Is the bitcoin another jew trick?
Is the bitcoin another jew trick?
literally yes
I thought a Japanese guy created it
Take down the banking system
no, it's literally our liberation from the jews
everything is a jewish trick. that is why it is so stupid that neo nazis and morons on Sup Forums larp because you are posting your bullshit on yet another jewish trick.
How could you hide cryptocurrency from a debtor when you have a credit card statement that they would read?
Bitcoin is classic (((Ponzi))) scheme.
No one knows who created it. He goes by a Japanese name but no one by that name exists. People have tried to find him but it's a fake identity.
No, i invested when it was a few bucks still, went all in, no regrets
It's more than that. It's being fueled by capital flight from China. On top of the criminal/CIA activity. It'll probably keep being active for a long time.
It wasnt, but the fork booted off the original dev team and gave centralized control to (((them)))
99% of current other coins are pure scams.
>money you can't spend
it's really really confusing. These are the best years of your life, spent gambling into a screen
No, but it does seem like the perfect way for organized crime to launder money. Hmm.
*>Fiat what's your fucking point coinlet
to add to my post
>the bitcoin fork is most likely owned by them
>the exchanges are most likely owned by them
>the big government dick is going to regulate the crap out of it
>most new coins are owned by them
>etherium especially is owned by them
Like I said in the other thread, which didnt get bumps anymore (I wonder why lol), this topic is going to be the most shilled topic up to date yet as it is a direct assault on their banks. The level of shillery is going to be unprecedented.
> Largely anonymous
> Unregulated
> Involves money
No OP. I’m sure the Jew is nowhere to be seen
I don't like Jew money,
>is bitcoin another jew trick
>irael attempting to detsroy bitcoin via crytptoshekels
They can't repo cryptos
>banks manipulate gold and silver price to make it unattractive for wealth preservation
>banks dumping money to inflate coins valuation
It's bankers' trick and we all know who are the bankers
>The bank seizes your compiter and sells it for $90 to a nog
>The nog deletes all the coins to download porn faster
No, it was created by a white, genius goy Nick Szabo as an effort against government and the jewish controller financial sector.
Not originally, but now yes. Look into Blockstream and how they've utterly fucking crippled it to the point of uselessness.
I suspect the real reason for the price pump is because (((they're))) pumping it so that the hashing power doesn't shift to Bitcoin Cash (BCC) and shoah their plan to bank in on crypto.
Bitcoin is nothing.
It has no inherent value. Sort of like beanie babies, this creates an artificial "bubble".
It is a con job (and some of the other coins are like multi-level marketing scams) where the 'confidence' of the fooled buyer is the only thing driving it. Only new gullible fools buying in keep it afloat, otherwise the bubble would burst and the market crash. Eventually that will happen because the Bitcoin system is not sustainable and the framework is not suited to become a real currency.
What about blockchain?
If you want to get on the Bitcoin hype train at this point in time, it will look something like this.
Fake bullshit
No, unless you use (((core))), which has deliberately has low transaction capacity and high fees to make it friendly for (((investors)))
Coins aren't stored in hard drive, you inbred burger.
Keep telling yourself that, grandpa. You're just salty you missed out.
didn't mean to have has twice
Low level bait, right there.
If you got in at bottom level and then made millions and got out, meh, then you took advantage of it. LOL but not many of you self-proclaimed bitcoin millionaires are there yet. Besides, bitcoin is some serious faggot nerd shit that was way too complicated for me to ever take interest in. Way to complicated to put and take money out. Ain't nobody got time for that (unless you are a nerd)(which is why it will never succeed in the mass populace) and besides, bitcoin is flawed in how much electricity it consumes which is enormous to make a 'coin' or transaction, whatever bullshit. It has caps on how many transactions can be made daily, too, so it can never grow into a real widespread currency. It was a profitable hobby for some nerds.
Blockchain is a tech. It has uses, currency being only one of them.
All's it is, at its simplest, is a series of "blocks" that progress in linear order, each one appended after the other.
Block 1 -> Block 2 -> Block 3 -> Block 4 -> ... > Block 500,000
In Bitcoin's case, these blocks are filled with 1MB of transaction data (usually). A block, in Bitcoin, is "mined" on average every ten minutes. That means it can only handle 1MB of transaction data every ten minutes, which equates roughly to between 3-7 transactions per second (depending on size of the transaction).
Bitcoin Core/Blockstream's (they are the de-facto head of Bitcoin Core development) arguments against increasing the blocksize has shifted frequently and you will find no real consistency there. A few of the more hilarious ones were:
>if we increase blocksize, people in the thirdworld won't be able to afford to run a full node
1MB every ten minutes
In short, everything seems to indicate that they've been trying to stifle both its development and adoption since they took over. Bitcoin Cash is an attempt at restoring Bitcoin as a P2P, low-fee cryptocurrency that can actually be used.
>Fake bullshit
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
In a hundred years personal computers won't exist anymore. There will just be one computer that everyone uses, and interfaces with in whatever manner they need.
Fucking fuck. I guess I got to put my bitcoin gains into BCH
no, but ethereum is
Kys brainlet. You don't even know what blockchain is.
>muh electricity
Dumbest shit i've heard in a while.
Fedcoin is their plan. They will derail all cryptos soon except ethereum, which is deflatable ,and those like ripple that are already run by banks.
Umm, sweetie. Just because you can quote that doesn't mean you are a wizard.
For a real wizard who has mastered this reality his chief currency is his bio-electricity and directed willpower.
Idk what kind of faggot nerd shit you are on, but are you suggesting some sort of NWO implant chip economy? I hope not, because your soul is on the line.
I know plenty about futurism and the type of advanced AI that could take place, but it has to be controlled and maintained not vice-versa.
There is already technology that interfaces with the akashic and stuff the public can't even into because it's plasma based technology like Tesla.
Electricity is actually degenerate.
Well until you have free energy, the electricity requirement for bitcoin is absurd. It takes like 30x the power of a home for a transaction or some shit. It's a stupid system and can't ever, ever, be a real thing. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. Blockchain was created by the NSA for document security btw.
Considering a Jew created Bitcoin, maybe.
The greatest poet alive has afew words to say on this....
Show respek
Are you a fucking boomer, who came here during CBTS shit? Because you sure sound like one.
>It takes like 30x the power of a home for a transaction or some shit.
It's not even close to that high. But, it is FAR higher than it should be for the reasons I've mentioned in my other posts. Blockstream have fucking killed it. In short:
2MB blocks = ~1/2 the power consumed per tx
4MB blocks = ~1/4 the power consumed per tx
8MB blocks = ~1/8 the power consumed per tx
... etc, etc.
>Satoshi Nakamoto. Jewish?
>It takes like 30x the power of a home for a transaction or some shit.
No, Ruski. I am a millenial and I am waiting for the God of my people to fulfill his prophecy and... Nevermind, probably shouldn't say that here.
Is bitcoin of God? No.
gibs coins please for new year rich user
Meh, use ltc for payments. Bch is just a pump n dump meme, core just can't be stopped and no one is flippening so evidently larger blocks aren't of interest. No one cares about miners or transaction fees, btc needs to stick to the vision and not pander to dim cronies who are trying to trick everyone.
Congratulations on segwit2x, reckon anyone will use it?
You realize a single BTC transaction has a fee of like $20USD, yeah?
I'll send you about tree fiddy to a Bitcoin Cash address if you want to fuck around with it.
but they can repo your house
Is bch the future of btc?
Who knows. It's Bitcoin as it was intended - before (((Blockstream))) fucked it.
Sometimes the good guys lose. Some coups fail. But, Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin Unjewed - P2P and low-fee with plans to actually scale.
And what about Ether and does EOS have any potential? I've got some eth recently, MetaMask is pretty good imo. Too bad can't get EOS with my murican IP.
Then why are you using non-useful shit as money? non-jew money is called Resources.
Can anyone help a brother out that's broke at Christmas; doing a master's degree in English and needs some emergency dental work because some scum bag degenerate hit me in the the face with a knuckleduster. Will send proof of all these things, pic of teeth will be a bit gross though, also broke my nose but I'm not too bothered about that. Was looking at Bitcoin when it was at 2K but didn't have anything to invest.
In my opinion, Ether is a safe investment. It has big backing and good dev's, but it's not necessarily intended as currency.
EOS is a token and all of its supply is printed at once. My recommendation is to stay away from coins like this. They make very good pump+dumps.
Post pic of teeth next to BCH QR code. Will send you $10 faggot.
Normie. Why are you so hooked on BTC?
I've never asked someone for Bitcoin so I'll have to research how to get a code. I started a coinbase account the other day when I was thinking about getting a litecoin (they were $100 at the time) then they tripled in price. Do I get my code from them?
Just download Wallet on your phone or something.
Don't think anyone knows for sure. But I would bet a select few people are making massive $$$ when you see these drastic jumps and crashes in value.
OK, I got it. My coinbase account has a code for Bitcoin.
Working on sorting a photo of the teeth.
I'm only sending BCH (Bitcoin Cash). Make sure you're sending a Bitcoin Cash address.
Again, Bitcoin tx fees are like $20USD because (((Blockstream))) took over to cripple its adoption and utility.
Something that has always baffled me is how people jumped into this (especially now that the price has skyrocketed) despite not knowing anything about its creator. This guy might be anyone. And has 1.1 million bitcoins. This guy can crash the market with no survivors at any given moment.
Secondly, Bitcoin is already obsolete. The transaction fees are way too high and transaction times are way too slow. Plus, mining is on pace to be unsustainable in terms of electricity consumption be 2020. There are already other coins in circulation which consume up to 350x less electricity.
In the long term Bitcoin has no future and it's gonna be replaced.
Koblitz is an atheist; so maybe his curve doesn’t have a back door in it.
Who knows though right, it’s just probably NP complete, not probably...
So don’t worry guys it’s more than likely nothing to worry about
Ah OK, had no idea mate. In that case it's this one:
You didn't post teeth. But I've sent the money in good faith.
Time for lunch money, nerd!
Y tho? The more people invest - the more you gain. Unless you are no-coiner, who just waits for the massive dip to enter the market.
Here's a video with Richard Spencer with his take on Bitcoin and what he thinks will happen to it in the future.
For anyone who's interested in the Alt Right's perspective, since they are a group are pretty red pilled on the Jews and the JQ.
do you spend crypto currencies regularly?
it only kills the jew when it replaces fiat
I'm sure I'll take a beating for this but here they are anyway. Left a bit of eye colour in there before I get ragged on too badly too. You can just make out the black part of the top one. That bottom one is literally through to the nerve at this point. Was hoping to get through the masters before I get them sorted but now they're just painful. All the damage in the same area from the savage that hit me with the metal. Thanks a lot man, I'm living poor right now to be wealthy later, so hopefully I'll repay you someday.
It's fucking hard to take a picture of yourself in the side of your mouth. It's worse than it looks, there are 4 total that got smashed, two bottom, two top.
Sent an extra $5 for actually following through. gg lad.
Jesus fucking christ, you bong are pathetic.
Would you recommend this app for a dumbass that's just getting into mining?
>getting into mining
you won't get any serious miners till ~april
that said i don't thing mining means what you think it means
Britain isn't the best but your country fucking stinks Fedor, so calm down.
Cheers Ausbro. Will not forget.
At least i have enough dignity to not whore myself out on a taiwaneese basket weaving forum for 10 bucks, despite having lesser than your average Pajeet wage.
The teeth thing was third on my list friendo, I'm also trying to pay for a master's degree in English while you drink yourself to death on a child's swing. Times are hard for some people right now and we're meant to be brothers on here, so quit ragging on me and mind your business.
yes they want to make all currency digital so they can control you easier.