Why Milenials are so obsesed with a "zombie apocalypse" when we are having smoething worst than it in the real life?

Why Milenials are so obsesed with a "zombie apocalypse" when we are having smoething worst than it in the real life?

>zombie apocalypse
>no I won't be a walking brain eater
>I'll be a card carrying member of the survivers

What's he thinking pol?

i don´t know

( sorry for bad english i´m german )

"siscon is best con"

gibs reperashuns

hail hitler?

At least zombies don't rape.
>tfw I would rather have a zombie apocalypse than this exploding ficki ficki shitskin invasion


"I still haven't raped my granddaughter wife today."

New here? Don't be welcome mouhammed.

Maybe that's the reasoning behind the zombie craze. I also would rather have a zombie apocalypse than a shitskin one.
Are millennials /ourguys/?



They also wouldn't need welfare. You could also attract, "zombie tourists" to go shoot up things that look like people, without consequences.

Can we just import zombies instead?

Who nose

>open or die
>guard not shooting them


white people are retarded

Zombie are mirror of the alienation caused by multiethnicity. Zombies have success because we all feel undersiege by niggers,

Because its a very simple premise to understand what you would do in. In a zombie apocolypse you literally just hit a few slow green things with a shovel or some shit. The same people dont even think what we have now is bad (maybe except for trump) because John Oliver tells them so.

Niggers nig in the south mostly here.
I just want all the fucking spics to go away tho.

zombie apocalypse is a metaphor for what's to come, perhaps

starving millions of people, in drug withdrawal, freaked out because ww3, etc.

It’s just people wanting to have meaningful decisions in their life.

Nah zombie fantasies are caused by people feeling overcrowded in cities and the perpetuation of the American hero myth.

Think about it
>Everyone else is a zombie and im the only "woke" one
>A chance to kill tons of "people" without feeling bad because they're "dead"

Everyone imagines themselves as the hero even though, if any one of these zombie fantasies came true 95% people just catch the flu and drop dead and only a small percent are left to fight. That and the fact that we have a bunch of permanent man children are what fuel these fantasies. Remember the original zombie movies was a "dead waking up, skeletons with flesh kind of thing" not everyone everywhere scattered around as they were living life if time just stopped before our "heroes" have to go around killing them all to ensure their survival. Also people are so comfortable I think they yearn to be challenged.