Post examples of redditors talking like they are in an intense and dramatic dialogue. It's funny af how they talk about politics like pic related.
Redditors talking about politics like they are in a movie thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I talk like I'm in the matrix
*gestures overtly*
going to reddit ironically makes you a redditor, too.
I don't know I didn't read your shit.
Dude what the fuck are you doing on reddit?
I find it odd that they never even consider the reason why Jews were put into camps. They tried to pull a repeat in 1918 the Wiemar Republic of what they did the previous year in Russia 1917, Lenin was Jewish as were most of the soviet leaders, as was Rosa Luxemberg, Karl Liebnecht, the names go on and on and they were either Jewish or married to Jews.
Gosh i fucking hate these guys
adieu user
Sup Forums is guilty of the exact same thing.
*teleports behind u*
Fuck it is emu fucker
>Nothing personal kiddo
No, participating makes you a Redditor.
That's our word faggot. Don't use it
Watching your wife get fucked makes you a cuck weather you participate or not.
his pinky hooks into his pocket
I like to think of cucked as a blanket word that means tricked or fucked out of your leverage. your wife fucking another being such circumstance.
'it was real in my mind so it happened' - jews who took billions of money for the alleged holocaustTM
Holy shit. This dude sounds mentally unstable. Wtf lol
Go back to the Donald refugee
Whoa. Okay thats enough internet for tonight
I agree with him about loot boxes though
Hmmmm, and what group of people in the world have a tendency to be overly dramatic and make everything out to be bigger than it is, as long as anything is inconveniencing them?
>"Hey, Moshe, how was traffic this morning?"
>"OY GEVALT! You should have seen what I went through! I had to fight my way tooth and nail just to get to work today!"
>traffic report yesterday shows extremely light congestion on the main freeway taken to get to work
Redditfags are literally transgender antifacist niggers.
>visiting reddit
>reading reddit
trump does this all the time though, what are you saying
>I hate it when people complain about lootboxes, just don't play the fucking game
What a fucking cuck
I like this thread. Gotta think up a more succinct way to put it to have a repeating general, though.
cops are military. an invasive presence. wake up.
Never forget the Cheese Soldier.
>hurr so what if games are being changed fundamentally to accommodate this hot new shitty development practice? It's OPTIONAL. Just ignore it :)
I love reading retarded reddit posts on Sup Forums, though. It's like our version of a FPH thread.
But he/she is right about this though. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
Bern-out mining from Reddit was a highlight of Sup Forums in 2016, anyone who says otherwise is a larping faggot.
imagine being this pathetic. at least most larpers on Sup Forums don't actively train for their never-gonna-happen revolution
but they should, just in case it ever happens
>blowout soon Stalker
>...we can find someone else to drive their trucks and beat their wives
>...and farm all of our food
>...and transport that food to our highly educated and advanced city of intellectual artists
>...and remove, refine, and transport our necessary raw materials
>...and use those materials to manufacture goods which we consume en masse in the aforementioned cities
>still think reddit is actual people
they are a AI hivemind corporation
"We still have to deal with long-term-effects (and in my opinion it's only fair after all those crimes that were commited by our ancestors)"
>nothing to lose
100 dollars for some old commie
i've seen the insanity of germans guilt about ww2 first hand in real life and on the internet this isn't an exaggeration as much as you would think it was.
i met an exchange student about a year or two back who was practically moved to tears just having a casual discussion on the topic it was very bizarre.
>the holocaust happened
do you think redditors are ever reading their fellow redditor's comments and one day they read one that's just a bit too nutty and realize they are in an insane asylum?
i just don't understand how anything about the far left can feel normal.
Checked. You're close, but the base transaction is someone else getting the reward for your work.
This guy is exactly on point, except for reasons he doesn't understand
Russia is to blame for the current state of US politics. The USSR, to be more specific, started exporting marxist-leninism into the USA in the 1950s. This led to all the leftism we saw during the counter-culture movement of the 60s and 70s, and the shitstorm we have today.
video literally related
In fairness, Sup Forums isn't exactly the most sane place on the planet and this website also includes places like Sup Forums, /x/ and /r9k/ which probably more closely resemble an insane asylum than some reddit threads. Still, at least a good percentage of the people on those boards are joking and just fucking with people. I think a large percentage of the redditors who post (at least the ones who aren't actually bots) are indeed real people and are not kidding or fucking with people, they sincerely mean what they say which is just depressing.
>leftist cuckold
>loves lootboxes
rly mks yuo thnk
>Sup Forums isn't exactly the most sane place on the planet
Yeah, but on Sup Forums we're all sane enough to know everybody else who posts here is a weirdo faggot, but reddit lacks even that level of self-awareness.
i think ive seen this before, but just fucking L O L
Agreed, I've seen some threads from there from completely unaware and sincere people who are too bluepilled and retarded to even know where one could begin helping them.
They're old people and beta males.
Yeah, most of Sup Forums is just bantz and venting. People screaming about genders and drumpf and all that on reddit know that the internet is serious business
the fact that he called it
>gun training courses
that's fair.
in the mid 2000's the left kind of made sense to me. anti-war, some social programs. kind of before stuff like gay marriage become a huge deal in the later 2000's, it seemed to make enough sense. but now the left is just so wacked out that i can't believe more people don't find it repulsive.
so much of what would be persieved as insanity on the right (speaking of Sup Forums specifically) is purely a result of open border policies.
i think a lot about how hitler is the god of Sup Forums now and how many people revere him but it wouldn't have happened if third worlders weren't allowed to flood into the u.s. and europe. hitler's quotes make so much sense when you are talking about today's world but it's just weird because back then there weren't third worlders flooding into the west, it was a much different context.
Yeah. Hitler didn't come to exist in the stable, reasonable German Empire either. He was necessary to pull them out of the degeneracy of Weimar Germany. Now our planet is facing a similar degeneration and you see people identifying with his ideas once again, when 20 years ago you would not have heard people openly discussing "I don't like Hitler but he had some correct ideas" in public, but I heard that just the other week at a bar from what looked like a table of normies discussing politics.
>the breeders
Holy shit we need to gas these faggots
All this faggotry... War of the worlds now plz plz plz
I enjoy playing "spy the projection". I also like to flip it to see if I'm the one projecting.
This one makes me giggle.
>Holy shit we need to gas these faggots
You'll see the same shit on /r9k/ or on here when the fucking nihilists roll in and want to tell everyone that nothing matters and making more humans is an awful thing to do.
>"I don't like Hitler but he had some correct ideas"
I make a point of saying "Maybe Hitler was right" as my punchline to whatever observation on societal breakdown is made when I meet new people like Uber drivers, security guards, blokes down the pub and just the rank and file white men who thanklessly hold this fucked up civilization together. And I always get a smile and more often than not a nod of approval but sometimes and increasingly more so it's the opener to redpill a Normie.
I do train
>only posts lists of ungrammatized thoughtlets
>English grammar RIP
>but am fitting in at this moment
Kek, muh photographs,video,testimony, etc
These sheep need to watch Room 237
Lefties acting like it's not a big deal that the democrats openly rigged the primary against sanders. They even downvoted the guy who said she cheated.
I've been guilty of browsing the politics sub lately
its fucking insane, those people are literally more insane than the people here
These same lefties deny atrocities happening every day, as long as the perpetrators are one of their pet projects. Black and arab violence, suicide bombers or entire genocides will be dismissed or downplayed.
Throwing gays off roofs is okay, because it's "not really Islam". Cutting clits off little girls is okay because "it's just a tribal custom, we can't just punish the parents, we have to educate". Deep seated ethnic conflicts of other countries they don't even understand, they give peace prizes to noble freedom fighters like Arafat and Aung San Suu Kyi and then they're shocked, SHOCKED to find out liberating an ethnicity can produce violence.
Hell, they don't fucking understand half the ongoing conflicts they've imported. Sunni and shia are put into the same places, afghan tribal wars continue in Europe. Muh virtue signalling tho. Let's change my profile picture to a flag.
this is probably a paid shill account to get people to donate money. looks like copy pasta
I'm glad to see they are still butthurt
No that's actually a great way to go about it when you think of it. You can always laugh it off as a joke and be safe with a stranger, but if they're open to the redpill they might get serious, and if they're already redpilled you might just make a friend.
Well the only reason they ever heard was that they were scapegoats for germanys failures. I guarantee they will use the word scapegoats aswell
Im actually okay with this. These people really shouldnt be raising generation zyklon. We want them to grow up in a healthy environment
Or you could just not care what the Nazis did, because it doesn't concern you personally.
theyre sliding hard this morning
>nothing like it happens again
Holomordor Armenia Rwanda Congo Sudan Cambodia and more.
It's almost like that type of rhetoric is used to make a more compelling point or something. Hmmm.. really makes me think.
>get harshly over punished for role in World War 1
>live in the hell that is the Weimar Republic
>stand up for yourself
>the world punishes you and demonizes you for daring to take a stand against your aggressors
>your aggressors pull the strings to make it so that 'history' portrays them as innocent do nothings and you are monsters who attacked them unprovoked
>and you are constantly reminded of what supposed monsters you were and are
what's happened to the German people since the degenerate days of Berlin, Weimar is tantamount to psychological warfare against them.
Thats fucking infuriating. Having to be reminded forever that you stood up to the Jew so your evil.. whilst the kikes get to act like victims when they are the guilty
the Jew won WW2, USA/UK/Europe will be minority White shitholes that the Jew rules over forever. Good I say, we deserve it
Fucking mutt education
There's no one this person hates more than themself.
The world will be a better place when they finally get the balls to put the gun in their mouth and pull the trigger.
So brave
Imagine being such an idiot that you defend parasitic leeches invading your country over hard working americans that have been here for centuries.
You must be one of the 44%....
No, these far leftist types love extremism, it's a part of their value system.
The more extreme the better, whoever is freaking out over nothing the most wins.
Remember in the victim olympics, if everything isn't horrible, you've lost.
it's because the culture of the western world (but especially the US) has been systematically dismantled and replaced with popular culture over the past 50 years.
the thing that makes redditors (and by extension, normie Americans in general) so cringey is the fact that their whole system of beliefs about themselves and their world are lifted straight from movies and TV shows...
that's why they obsess over bullshit like "Game of Thrones"... it's not like they can just go "get a life" - this *is* their life.
>it scares me
I can not believe that people this faggoty exist
Maybe I’ve got abnormally high t
No more than living in Germany makes a Jew a German
Not really