Why don't leftist millennials believe in God?
Why don't leftist millennials believe in God?
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Because he's not real, and nobody ever taught them any philosophical significance of the Bible stories.
Nobody does
Because God doesn't exist and is a scam to control people
>God doesn't believe in leftists.... ftfy.
Humility is necessary to find God.
How does it control people, in what ways?
*tips fedora*
Japan isn't majority atheist. Neither is UK or Russia for that matter.
Because they aren't biggot short dicks like the former generations were
>a scam to control people
Yeah I'm sure that Sutherland Springs shooter was well under control mentally.
>Open fire on small town people minding their own business and hurting no one regardless of anyone's beliefs
>Why don't leftist millennials believe in God?
Believing in God doesn't make him exist.
Heck, If we could get the entire planet to believe in God it still wouldn't mean he exists.
There's you answer - it doesn't matter if he exists or not.
* I say "HE" because that's the gender He has been known as for thousands of years.
Why the hell do i have to see the "uninteresting thread/miss average bitch 2017" combo every day?
Hope she recovers from AIDS. She's aged a lot and looks emaciated.
Why do you ask what millennials do while posting a picture of this same girl every single day?
Also the answer to your question is people believe in God to deal with anxieties they have in their life related to survival and death, and since Millennials have never had to worry about anything practical in their entire coddled little lives they aren't looking for answers to questions like if my children get sick and die will I get to see them again like people have for most of human history and still do in poorer countries.
Pretty much this.
They throw away a Christian heritage in order to "enjoy" casual sex with strangers and having plastic phalluses shoved up their bottoms.
"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
Because its way easier to live in sin.
Once you have gone down that road its hard to commit to Jesus.
Having to turn your back on everything you know/ the lifestyle your living is hard.
This challenge is the key in itself though. Constantly strive for perfection.
Because he's not real and those who believe it are weak-minded and have no ability to think beyond what has been brainwashed to them from the start.
Conservatives and Evangelicals are probably some of the most idiotic and truly some of the most evil people in the world, distorting their own teachings and quoting Bible Verses in order to justify their hate and utter cruelty
Because they find that accountability of any form to be inconvenient in their pursuit of satisfying hedonistic desire
Millenials, even if they are annoying, understand that society cannot advance when there are higher-ups and bureaucrats that believe in such pathetic fairy tales in order to push archaic legislations and appeal to the dumb masses that support religion. There is no logic behind why they would go beyond lengths to force other people to believe in religion other than that it feels good and that people who don't believe in God are just hedonistic and degenerate.
>Evangelicals most evil people in the world
"Hate" and "cruelty" from evangelicals usually means (at worst) harsh words or cold-shouldering.
The crimes of the left involve gulags and mass graves.
Because it's more convenient not to. It means they can do all the things they want to. Plus, it's because they're all children at heart, and God is like a father figure. When you're an adult, you tend to appreciate your parents and understand why they tried to steer you away from certain things, but when you are a child (as most leftists still are), you resent them for trying to stop you having fun.
solid image there
>Opposite of evangelicals is leftists
>Evangelicals, not atheists, are the ones that only say mean things when terrorists have destroyed others in the name of Islam, Judaism and radical christianity is used as a means to destroy Palestinian lands and civilians, and our own legislators have used God as a justification to go to war in the Middle East
But yeah, keep pushing the false equivalency will ya? A world without religion would make our lives so much better
why would anyone believe in something without proofs
Thats why its called faith brother.
Can you stretch your imagination to believe in the element oxygen?
Or to expand, can you imagine the structure of an atom visually?
Except if I don't have faith in chemistry or physics, life still goes on.
believing in god makes you a subhuman like the Jew
This is true lad.
Doesn't defeat the point.
Which god?
Because people with a brain don't believe in God
I bet you think Rick and Morty is the most ingenious thing to ever exist.
They do, they call him YHVH
The whole point of the left is in being anti-liberal hacks.
> make "groups of interests"
> sell their votes to the rich
People who believe in God are not buyable. They will look at your fruit and judge you and themselves failry. They will not back Trump nonrestrictive - if they see him meddling with Jerusalem or anyone promoting bigger Israel, they will try to force him to change his stance.
This is why american evangelicals come in.
> preach talmud
> force people to vote for group loyalty instead of actual Christian ideals
>> Evangelion is the name for Gospel and they should have read and discuss Gospel by their own dogma, instead of listening to Talmudic preachers (false prophets)
This is why muds are so popular. They have their own union mafia, their own group-loyalty preachers.
Profoundly accurate. Well stated, bong.
>implying all the gods weren't just tentative emanations of the one true God
Who is this chicken and why do I see pictures of her posted on Sup Forums?
Yeah because theres nothing of value in metaphor and parable and faith has no value because materialism
>muh dick
every single time.
Disney holds the market on God right now. Some of you old fags get this.
i dont know how OP can fish so much shit. its fucking incredible because its automatically guaranteed replies. its like he mastered the art of sliding threads
I like my Christian heritage and I'm proud of it, but I just can't believe in god. All of that doesn't mean, that I'm a degenerate in all kinds of ways.
>the alchemist
Is this book good? I liked Faust.
>Paulo Coelho
Pick one and only one.