Class warfare is alive and well. It’s not Jews, Blacks, or immigrants you should fear, it’s people in a different class. Class warfare is real.
Class warfare is alive and well. It’s not Jews, Blacks, or immigrants you should fear...
Except for all the niggers tryin to kill you and all the jews tryin to screw you
The only people trying to kill you are people in a higher class than you.
Fuck off Marxist pinko fuck, you lazy piece of shit your entire ideology is warped around the fact you're a materialistic degenerate who can't afford the decadent, drug filled lifestyle you want so you rage at people who can but probably didn't.
Literally every Marxist ever is the same, you're young, inner city and spend the majority of your pay on shit.
Haha wow you're fucking stupid.
That couldn't be more against there interests. That's why they import more people and try to swell the work force with more women. More workers me less competitive wages and benefits
*their holy shit I need to get off
It's not the guy holding me up with a knife who's going last year who's going to kill me? It's apple charging 900$ for a phone?
Economic value is completely subjective and class is arbitrary and wholly socially constructed. Those evil rich people have something in common. You're not a class warrior, OP, you're a latent anti-Semite, embrace it.
Thanks ozzy. None of the above. I’m fortunate to have the things I have, and I am a blessed man. I enjoy decadence occasionally as any man should. America is facing serious problems. Niggers killing each other in south side Chicago? Pass. Mexicans stealing shit in Phoenix? Pass again. Whites killing people in NY state? Again, pass. It’s class warfare. We are all being robbed.
Bump just because your email on mobile
>It’s not Jews, Blacks, or immigrants you should fear
>posts a literal jew
Why do leftists love jewish bankers so much?
It's both. Jews radically disproportionately fill the ranks the globalist plutocracy at the top, and add opposition of ethnic interests to the very real opposition of class interests.
This naive fuck never met a homeless person.
Third Worldizing the West via immigration and outsourcing is in the profit interest of global capital, hence why they've been pursuing it, and reaping obscene profits, while the natives of the West go backwards. Destroy capitalism, and the Jews.
>lurk more, post less, learn to sage
A scumbag is a scumbag. I’m not attacking capitalism, I’m speaking out against classism. A Jew in NYC, rich from an unfair deal is the exact same as a nigger who robbed someone for a big screen TV in Alabama.
"Economics is what really matters," shrieks the shekel-worshiper.
Satire about current events you gay fag
LOL. I can’t answer further.
>Removing all non-whites=automatic utopia
All right-wing/fascist movements are anti-capitalist, going back 2+ centuries. Pro-capitalism is liberalism. Capitalism breeds cultural and social degeneracy, absurd wealth disparity, de-industrialization of the West, open borders. The notion of a harmony of interests under capitalism is utopian.
These idiots only know what right-wing infotainment tells them to think. You can not get through to them, you either say something that coincides with their feelings and they will agree, or you don't and they won't, ever.
De-industrialization of the West? I think you have just given yourself away achmed.
What are you talking about? All those factories that were literally shuddered and shipped to the Third World, that supported a robust working class and middle class, providing healthy demographics, all with far less debt and university indoctrination?
God I love it when liberals pretend to care about the working class. You flood the country with migrants that devalue unskilled labor, you mock people who can't afford a college education, you do everything in your power to prevent people from starting their own businesses, and you expect us to believe you are on the side of the workers? Get fucked. You aren't fooling anyone.
Nice try schlomo. I see you are testing out some new jew deflections tonight. You are wasting your time :^)
But Jews are the biggest demographic in the 1%.
Can we have both class was AND camp? Fema camps would work perfectly!
You mean the factories built to stop the German war machine? How long was that benefactor going to last? We have the answer today.
so the jews?
You probably would be the first one in the camp next to your nigger and Mexican neighbors. It’s not a Jew thing. It’s that you have less money and are trash. Being a nazi makes you a flashy piece of shit. You’ll see yourself in the same trash bin as any Jew, nigger, Mexican, Muslim that doesn’t have millions.
You’re an actual retard. I don’t advocate for any immigrant taking any citizen or even permanent resident’s job.
No, it doesn't equal utopia, it merely removes exacerbations of social problems and hostile populations, allowing us to begin tackling our own problems.
I am anti-capitalist, but I'm not anti-entrepreneur or anti-market activity or anti-wealth or anti-industrial or anti-wealthy people or anti-class hierarchy or anti-wealth disparity. I'm anti-usury, anti-transnationalism, anti-globalization, anti-economic parasitism, anti-hyper-consumerism, anti-corporate personhood.
The primary problem with capitalism is the same as the primary problem with Marxism: materialism and primary focus on economics.
How do you feel about people charging rent for dwelling or interest?
Getting real sick of these fucking threads.
>"It's not the's (goes on to name the Jew)"
How do we stop this new menace because it's pissing me off
Against interest, in the ethno-state banking should be nationalized and not for-profit. I have no problem with earning income from rents, however landlordship demands certain responsibilities and standards which need to be enforced by authorities.
It’s not the Jews you dumb fuck it’s the billionaires you dumb fuck. Are there “Jews” in that class? Absolutely. But they don’t serve God they serve money.
Well you have just gone against your own Nazi beliefs retard because ANY unearned income except pensions for the elderly was outlined to be banned by the Nazi party.
Politics were always about this. Corporate tax vs regular/worker tax.
MUH BILLIONAIRES and MUH 1% are mainly Jews. Doesn't take a genius to look at the statistics and realize what's happening and who is behind it. The reason people like you fight so hard to come up with any other explanation other than Jews are doing bad things as a group, is because Jews have also made it so they are not allowed to be criticized without massive social consequences against detractors. Funny how that works, the people in power aren't allowed to be criticized.
I'm not a slavish adherent to everything the NSDAP of the 1930s and 40s did. And properly maintaining property and renting it out is generally beneficial to society.
Its the jews that started class warfare, flooding countries with low IQ savages and fan the flames with cultural marxism. You're crying about a problem that was created by jews.
I agree with what you’re saying on a baseline level. It’s not a Jewish movement however. Jews are participants in a big game, and are playing well. It’s about money.
>person who commits burglary = someone who feels like life is unfair
nice try but your ilk openly stated that its against the white male...
save it you scumfufucking kike, it's you oppressing el beautiful white whitey, day of the rope soon
I will.kill the Kikes and steal their shekels.
Life is not about money. We'll show you that when we are hanging you all.
I could give a fuck so long as you go to work and be self sufficient and don't ask for hand outs at every turn. Plus social squabbles are a fucking joke and we'd be better off ignoring them than bitching about them.
Choose your words carefully. You only speak for yourself and your intentions. You do not speak for others and their intentions. If you believe others hold your views. You are sorely mistaken. You are naive to to believe otherwise.
I have been turned. The Jews really are the problem. They are the cause of banking crisis’, the death of Jesus and the corruption of western civilization
Only the hyper-elite care about it being an exclusive club, because that's the only level where they have enough money to influence the world.
You think anyone cares if you get a job making 500k a year so you can live a nice comfortable life? Fuck no. 500k is a great salary, but you're not making enough money to influence economies or have any lasting impact on anything beyond your own tiny sphere of influence.
explains why the elites are trying to race bait so fucking hard
so idiots think its racial issues and not class issues
Attacking the 1 percent is attacking 50 percent of jews you antisemite.
The elites are twisted people user who live in an idea-bubble because money shields them from reality, many of them are degenerate cucks and homos and what you see happening to society is the figments of their imagination shoved down your throat.
Nigger, my grandpa came here from Egypt....... ALONE!!!!
Now, he has 19 grandchildren (including me) and our immediate family members by blood (31 members so far, but it expands even more, once it involves our in-laws and their families), have eight digit figures in our combined net worth. How? By having all of them (his 2nd and 3rd gen) pool resources and save to a family fund, for 41 years and continuing.
>Class warfare is real.
Classes do not exist anymore and the left knows that.
In the end Marx was wrong, we are divided more by race then by class, if you don't believe me take of your rose colored glasses and look at the US politics, EVERYTHING is racial.
divide 8 figures by 31 and it's 1/30th of what you assume to own , so it's 6-5 figures each pfff
>what is stay at home mothers and children
>what is eight digit figures can be between 10,000,000 to 99,999,999
mostly Jews, didn't you know Goy? Jews hold the most wealth of any minority group, they also own media, porn and the Democrats who make these threads just like you.
The jew is the root of all the white man's ails and anyone who would have you believe otherwise is a kike shill
Lol didn't read.
I make $100k a year, retired in my 20s and do drugs and shitpost as a pass time.
Hi! Remember me, I never leave!
> Make Nazis, not make implying posts!
I'm going to reach your level sir. I was a pizza delivery driver, then became a CDL driver at 22. I'm 24 now and I've saved about $61k since I was 20.
Well... I do live rent-free with parents.
Fugg it. 8 more years.
You just got your wish. Congrats.
Last year I spent $10,000 on cocaine. I'm now hurting financially but worth it lmao.
1488% this. Top check.
I only do it on occasion. $20 will last me for 2 days and I'll be good (while not having the urge for a couple of weeks).
You a vacuum?
I discovered a different way to smoke it. Vaporizing it. Smoking lines, it cannot be Vaped in large quantities.
High for days and days, nothing like crack because CRACK IS WHACK.
>Whites killing people in NY state
Holy bullshit relevatism batman.
It's niggers you retard.
It lasted until niggers migrated to our industrial centers