Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not.
>inb4 i am enlightened and others are not.
Have you ever considered that you may be wrong?
Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not.
>inb4 i am enlightened and others are not.
Have you ever considered that you may be wrong?
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Nice buzzword. You're like a scientology cultist wondering why we are "thetans".
Muslim is a belief, not a race.
you know he was molesting that kid
Have you ever considered you should be saged?
Yeah but they have to point it out for diversity points.
Were they really, though? Ah well, not that it matters now.
That's a long time to lie to someone
The majority are too conformist to understand the truth.
Think for yourself for just one second and apply Occams razor. Genetic inequality requires only one assumption and explains everything. The politically correct version makes dozens of assumptions, some of them contradictory.
jokes on you when jew owned buzzfeed manufactured that story and article to make you think the thing you just posted; good goy
>the majority of other people are not
According to your stupid logic, the entire planet must be communist fucking leaf.
>kid believes Muslims are nice people
>also believes in Santa Claus
That's a nice gentleman. Spergs are always wrong, but racial awareness isn't. It's not about an individual when you're talking about policy. It is about an individual when you're speaking about an individual. Broader trends and statistics are how you make educated decisions.
>bringing gifts to a small boy for years
It's called "grooming".
I'm a race realist :°)
>Literally saying because other people believe something it must be true
Nice one, leaf. Saged.
St. Nick was a Turk, so the kid wasn't too far off.
How do you know Muslims aren't racist? Do you speak fluent Urdu, Arabic? 'Racism' is anything spoken in English which they find disagreeable!
>Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not.
But the majority of other people are.
In fact, most "races" prefer the company
of their own at large.
>mfw Santa told me women should cover up to show their decency and that pork and alcohol are forbidden by god and I wouldn't get any prezzies if I had them.
He was a greek. Nowadays turkey had no turks at that time. Turks are central asians who conquered the land much later
> a muslim does a kind act for a non-muslim
> shits newsworthy
Nice taqiyya there, Ahmed.
Inferiority complex
Sup Forums has its own set of terms and ideas that are shared throughout, including the one you just expressed. If you want to talk about conformance, look right here
Indeed. Turkish people's resemblance to middle asian mongoloids is uncanny
the other 99 kids who confused a muslim for santa found out what 'sexual emergancy' means
the majority of people don't give a shit about anything except their immediate personal lives
it's not a tough concept to understand if you've ever been outside or talked to another human being in your life
try it some time, OP
He was probably nice to the kid because he was white lmao
Imagine if it was a black kid
maybe it's just the lighting but he looks pretty white for a muslim and the whiter muslims tend to be more docile than the brown potato ones
i bet if the kid was jewish or swedish he would back the fuck out and never give him presents ever again
me and my family all hate niggers/muslims.
at one point during christmas dinner we even discussed how disgusting they are.
>Why is Sup Forums OPENLY racist while the majority of other people are SECRETLY RACIST.
Buzzfeed. what a credible source of news.
>be nice muslims - get featured on frontpage of shitty news site
>be moderate white man who is nice, get called cis-white bigotted trump-voter and get spat on by public opinion snobs.
Yeah such is life.
santa was real?
>missread "his muslim accountant"
Why the fuck would a kid need a accountant
The majority of other people are too, they just pretend they're not. Deep inside, they know. Just talking for the white people, other race are full blown racist and don't give a shit about your feelings.
>santa was real?
Stole all of the presents, didn't they?
The majority of people are racist (at least towards the muzzies). They just have to hide it.
Akhmed, our son thought you were Santa
I know its silly but can you hand him this present, hmm you dont want to?
You do want to keep your job dont you?
I bet he's been playing Hide The Elf with kid
>the statistical outlier proves my point
>Sup Forums has a range of ideas and opinions
What did he mean by this?
That kid is probably on some government watchlist for thinking this bloke is Santa.
Amerimutt detected
Came here to say this. Little Billys gaping asshole
But Saint Nicholas wasn't the original Santa. Christians just gave Odin, the Yule Father, some saint's name to make Christianity feel more familiar to pagans.
>Have you ever considered that you may be wrong?
every day. but shit-skins keep proving the what's what.
Everyone is a bit racist. You can only discuss it anonymously though.
(pic related to the 1 post by this ID)
how does a once highlighted incident of praise towards the Muslim community, portraying a singular positive relationship, somehow account for "the majority" and their opinion towards the Muslim community
please review your post for logic and reasoning before typing it
This is such a dodge. Whenever there's a car the hits a crowd of people if the driver is brown it's immediately assumed he's a radical fundamentalist. That is the viewer, and I'm talking most of Sup Forums in this case, racialising extremism.
Your poor English gives you away, Ahmed.
My point stands
that's not what thetans mean, brainlet
>A person from a religion that recognises accruals and interest as heresy
>Is an accountant
Wow, he sure must be the captain of his industry...
>A person from a religion that follows a pedophile who raped boys
>pretends to be santa for 4 years.
I think you are confused about life.
Does China still use the Hammer and Sickle symbol?
because were anonymous fagget nothins gonna happen to us
>racist against a religion
really makes me think
great arguments guys
>he's played along for 4 years
Yeah its called Taqiyya, its in their religion.
Dirty muddy bugger is feeling that kid's nipp during a photo op. Those muzzie kikes can't control themselves.
So he's a shitty professional and a hypocrite, so basically a typical shit skin?
>Have you ever considered that you may be wrong?
Every single day.
>Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not.
That's objectively false. There was a study done where people were shown images very quickly and their brains were monitored for activity. Despite the fact that 9/10 people say mixed race couples are totally okay, almost everyone when shown interracial couples had their brains immediately react with disgust. Not anger or fear or happiness: disgust.
A whole lifetime of being indoctrinated into thinking that anti-tribalism is okay, human nature is inherently racist against people of other groups. So yes: most other people are racist, they've just been conditioned to act otherwise.
(((muslim accountant)))
I'm not racist, nor are the majority here, we simply don't want these people in our countries. Also you can't be racist against a religion.
how many christian truckenings have happened as opposed to the same incident being carried out by a muslim?
It *would* stand if the point was at all comprehensible
How many Muslim drone strikes or world wars have there been?
>while the majority of other people are not.
They are though.
how many of said drone strikes and world wars have happened in the name of God with the promise of a great reward in the afterlife, though?
>Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not
Because this fucking cesspit website is populated by intellectually subnormal pseuds who have latched onto an outdated, no-place-in-civilised-society ideology because it gives them neat excuses as to why their lives are collectively circling the drain
What do you think "For God King and Country" or "Got Mitt Uns" mean?
What do you think George W. Bush telling Jacques Chirac he needed to rebuild the temple it Jerusalem and bring on Gog and Magog? But every time a Muslim does it you say it counts and hold all 1.6 billion Muslims accountable.
>1 post by this id
>Hold all 1.6 billion Muslims accountable
False; you are conflating ideology with followers. It is unreasonable to hold all followers accountable, but it *is* reasonable to consider what may have influenced someone to commit the atrocity, i.e. consider if religion may have been the root cause.
>for God King and Country
what do Europeans have to do with anglo fuckups?
>muh gott mitt uns
as far as I can remember Nazis and fascists have always been pretty chill with muslims, then again the entire reason the Middle East is in the state it is now is because of Israel popping up and fucking everything around it sideways
>muh Bush and Jerusalem
>implying jewish interests are christian
ffs if you sand coons weren't so cancerous we wouldn't be having this conversation
"Most people" have not lived around niggers for any significant time yet.
The % of suicide attacks is small, the % os muslims with radical views is not.
Or maybe, it's because the we want Europe to remain European, and importating sub 90 iq people que are overrepresented in crime, unemployment, and welfare is not in the good interest of western countries.
Liberals are afraid to admit it but they actally fear the nigs and avoid black neighborhoods. Children just do not know because this yet.
I'll bet my left nut that study never happened
>while the majority of other people are not.
Someones a idealic fool.
>while the majority of other people are not
>taking the opinions of the average retard normie seriously
Link study pl0x?
>no source on image
really makes me think
bump for peace
>Not knowing that war is peace
>Not knowing that freedom is slavery
>Not knowing that ignorance is strength
Racism is natural.
>Why is Sup Forums racist while the majority of other people are not.
Don't kid yourself, leaf. The majority of people are very racist...and with good reason. The rest of the population are to retarded to be racist.
>This is such a dodge.
Are you saying that 'Muslim' is a race?
Cos that's pretty racist. Islam is an extraordinarily racially diverse faith with members from races around the world.
Now, fuck off you terrorist paki.
He is clearly not a faggot wave refugee/immigrant muslim. Even in Sweden first wave refugees Bosnians,Kurds, Iraqis, Chechens etc vote for SD because they think these """"Syrian"""" refugees behave like fucking animals.
Pretty sure that's not even the one that was posted a couple of weeks ago.
>t. Emir Spajic
>he calls a guy with a swedish flag a mutt