries a prison sentence, all exchanges are shut down, and the average joe has to risk his livelihood & freedom to buy tardcoins, that will have no effect on the value or practicality of my tardcoin internet moneys

Why are you 100 percent sure that crypto will be declared illegal? You're not psychic, retardo

it's always sad when you come across a mentally ill person

No you are a moron, all a government needs to exist is the ability to collect taxes which they already do at gun point because it's the law ass hole.

Jesus you are a moron.

> "why do you think it will be declared illegal? r u psychic bro?"

It would drive up the price of privacy based coins in the end anyways and you would still be an asshurt no coiner that didn't buy monero

Actually no, you've got that exactly backwards. Bitcoin is a store of value and no good at all for transactions

I am a Jew
And now I know why we're rich and goy are poorfags
You can lead a horse to water...

until a terrorist attack takes out the whole internet
or a nuke EMPs everything

You just proved his point why bitcoin is a bubble. Bitcoin is what gives a lot of other coins their value in the first place...

I think you copy pastad the wrong response there pal

Convincing argument, nostradumbass

> my entry in this Google Docs Word Document is a store of value

Crypto will never kill the banks because tptb won't allow it.

They will either weasel their way into control of it via business or legislation, or they will literally destabilize nations and start wars to stop it, should it become a real threat.

privacy based coins that are also illegal? Is your mom going to use illegal crypto to pay her rent? Idiot.

Everything is a bubble retard. Real estate is a bubble. Fiat is a bubble. Amazon and Apple are bubbles. Technologies and companies are rendered obsolete constantly. You believe the word "bubble" is inherently negative. It's not.

>List of Countries that have outright banned it are growing
>calls the other dude a dumbass
I want to screen cap these posts so when Bitcoin inevitably goes to shit we have lolcows like you to remember.

It's a bit more secure than that

At that point we would have bigger things to worry about besides crypto retard

Guess what idiot? Ebola could wipe out your entire community and render stockpiling food useless.

No not everything is a bubble you moron, that deals with price and demand.

Jesus you are dumb if you are already running to zero sum on everything.