What did Sup Forums think of Bright?
What did Sup Forums think of Bright?
It's a show about a cop duo, where one is from some race that is really dumb, aggressive and ugly - and the other one is an Orc.
Cool movie
movie got shit on by professional movie critics because David Ayer only seems to be involved with movies about LAPD cops and South Central LA.
It's the 12th cop movie he's been involved in but this one has a twist.
gonna watch it soon.
I thought it would end on more of a cliff hanger. I guess it is not the first part of a trilogy. Really got me there.
It was moderately entertaining
watched a lil of it on movies123.sc
was purdy aight
Good movie, Orcs are based
I liked Harsh Times a lot but Ayer cucked when he made Fury.
I liked it. Orcs listen to metal and are better than niggers.
>From the director of suicide squad
why would you put that on a poster
It might have sucked but it made like 800million in the box office and thats all that matters for them
It's actually pretty ingenious (probably not in the way the creators intended obviously) because the Orcs are not straight parallels to Blacks. They are a synthesis of White Heavy Metal Subculture and what Liberals view as the economic/cultural status of Blacks. This has the effect of subconsciously displacing Blacks as the end all be all of the oppressed minority olypmics.
...also, showing the elves as an elite race that looks white buy is not human gives a direct parallel to the relationship between jews and Actual Northern European Whites. Almost everything about the movie is subconsciously destructive to Liberal ideology, which is why it's pissing SJWs off so much right now.
You think normies think this deeply? I talked to a couple friends today and they said "the orcs are supposed to be black people and the elves are white people". That's it, thought process stops there.
turned it off right t the beginning when he was married to a white bitch!
what the fuck, i thought that pic was a shoop
they made a cop movie with an orc cop?
pretty good, fun movie, if you have netflix good watch.
it was ok, interesting setting generic story
it was basically about highlighting conflicts between races. there's a crusader type org called shield of light but they don't get into them much
The unexplained premise is that the movie is set in alternate timeline where a Lord of the Rings type setting was our historical ancestry and it's now present day. Elves, orcs, dragons, magic, are still prevelant in the 21st century next to iPhones, auto shotguns, and body armor. Magic wands melt people into walls while cops have to deal with orcs shitting up the neighborhood with blood rites. Ancient orders still exist, one looking to being back the Dark One (think Sauron) and the other to prevent it.
If you can get into this mindset you will love the shit out of this flick.
I think leftists were catching on to the fact that niggers are just like orcs in the sense that they're ugly, violent, and stupid. So instead of making the protagonist white, they got a nigger to play the "human", and just let the orc be the orcs without the viewer comparing orcs to niggers in their head. A clever but retarded tactic. We all know tolkien was getting at.