Brit/pol/ - fuck links
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Jeremy corbyn
ITT: Enemies of Britain
Jeremy corbyn is the saviour of Britain
Ulsterbros please explain to me why was there so much beef between different Loyalist groups and who was in the right?
>Have a term for describing Jews and non-Jews
>Everyone else is being racist
>tfw knew a guy who claimed he was one of these bellends
my face when he used to tell stories
>YouGov’s Eurotrack results for December shows that whilst 48% of Brits asked prefer that the UK leaves the EU, only 39% now say they would prefer for the UK to remain, a 9 point lead for those now full square behind Brexit. An additional 13% of those asked are undecided.
>That is a big swing since the same firm asked the same question in October. Back then support for leaving had just a 2 point lead.
Well back to fucking work today. It’s shit working in a factory, everyone you really get on with eventually leaves because it’s mostly agency work. So now instead of a laugh it’s just going to turn into a boring grind.
Just fucking kill brit/pol/ at this point, worst general going by far.
Snow lads
Sup Forums went downhill about 3 years ago. It was bound to hit britpol eventually. It’s devolved into shitty anime posting and listening to alcoholic tripcunts cry about their shitty life choices.
>polls show remain
>polls show remain
>polls show remain
>polls show remain
>polls show remain
Did you Anons know there's a pretty big memorial grove for Rhodesia near East Runton? Some of the plaques are kind of rotted through at the base but they keep the flag flying.
not even christmas to look forward to now.
just cold weather and winter.
Who here /waiting for bitcoin to go >10k and buying in/ here?
here's some comfy stuff i've been watching lads
What the fuck are you on about? It's Deano Night on Sunday!
new years louts evening
been snowing all night, still coming down heavy now
i wonder if the SAS & commandos will be out on the streets doing undercover work on NYE
pic unrelated
Hi lads
Every tripfag except Eddie is retarded here.
I thought the old park was Catholic desu
They go about beating kids that misbehave mainly nowadays
And they pretty much just sell drugs and stuff like that
They're not serious organisations for any cause
Maybe they were once
But now they just squabble over wee things
Why would the "commandos" be out?
Heading to Scotland for a road trip for the New Years. Any place that sells tartans? Starting at Holy Island, Edinburgh, Lech Ness and then back down.
It looks like that picture was taken in 1988.
Where’s east runton?
Just brushed my teeth with my brothers toothbrush, he's had a cold since Friday. Am I fucked lads?
just buy it online like everything else
Well you just committed gay incest
So yeah
Norfolk coast, so much historic shit here - Airfields from WW2 every few miles.
Jesus fucking Christ
I'm getting really sick of seeing at least one news article per day being "celebrity has apologised for something they said"
the twiter replies to his apology are fucking great
Reminder that everything is going to get worse.
Hateful bigots
Prog scum have their claws in everything now.
Isn't Ulster Irish?
screenshot some choice ones
Unfortunately for Lewis
>Removes stamp duty for me.
>Bans safe spaces in universities.
Are the Tories turning into /ourparty/?
Because a Royal Marine has the longest military training in the world and is trained in counter terror?
Are ISIS sailing yachts of peace through Christmas markets now?
might have been, the height of the troubles were around that period
Nah not Shankhill, Pure British
>doesnt know what a royal marine is
Literally combines the best elements of every branch.
Different Commando's do stuff like Amphibious Boarding, Nuclear Subs and facilitates and can do counter terror
You keep flipping between commandos and RM... You're a confused lad.
No Ulster is 99% White and the irish arent white
The Royal Marines are the only Commandos in M Armed forces, I think you're confused here
>He's doesn't know about the AACC
Okay kid.
Realistically is there any chance of Theresa May Threatening EU citizens in the UK with and actually deporting them?
>gets BTFO
>changes subject
No you fucking retard.
Ulster is ~50% taig though
Let it go m8 i cucked you
The marines are the only commandos in Britain you larping child faggot.
no reply eh bitchboi
This is a glorious time with no Eddie, no tripfags and you 2 cunts give the rest of us anons a bad name, get over yourself and discuss shit rather than having gay little arguments
fuck off, not my fault this spastic thinks the army is hiding another commando troop
Let it go
Gas them all desu
>1.299BN views
tfw, i live just up the road from westfield.
never take forty winks, around the chimps.
What is the AACC you retard?
>Living in Stratford
>I did a first aid course, now I am a doctor.
I'm not surrendering one inch of my ancestral clay to niggers and pakis. I'm sticking around and making their lives as shit as possible. Subterfuge style.
Is it as bad as those videos make it look?
What do you think you are doing to make there lives shit?
>all arms commando course
>commando regiment
>commando trf
>commando beret
>not commandos
Why are civvys so retarded?
Don't get funny ideas about bacon or you're going to die in prison mate.
Who /white nationalist movement led by autist schizo black guy here/?
Why is it even when posting without his trip, Pube still manages to get BTFO
I'm getting satisfaction from it, and adding to the general chaos. There's nothing more pleasurable than slashing tires, putting shit through letterboxs, posting bacon
and sticking bananas up exhaust pipes.
My nan lives in Custom House, visiting her is like visiting another country
why does DLR have weird names
>commando troop
Don't you mean battalions you fucking mong
Nice work you fucking potato-niggers, stick it to em !
One of the guys in this autistic marine argument is the scousers with his trip off
Catholic cunt.
>83 replies since 9am
Brit/pol is dead, you should all be ashamed
What we need is a Kingsley
Post-chrimbo food coma/hangover, it's to be expected
Pakiposter and pube/wns chimpouts scares everyone away
I never chimped out.
NYE plans?
Lads, if even Prince Harry can go from Sieg Heiling to Obama's fluffer due to the influence of a roastie, what hope is there for any of us?
That picture is proof that mass immigration does not work and is a bad idea.
Quiet one with a couple of mates, don't drink anymore so it's not worth getting excited about
Boycie to the rescue - Only Fools and Horses - BBC
Marlene and Boycie's boat ride through the Everglades is interupted by none other than Del boy and Rodney who just happen to have the mafia on their tail! Funny clip from the 1991 Chrismas special of Only Fools and Horses.
Eddie is the worst of the fucking lot
kek. our boy
>your average thistle fan
this shit
>Implying the no-platforming ban won't be selectively applied
In retrospect, Only Fools and Horses' interpretation of Del and Rodney's relationship is just like the war between Sup Forums and Tumblr nowadays. Rodney thinks like a modern globalist, Del thinks like a traditional nationalist, they talk like they hate each other, but in reality, they can't exist without one another.
>Hahaha, we're so much smarter.
>Uses the sink as a funnel rather than a sink.
Scotland? I have also mostly worked in (food) factories. I assume you've already gone to work now if you're backshift seeing as the posts were 4 hours ago, but asking just in case you're still here. Would be interesting if someone I used to work with browsed Sup Forums.