Serbians are the biggest shit stains in all of the Balkans.
Serbians are the biggest shit stains in all of the Balkans
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Aren't Albanians Muslims?
And wasn't Alexander Macedonian?
Albania is the mexico of europe
>Aren't Albanians Muslims
About half of the country is technically muslim; however, they don't really take it seriously. It's a lot like how Bosniaks are. Yeah, you will get some hardcore muslims but they are few.
>wasn't Alexander Macedonian
No, he was Illyrian.
Poland is the Mexico of Europe. Albania is like the El Salvador of Europe.
Albanians are the most subhuman race on planet earth.
Albanians are literally niggers.
Albanians must all die
False. You subhuman scum. Albanians are donkey fucking rapists retard criminal scum who need extermination.
Albania is the congo of europe. Full of niggers.
Go back to sleep, weev. Also, I'm not even Albanian. I'm polish.
this is how i know analbanians are nigger-tier
Alexander of MACEDON you homo
serbians worse than albanians? are you high?
More like Africa of Europe
It's 9:30 you subhuman scum. Here in non-nigger land we don't go back to sleep in the day.
serbians dont need to make a meme chad serb vs virgin albo cuz.....
pick one
Lol. What the fuck is going on in this video.
Pic related. Basically, they are the bitches of the Byzantine and Bulgarian Empires throughout the Middle Ages, always a satellite state.
In modern day they are a failed state, surrounded by superior neighbors. It really is quite sad to see.
It's funny how serbs love to call everyone else a turk, yet they do shit like this.
But I do need to mention, that I absolutely agree that Serbs are still much better than Albanians.
Those albos tried to steal an old lady and the cop is making them to take turns slapping each other.
Considering that Serbia got their ass beat and lost Kosovo...
pick one
As if all the Balkans wasn't a shit stain anyways.
Show flag, Ahmed.
It's funny that an American is calling anything a shit stain.
I'm a Slavic American. I'm not at all Albanian.
>satellite state of Bulgaria
Stick to cleaning toilets diaspora scum.
So you're a cuck?
No, I just don't get why Albanians get so much hate. They are actually a mixture of Slavic and Greek people. They aren't at all Turkish.
>OP is a Pole living in the US
>unlike Poles in Poland he's quite retarded
>because Serbia is allied with Russia and OP has butthurt syndrome he h8s Serbia
>"now that I think about it dem Albos wuz Illyrian Kangz"
>please understand
let it slide
I actually support Putin over the US.
They're mostly Greek as proven by a DNA study that was conducted recently.
They get so much hate because they are so fucking inbred that their average iq is 82-83 and commit a minimum of 500% more crimes than the natives in every country they go. They also have the most diaspora in Europe.
Just imagine that most say that Albanians in Greece are the most integrated (they're about 400.000 here), and yet they still make up for 35% of our foreign prison population and 20% of the TOTAL prison population having the highest crimerates in pretty much everything (drugs, murders, stealing)
Sounds like greek diaspora in Australia. Poor people commit more crimes wew didn't expect that.
Is Albanian low IQ due to inbreeding, genetics, or mainly genetics but inbreeding lowers it even more?
sup Blerim
sorry that we locked your father up
Solely inbreeding (confirmed by studies). Otherwise they'd be around 100 which we and Italy have
Not all serbs you retard nigger
Greeks are actually Albanians
Modern gayr*ks are nothing more than Albanians larping as Hellenes
albanians are white subuhmans
we are BLACK
why do alabians serbs and croats fight so much?
like you guys keep shitting up the board keep it clean you retards
albania is the cancer of europe
This picture gave me cancer.
This is politically incorrect not historically incorrect go on /x/
>said the impure Dinar
Serbians are literal cucks
Is Serbia the Poland of Europe?
>Literally the same average IQ as Croatia
You tell me...
Also willingly collaborated with Kebabs on more than one occasion. Truly backstabbing vermins.
>Albanians are the most subhuman race on planet earth.
>False. You subhuman scum. Albanians are donkey fucking rapists retard criminal scum who need extermination.
Are the albo’s in the Swiss raping your gf or something?
Well as far as i remember their greatest national hero was Catholic
>A literal subhuman calling others scum
That IQ results surely must be correct
Albanians are dog shit. Nigger tier.
Instead lets trust baseless map images from pro Serb propaganda sites.
t. Slobodon
They lost because you cried "help mai papi die"
So many triggered dipshits here its beautiful.
Fuck you and your retarded gay pig mohamad or whatever sandnigger name he has
No one will ever respect a white country that doesn't interbreed. anglocucks on suicide watch.
>Americamut calling us niggers
That's Italy
επρεπε να τους αναγkαζαν να το kανουν με τηλ kαταλογο. should have made them bang each other with a phonenumber catalog.
Fuck off albonigger,literaly no one likes you
Με συρματόπλεγμα kαλύτερα tbqh
δεν φενετε αμα ειναι απο kατολογο για αυτο το λεο.
albanians are the scum of europe
A lot of hatred towards Albanians in this thread. How do Albanians respond, what’s your defense?
Makedon was a half-Illyrian, half-Thracian, Grecified barbarian state though
Just like polish are half-german barbarians ;^)
how the fuck are Serbs dumber than FUCKING KYRGIZ??
And mestizo Costa Ricans and NIGGER MAURITIANS??
It’s a fake data
kek what's wiht the flags?
The Eternal Serb, strikes again
Insallah, Armend
I feel really bad for that 6,75% orthodox though...
Is it true Serbian is really just Croatian? I know they speak basically the same language
>he thinks chri*tinianty has something to do with Jesus Christ
Respect to them for keeping their language instead of being cucked by Slavs, Latins or Greeks.
It's like I can sense that sub 90 iq radiating from the screen
it was different untill the 18th century or some shit
when one of our cucked politicians decided to make a language based on the servian one
Show your flag
Ahhhh balkan/pol/
>t. butthurt serb who got removed from kosovo
How's life in Potatoland?
Nice try mate, but I don't need to be serbian to hate mudshit subhumans like yourself
So it's the other way around?
It actually takes talent to be the majority of the prison population in any country that you have slight big diaspora.
They make most of the prison population pretty much in any country where they are 100k+
Literally worse then basketball americans
You are in every Balk thread. Always being ignorant and butthurt. You must be diaspora nigger.
roll that shit
No, the old Serbian was vastly different and Croatian was a mishmash of different dialects. During the late 18th - early 19th century, the so called Illyrian movement took place. In reality it was pan-slavic and its purpose was to incorporate Serbia into the Empire. We basically adjusted our language to Serbian and they adopted this new language.
>You are in every Balk thread
Why do you need to accuse me of something, retard
>the old Serbian was vastly different
old serbian was pretty much shtokavian, like today
>different dialects
chakavian is the real croatian
I don't think we really know what Old Serbian was like,since everybody wrote on Church Slavonic.