NYT is all Mexican and no intellectual.
The United States Intelligence Community concluded, with high confidence, that the Russian government engaged in electoral interference during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[1][2] A January 2017 assessment by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) stated that Russian leadership preferred presidential candidate Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's electoral chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process."[2]:7
so when do we switch to paper ballots and a federal voting ID? never? then it doesnt really matter.
i dont understand what the big deal is. US and their presidents have been doing this shit for years
>Putin is Russia
If it's true or not doesn't even matters, since Putin isn't every Russian. In most colluding case possible 99.9% of Russians didn't help win Trump. Why do open border non-countries and non-defined races talk so much about country responsibility?
lol wait are you implying the votes THEMSELVES were actually hacked?
trump will rot in prison.
First, these are the same agencies that said Iraq had WMDs. The only ones who believe them now regarding Russia are the losers (DNC, H supporters).
Second, I know how hacking works. Even if you trace the root country, it is impossible to tell whether it was the government or an 400 lbs hacker from his bed.
Third, Wikileaks leaked docs that showed how these agencies can leave false fingerprints.
Fourth, the hacked servers were inspected by dodgy third party company, not FBI.
Fifth, even if you can prove that Russia hacked it (these agencies can't do it, there has to be someone like Russian Snowden with lots of proof), all that Russia did was exposed corruption in the DNC.
its certainly no secret that the DNC faked millions of votes with illegal immigrants and deceased people
then explain how russia interfered with the election on some criminal level.
shilling and shitposting isnt illegal. neither is propganda. in fact libshits and kikes have prevented legislation to hold foreign bodies accountable for provable meddling since 1800.
The DNC leaks
Trump only attacks little innocent people he should try to handle big strong BLUCK Womyn
No user, by """hacked the ekection!!!1!""" Liberals and leafs actually mean they posted on Facebook
Sorry, I don't want to get AIDs.
So, all these super secret three letter agencies were and are completely useless, esp. the No Such Agency? They didn't detect it back then, and they can't present failsafe proof now ("with high confidence" - read: We don't have shit)? You can as well shut them down and save a lot of money you could invest elsewhere.
>another country publicly expressed preference for one political candidate over another
>leftists actually believe that for some reason it's treasonous this time, even though it never has been before at any time that a foreign political figure has endorsed a candidate
Voter ID in every state would make (((interference))) even less relevant, Republicans would win every time with ease
Who /russianhacker/ here?
Tracing your IP right now. Prepare for a storm mosquito.
the fbi didnt even personally look at the servers
its all a big sham
It is still wrong, but less so, if done by the Yanks. But for the Putin apparatchiks to do this? THAT is close to war.
Sure, right. And the overwhelming evidence for this is... where?
If Democrats don't want illegal voters then why do they want so many illegal immigrants. Why do they want to give amnesty to all the illegal immigrants to make it easier for them to vote?
The Putin clan wrote deliberately divisive stuff which was targeted at part of the USA electorate. So that some voters received distorted 'news' which collectively encouraged R and discouraged D, and/or hid Trump errors under distractions. Illegal? If funded by a state, and resourced by their state entities, it is tantamount to e-warfare. If done by the average idiot online, not so much.
Because Putin influenced the USA election. With or without Trump's overt knowledge is not relevant to the issue of interference, but if Trump is eventually found to have been aware even complicit, he will get - what? - prison time? At least, he will be un-presidented.
Don't be so dumb. "Preference" is fine. Interfering in pursuit of that preference, is not.
Nobody has explained why I'm supposed to hate Russia.
Well, since many R states have regulations and processes about voter registration that make it hard for minorities to register, then you may be right.
Earning some extra bucks today, kiwi?
I love how it is ok for leftist to be xenophobic, as long as they are xenophobic against whites...
Lol the Putin, absolutely destroyed.
Impeach drumpf now. He's got the nuclear codes for Christ sake! #resist
Because there is nothing real to complain about. The country isn't burning and the economy is doing great. Things will continue to get better for working Americans and they fear people opening their eyes and seeing it. The only way to stop it is to poison the whole thing in the first place. They have to deny people the chance to recognize the good things they will receive.
So when are you going to string up Hillary for trying to "hack the election" by swinging propaganda from cucked Euro countries. I'll wait, gaylord.
The narrative went from hacking to interference to social media manipulation.
You link the OP-ED - REALLY.
Get the fuck outta here NEWFAG.
This is Sup Forums not /new/ meme flaggot.
Political incorrectness is almost entirely opinion.
What faggot drew this the breath too much.
NYT's thinks pedophilia is not a crime and communism is good - they also admit to lying about trump so morons buy their dying paper -
Stock still stagnant after 4 years and Carlos Slim is dumping his holdings.
Explain this to me?
>Jesus on there
I want to punch whoever drew this right in the mouth
Underrated post
>ITT: Drumpf obsessed soy boys
i can tell what you look like by the way you type
kill yourself nigger
NYT: faggots, kikes, kike faggots