>based black man
>based jew
>traps aren't gay
>praise kek
Magapede Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>>traps aren't gay
>implying you won't catch aids
>implying i'm not already hiv postive
>implying i'm not already hiv postive
This is what you invited in.
Feeling proud yet Sup Forums?
Fuck off shariablue
>kys you cuck
Remember folks, these are the people calling you cucks when you refuse to admit Trump is god and shill for kikes.
Based black man get leafs like Lauren Southern. How can white bois compete?
Can't tell if potato or just Amerilard.
>Leftist fox news shilling
Nah just based Kekistanis
Remember, you're a shitskin antisemitic cuck if you disagree with these people, you wouldn't to disagree with them would you?
trump da god emprah is absolute
Oops, wrong picture, this one :)
The other based kekistani is just autistic I think
Did you think that if you changed your flag people wouldn't be able to tell that you're samefagging?
A real life based black man appears.
I fucked up the first one. My bad.
Tell us what it's like to be a house nigger.
Fucking based, please fuck my wife and daughter in case you vote for Trump :)
>conservatism is the new counter culture
Awww even the young ones are starting to get based :)
This is perfect, I was wondering if a based black boy was ready for my younger daughter... Hopefully he turns 18 before next election and MAGAs hard
>I fucked up the first one
You mean you have autism
>asking me to fuck his wife
Only if you're a based black man voting for Trump
Then I'd want pic related to happen, that is my wife of course ;)
Keep trying to sow division, kike. It doesn't work. But keep trying. I'd rather you be wasting your life on this board than actually affecting anything.
Do you prefer "house nigger" or "uncle tom"?
Cool send her over.
based jews amirite fellow aryan
Already told her to go a few minutes ago :D
Can't wait for pic related to happen, so many Based Magapedes in one picture!!!!
>people find out you're autistic
>"w-well y-you're a nigger"
Well done
that flag you chose
how does that fit then?
Alright, she's probably gonna come back with my jizz still in her pussy. You're gonna have to suck that out before she ever comes back again. I prefer things to be fresh.
Run along now little leaf. This bull needs his slut prepped.
Getting mad at me because you have autism isn't going to help your situation. Perhaps you should see a doctor.
Have you praised le kek today?
Proud white kekistani
>literally everyone in /ptg/
Congratulation on electing a redpilled centrist rather that a kike populists.
Though I expect you voted for that Zionist Le Pen.
I was for Trump till that Jerusalem nonsense. Fuck him so hard
That's an unusual way to praise Kek.
>ya know we conservatives have lots of things in common you liberals
>democrats are the real racists!!
>so much for the tolerant left, we are truly inclusive as we include based black men, based jews, based gays
>it doesn't matter who you are, it matters is that you're an AMERICAN and a PATRIOT
they were useful idiots for raising the voice about Seth Rich and Pedosta but that's about it.
How the fuck is the right one gay?
Anything under 6 inches isn't even a real penis holy shit.
Do black lives actually fucking matter to you?
Why did we find this cringe garbage so great last year and the year before that? We were blinded by Drumpf's meme magic