Daily reminder that dogs are the white mans pet and every white family man should own dogs. Cats are for soy boys, feminists, single mothers and old ladies.
Daily reminder that dogs are the white mans pet and every white family man should own dogs. Cats are for soy boys...
Other urls found in this thread:
My cat is BASED because he hates niggers
#NotAllCats are cucks
Dogs are weak, they understand pack mentality and so can be over-powered and will submit to control, are weak and mindless alone. A cat never gives a fuck about anything but what it wants and is a lone independent killer.
Dogs are useful for all kinds of jobs; farming, herding, police/military work, firefighting, service work, hunting, labor, everything. Cats are really only useful in barn houses.
>A cat never gives a fuck about anything but what it wants and is a lone independent killer.
Lets see your lone independent killer give a fuck about burglars in your house or attacking them.
White men should focus on producing children, not owning dogs.
>That cuck pays for that cats entire life
Yeahhh can'ts aren't cucks but if you own one you are a cuck.
Cats are shit tier thanks for proving OP's point.
I bet that man hates that cat with a passion but is stuck with it.
dogs are for cucks. burning energy and time on raising another species young. A cat takes practically no effort.
Wrong Asshole! Cats are just as Based!
Thats the Jew Lie Again!!!!
Some cats are More Dog Like Than dogs like the Maine coon for example.
They also get along great with dogs that are not retarded or beaten and are raised around kids.
Stop bashing cats with lies or I'm coming over for a personal training session with ten friends and a size 13!!!! Stupid Fuck!
cats are for betas
idk man.
Cali is very sensivitive state with dog owning
if you are a cuck fagy. then you must get a snowflake dog chiuahua ONLY *STAMPED*
If you are a chad/ owns escalid/ black car with white windex tity / Then you deserce any dogs and must have a viscious pet.
Its like. people forgotten the meaning of owning pets. Its kinda sad. but i think i may be wrong here.
i just dont know when to "get" a dog...instead "ownING " a dog.
why would i want to " buy " a dog?
I did wanted to buy a pig. and maybe eat it desu...but maybe i was looking at the wrong way.
maybe idk the meaning of owning pets yet... some say. when you know you know about "owning pets"
so in other words dogs are easily manipulated and subservient
kind of like women
meanwhile cats do what they want and consider you as an equal rather Than a superior
tl;Dr cats are the real red pilled pet
This jóla köttur came to visit our cabin the other night
It was so nice to us but we found out all it wanted was our lamb
My girl got a dog off Craigslist from some nigger. Poor thing is just skin and bones. Literally. It's heartbreaking. I wish I was more capable of taking care of him.
If anyone in dfw wants an abused, blind dog, reply and I'll create an email for contact.
Whites have empathy for all animals. There are far more homeless, suffering cats than dogs. I take in the stray/feed and the feral cats that come my way.
Being anti-cat is being unempathetic towards animals, which is nigger-tier. Fuck you.
Probably not that man's cat.
But damn he so had that coming.
My cat fucks around all night so I'm pretty sure the robber will trip over him or step on his tail or something which will cause him to go ape shit
But I live in a gated community on the second floor so I'll doubt I'll ever get robbed
Stink, dirty, also some bark
Cats do none of the above
Dont own either.
With nearly 2 meter tall and hands like vises, i am as far away from being a soy boy as one can imagine.
I own a cat and i can tell you guys, my cat is self sustainable, totally independent and is as patriotic as a cat can be. It defends its area from all other cats.
It even defends my family members. I have seen my cat defending my daughter from a dog. She attacked the dog not even considering about the size of the dog and it just fled.
I can also say that dog owners are soy boys because old women use to have these small dogs that look like toys.
I like both cats and dogs and i think that both of them have their specific advantages.
The Thread is just bait. And this my fellow anons is soy boy tactics.
I like both dogs and cats. Animals are nice.