So this... is the power of the French.
So this... is the power of the French.
Other urls found in this thread:
That nigger is just looking for more granny porn.
They know.
Literally Fake News. Click on original article and it was "Macron’s whining MPs told to button it"
Is this a test?
>Macron will be the next Paul Nhelen
>tfw have probably called the president of France a cuck
I have no words.
Someone is testing out information weapons, go back to sleep and forget you saw this
Yeah, seems like it works. All the dumbasses above didn't even bother to check the source.
Nevermind then. Seems like someone is testing memetic warfare weapons.
>It was a good day
>calling r_donald community amerimutts
>Even an African dictator shit on Amerimutt plebbitors.
Toppest kek!
Well done user, well done indeed. I work for a private business and we specialize in a new field of service called memetic warfare. A great deal of research has already been conducted on your website:
After the original UN document was put out, a number of companies began using datamining tactics on Sup Forums and reddit in order to generate new memes. Unknowingly, you've already experienced some of these. You may have even helped to spread them. And the funniest part? It doesn't even matter if I tell you. The average user on this imageboard is too stupid to take anything away from this thread, usually because based on our predictive pattern software, most people only read thread images and the first four posts of the thread. "Redpilling" this board on us is basically impossible.
did...did he really outjew the jews?
I don't believe it
Does he speak English?
Holy shit.
>>shitposting on Sup Forums
>calling redditors Amerimutts and soyboys
I ain't even remotely mad.
Oh wait it's fake noooz suck a dick OP
Bonjour monsieur le président, comment 2017 a été pour vous, bonne chance pour le reste de votre mandat présidentiel. Rendez la France encore plus belle!
Yeah, it was easy to figure out, since someone who deliberately takes time to alter the news definitely isn't a normal Sup Forums autist. I bet at this point intelligence agencies and even powerful politicians are aware of Sup Forums and reddit.
Whatever, do your jobs. However, remember that Russians or other adversaries probably have their own agency to make memes and data mining too. The second memetic warfare (2018 and 2020) will be very interesting to watch.
god that guys ugly! what a fucking mess!
lol he got redpilled here, and that's why he's deporting muzzies lmao. Now we need murkel onboard.
this. saged
I guess he is browing /d/.
>Sup Forums, 2012
>low-IQ redditor chimps literally can't tell the difference between an obvious joke and "trolling"
>Sup Forums, 2018
>low-IQ kekistani chimpniggers literally can't tell the difference between an obvious joke and "fake news"
What percent of posters in this thread would you estimate are shills on behalf of this little test, or bots.
Or do you think they're actually real?
I mean.
It's basically confirmed he has an /ss/ fetish.
Can you show me your tits?
Idk, won't posters know something is up if the OP is too obvious?
Literal fake news. Link is broken, when you fix it it's a different story.
>most people only read thread images and the first four posts of the thread.
This. I was thinking about this last week. How much do people read in a 200+reply thread? I also bet a lot of browsing goes on at the bottom because users probably try to get (you)s.
Although for companies to take a liking to this site indicates that high level politicians browsing isn't unrealistic. Hell I bet Macron did come here at some point despite the lack of evidence.
Anyone with a grain of self-respect speaks English
Yeah he should have kept the thread rolling and reveal his cards at 300 replies like a good troll.
I don't know, but there are definitely shills/bots in the comments. I would say probably about at least 40%. Shills and bots will be pushed to bump the thread and to control certain narratives, drowning out actual comments like yours and mine. Usual marketing/psyops tactics.
Soon the new Turing Test will be whether you can differentiate a shill/bots comments from the real ones. I bet a lot of tech companies are developing A.I. to mimic the way and style, even the memes Sup Forums and reddit comments. Nothing unexpected. It is memetic warfare after all.
well, depends if it's an interesting topic, a dumbass OP or an outstandingly stupid reply shown on the front page
I'm researching this now. Just so happened to do my graduate school research on computational social science -- a subfield of data mining in CS and this became a much more interesting field in 2016 than I ever expected it to be.
They do that on lots of sites, particularly controversial ones to control the narrative as you're saying. But yeah bots in python are going to be a bigger source of propaganda than tv, movies, and vidya combined.
>implying no one believes in shills
It is true that the average user doesn’t think about it beyond a general idea of “Shareblue” though
The real question about shilling is how many posters here are real people vs. scripts/bots/AI.
Yep. This will deal with a lot of image processing (for memes) and Natural Language Processing (for text), and then how to combine the two to make the "perfect" threads or comments to pass the Turing test.
Did you know that in R/The_Donald one of the only image uploading sites allowed is linked directly with George Soros? I bet Soros's company has hijacked The_Donald and is analyzing tons of memes for data mining and image processing now.
I think right now it's easier for the bots to post images only in replies. The bot scans for keywords and posts an image. It also slides threads quicker. As the AI gets better maybe you'll have tl;dr text posts that aren't pre-programmed.
Got a working link?
Sage for fake news
>intelligence agencies and even powerful politicians are aware of Sup Forums and reddit.
That is correct user.
so its been Macron the whole time larping as the Albanian KLA retard just for the bantz, touche'. t.Macronaj
Interestingly the Clinton campaign was hiring for computer vision and NLP. A friend of mine tried to recruit me mid-2016.
We all found this out last year when he actually posted here on some loser threads.
>Emmanuel Macron browses Sup Forums
we are the jews pulling the strings now
>100 TB of pepe memes for training
lol I remember the good ole days of shilling bots in chat rooms. You run them from cmd, connect over some vpns, and suddenly it looks like the chat room is hopping lol
He is better than I thought he would be but he is still a globalist.
the_donald is no doubt totally compromised. The CIA maintains databases of MAGA and similar memes to post there and here in places like /ptg/
AI tech is advanced enough that I think they’re beyond simple image replies. It might depend on which group is shilling and what resources are available to them
Do you think a fat 15 year old weeb understood what he was doing when he created this place?
It was supposed to be a secret fuck
>Macron started the bogdanoff memes
A serious agency no doubt would have the data centers to process intelligible replies. Smaller companies probably don't have that processing power i.e. getting the AI to understand a post in context of the general thread convo.
moot was always scrawny. Faggot probably couldn't do a single chin-up.
notice me, macron-senpai
I bet even Hillary Clinton and Eric Schmidt knew about this (since she knew about Macedonian companies, and Eric applauded Jared Kushner's tech savviness)
Not surprised, since Eric Schmidt is directly helping her campaign. However, Peter Thiel and Jared Kushner are very tech savvy too. It was literally the First Meme War.
Now globalists knew about the power of Sup Forums and reddit, they would definitely utilize AI, data mining, NLP and image processing to control the narrative. They know that banning Sup Forums would only amplify the problems; therefore, the best way is to mimic the memes and control the narratives.
>mfw when obnoxious /ptg/ toothpaste was Macron this whole time
I have read the entire study fellow rake-target. Interdasting... Good workerdasting...
They figured out how to falsify pages on the webarchive somehow. I feel someone should be notified of this.
What the fuck is this? Macron is part of the satanic cabal and a muslim-loving SJW faggot.
Except literally everybody knows.
Are you sure that the official narrative of how Sup Forums began is totally accurate?
That would make sense, I’d assume that it would be someone with substantial funding. Makes you wonder about programs like Tay that they psyopped everyone here into interacting with.
I would imagine that the general strategy is to keep anons pacified and direct their attention/energy towards unimportant goals.
Fuck off, Macron is the leader of the alt-right
He was fat before he got arrested for throwing water baloons out a window. He lost weight on probation
>Sup Forums turns a rotchschild banker into the next hitler with memes
Not even remotely surprised kek. You think archived websites are unhackable and uncompromisable? The age of truth in Internet is death user. Your critical thinking skill is your best weapon.
All the granny threads on /hc/? Yep that was him.
Exactly. Why ban/hack Sup Forums when you can keep all autists in one place and post bullshit topics to keep them distracted?
Yep and of course this won't get news coverage until after 2020. Normies take forever to catch up. By then it will be VR bots trying to suck a nazi off, so he doesn't think of sieg heiling.
And to think...the solution to all this is to just turn it off.
Fuck off.
is it possible we're just blowing smoke up our holes and tooting our own horns, and that in reality we have very little influence whatsoever
It will never get news coverage. Only your knowledge on AI and critical thinking skill will save you.
I suspect that they have been trying to do that since this site’s inception. It was only in the recent past that users began to really risk getting out of control though.
A lot of people browse/post here, that in itself is influence
Drumpf is just a pressure release valve. Nothing more.
Yea. I was about to repost this via social media, but I had to click the link.. it's a straight photoshop Job on a nothing burger news article.. wow.. is Sup Forums trying to become fake news too?
true enough. my career path and preference in mating and child rearing habits has literally been molded by posts made here.
>'the right side of history' has to spend billions on autistic psychopaths distracting and annoying us, so we dont improve our lives
We do it better, for free. Enjoy that fake sense of superiority while it lasts
No, we do have influences. Trump won. If we don't, why do they have to bother wasting money researching on us and controlling the narrative?
No, you are paranoid. No one gives a shit about an autistic website until it influenced the election of the most powerful country in the world, and wasted so much special interest's money and power.
Don't ever underestimate the power of AI and data mining if you don't understand them.
>Spreading lies about an African shithole.
This is why I don't send those niggers food, can't tell what shit is real about the dark continent.
I’m sure that the coming generations will have people in positions of influence who came here in their younger days eventually.
The FBI at the very least has been here for years.
Sup Forums, especially old Sup Forums, caused a lot of havoc. that's why m00t hated this place over time. Sites of major companies went down or hacked. Anonymous started here, etc.
9 times 9 is 81) 8 plus one is 9.
139 times 9 is 1251) 1 plus 2 plus 5 plus 1 = 9
Yeah, but I guess it was more about child trafficking stuff. Not until Sup Forums and reddit had the power to change the FUCKING election did powerful people start to seriously notice and research.
Macron's the Cayman Island boss!
if op post is good, or if the any of the first 20 posts are any good, ill typically read the whole thread. bait threads however i just avoid completely.
I don't understand if he reads Reddit why he would also feel the need to come here? No need to reply. I just came to see what the reaction in Retardville would be. Not surprised. Now, if you don't mind me, gentlemen, I'll just grab my things and "%@ off back to Plebbit." Losers.
he's prob the guy with the meme flag who makes blacked threads
Hello Macron!
Something else to consider Stuff like Project Chanology no doubt had certain groups noticing this place a while ago even if it was just to keep an eye on things.
Pol hack french election
As I said, the scale is much, much different now. Influencing an U.S. election and starting a nationalist movement across the West is much, much, much, MUCH larger than Anonymous or anything else before. I'm sure agencies have been keeping an eye on this website, but ever since last election Sup Forums and reddit have garthered much much more attention than ever before.
I can directly call the French president whatever i want and give you ideas
Hey don't go against Poland
You just made my Christmas
So it is very likely I was arguing with the President of France when calling out a French Amerimutt poster. Holy Shit this reality is weird asf
That's the key though. The anonymity allows for these discussions. I do wonder how this place makes money though. But regardless, anonymous is the source of the influence.
Yeah, but more like anonymous to each other and the illusion of anonymity making you brave. If you really think agencies didn't already know who you are from your comment, then you are naive.