
Let's discuss the pros and cons within Christianity Sup Forums:


>Good work ethics (this is mostly a meme I believe)
>Less emotional than other Christians
>Good at secularism, sees religion as a private matter (not so much in the US. Can be perceived as hypocrisy)

>In the US and Latin America, by all means a tool of zionism
>Some branches have stupid beliefs like predestination
>Some believe you've earned heaven solely by accepting Christ, your actions don't matter
>For the most part (I know there are exceptions), shit-tier looking churches
>Money contributions seem mandatory
>Cash cows for ministers

>One of the cradles of Western Civilization, has lots of history, heritage and influence
>Asks the most from its followers, requires following its principles at all aspects of life
>No mandatory money contributions, the Church is rich as fuck, they don't need your money
>Absolutely god-tier religious art

>Religious guilt results in inaction by its adepts when faced with ethically dubious situations
>Maybe as consequence of the last one, not as good for business as Protestants, and shit at work ethics (meme because there are lots of catholic countries/regions with good economy and work ethic here in Europe)
>Overall think their religious must apply to everyone and everything
>Currently the church is run by satanists
>as consequence of the latter, the church found itself plagued by sex abuse scandals (though largely overblown) and sadly JPII didn't handle them properly
>does in fact engage in a tad bit too much idolatry sometimes, particularly in poorer countries

>don't know much about it, seems similar to Catholics except they are independent from Rome. Also their clergy are more outspoken against degeneracy

Other urls found in this thread:–West_Schism

"I want to whisper a poem in your ear, user!
...My love for you is like a beautifully lit candle...
...Warm, glowing and passionate...
...But, if you forget about me...
...I will burn your house down...
...Now open the bible and start reading it to me..."

>tfw no protestant gf

I want to convert Melania Trump to Orthodoxy.

Remember that the Knox Bible is the definitive english translation.

the main diffrence between catholics and orthodox is that in christianity religion is beyond countries and unites many diffrent cultures under 1 patriarch meaning the pope.
in orthodox the religion is to unite 1 country and the religious heads of that country are under its ruler for example the rus patriach was under the Czar
christianity unite evry country under it
orthodox unite the country its in

>seems similar to Catholics

>orthodox unite the country its in

I did mention the church right now is run by heretics

That's not at all the main difference. Catholics and Orthodox have very different views, Catholics have a much more legalistic, bureaucratic view of God.
In fact, Catholics are much closer to protestants than they are to Orthodox Christians.

Christianity isnt european, pre christian 90% of europe men were free and could vote, post YHWH only 2%.

>Christianity isnt european
Indeed, Christianity is the Truth and the Truth is universal.

I have no idea where to go

Catholic or Protestant..
I don't know where i should be



>Good work ethics (why the "west is the best", read protestant work ethic )
>Less emotional than other Christians(not really)
>Secular, outside church structure.

>Believe you've earned heaven solely by accepting Christ(yeah, you don't earn heaven)
>For the most part (I know there are exceptions), shit-tier looking churches
>Money contributions seem mandatory(nope)
>Cash cows for ministers(can be if there isn’t oversight, which is why there should be a vestry)

>Cornerstone of Christian organization
>Asks stronger identity than other branches
>Absolutely god-tier religious art(true)

>Cathicucked for third world countries and pioneered social justice
>lazy as fuck, too many kids they cant afford
>Currently the church is run by Satanists(and pope is AntiChrist)
>Plagued by sex abuse scandals(it’s a problem)
>Engages in idolatry(hence Protestantism)

> most solid ethno-cultural group of Christianity.
> strong in tradition like catholics
> churches are nice looking

> none of us are Greek or Russia
> might be too hard to transition to a form of Christianity not historical to our people


They always was heretics.–West_Schism

They are both flawed. Othodoxy, as the name suggests is the true, unaltered form of Christianity
Christianity+ primitive barbaric influence = catholics
Catholics + jewish influence = protestants and reformed
Christianity + primitive sand raiders influence = islam


No, its just a semitic YHWH deity wirship, nothing true or distinct about the cult.

> Actual Christianity given to us by God.
> hated by all the heretics, hence it does not rewrite the book
> should be careful in choosing the denomination, because a lot of them are heretic hacks

>its just a semitic
Yah, that's why jews hate christianity and europe is the center of christianity.
Anyway, if you belive in it or not is another story, but the argument that it's semitic so it's wrong is just retarded. Religions don't have an ethnicity.

catholics are much more jewed than protestants.

protestants just agree with the state of israel as it accelerates the end times, in that regard.

Catholics pioneered social justice and cradled communism much more than protestants.

the issue became that protestants were disillusioned so much after the second world war from so much death many lost the faith.

> strong in tradition
> like catholics

> *destroy constantinople*
> *collaborate with muds*
> muh crusades are holy
t. the only tradition Catholics are strong in

fuck the jewed and the pros and cons where is the TRUTH?

There isn't anything inherently jewish (that I know of) in catholicism, but from what I read of protestantism, and of the reformed churches especially, they seem to literally be judaism for export in a lot of ways. They are probably more anti christian than Islam.
>Catholics pioneered social justice and cradled communism much more than protestants.
I seriously doubt that.

>Some branches have stupid beliefs like predestination

The omnipotence of God implies that every event occurs out of necessity, including all human actions.

The way this is generally handled is by using the sophistry of compatibilism to confuse people.


They are jewish religions that oppose European values

>Catholicism having cons
Leave before I douse my computer with holy water to remove this heresy.

>the chad pagan
That got wiped out by christians.


>> Also their clergy are more outspoken against degeneracy

Ok help me to see why the Church is the true church and counter Protestant arguments.

Christianity says to protect the weak and that murder is wrong.

This is the exact opposite of what our natural environment has done to make the white race so successful. White people developed in a harsh environment that killed off the weak and the stupid.

Christianity wants us to protect the weak and the stupid so they will increase in number, eventually leading to the dumbing down and weakening of the white race.

Now here we are 2,000 years later surrounded by clueless soyboys.

It is a semitic cult are you retarded?
Worship a semite as God and you care about the reaction of Jews?
Are you retarded?

>This is the exact opposite of what our natural environment has done to make the white race so successful. White people developed in a harsh environment that killed off the weak and the stupid.
You sound like a fucking nigger. Don't you realize that Europe was strong under Christianity, and now that it's pagan and atheistic it's weak and degenerate. Sounds like you'd enjoy Somalia more than a civilized country.

>It is a semitic cult are you retarded?
Again, religions don't have an ethnicity, only people do.
>Worship a semite as God.
No, we worship God as God.
>you care about the reaction of Jews?
The bible is very critical of the jews, why do you say we care about their reaction?

It is a cult invented by semites which is what semitic cult means, it's a religion invented by Europeans but invented by Jews.

Keep worshipping your false semitic deity YHWH, you aren't being "pro european" doing so.

>It is a cult invented by semites
It is a religion revealed by God. Where it was revealed has no meaning. Why do you think it does? This is such a non argument. That would be like saying the theory of gravity is only valid for the british, since it was defined by one.

So? The Jews were a righteous people before the pharisees returned from Babylon and corrupted their tribe

Your deity sees no race, dont cloak yourself as a "nationalist" YHWH cultist.

It isn't European, nor true, nor distinct, fuck off YHWH cultist.


>Your deity sees no race
>God created the races (Tower of Babel)

>You sound like a fucking nigger. Don't you realize that Europe was strong under Christianity

The key word here is "was". The white race WAS strong until the weak and stupid increased in number.

>now that it's pagan and atheistic it's weak and degenerate.

Christianity made us weak, which opened the door to a Jewish takeover of the media, which the Jews then used to turn us degenerate.

>Your deity sees no race
Have you ever read the bible? The jews were banned from mixing with non jews. God sees not only race, as you do, but also ethnicity. And this is funny comming from la creatura.

Ah yes. The mighty Norse etc, no way they'd ever EVER convert to Chris- oh wait.

>all these pagans in my Sup Forums
You realize that it is only thanks to Christianity that the Western Civilization was consolidated and European nation-states came to dominate the world, right? Also, if it wasn't for Christianity we would all be praying toward Mecca right now.

>The key word here is "was". The white race WAS strong until the weak and stupid increased in number.
Yes, and that coincided with the increase in atheism and the decline of Christianity.
>Christianity made us weak, which opened the door to a Jewish takeover of the media, which the Jews then used to turn us degenerate.
No, it was atheism that did that. Jews in the middle ages were persecuted and didn't have this kind of influence. Only in recent time, in pagan times, did they gain power.

>Christianity made us weak, which opened the door to a Jewish takeover of the media, which the Jews then used to turn us degenerate.
you were not supposed to listen to the jews, you fucked up, return to Christ


This. Atheist neck-beard rapture must be averted. Pagans need to understand the time of the many gods is over. Watch Excalibur, and listen to Merlin.

Getting back to the P/C/O debate, I'm with the Protestants on most things. Faith alone will get you into heaven... but sincere faith will also lead to many good deeds & works in this life.

I'm also rather dubious re Papal infallibility (even if only ex cathedra) & the prayers to saints thing. Dunno much about the Orthodox Church though. Still, don't see why all 3 branches can't result in heaven.

What else... sadly the Protestants do seem the most cucked, eg the Church of England, but I have faith we can yet turn that around. And hey, at least with Protestantism you can break away easily :P .

As a Catholic, I am very intrigued by the Lutheran idea of sola fide.

In Catholicism, we essentially also believe in sola fide in a way. To be saved means to be in a state of grace, and to be damned means to be in a state of mortal sin. You get into a state of mortal sin by commiting grave sins and can only be returned to a state of grace through confession. However, since being in a state of mortal sin is recognized as a state where you are completely severed from God, if you are a Catholic, you can still commit grave since and be in a state of grace. The Church emphasizes you must have "full consent of the will" and "full knowledge of the action" for a grave sin to damn you, and the church uses language like "culpability" to further make it so that a practicing Catholic can never be in a state of mortal sin no matter how many sins he commits.

The problem with this is that it makes Catholics proud. Faith and works salvation means everyone is all confident in their sainthood and that they earned it, and they could look down on others. There is no sense of innate wretchedness. It's all happy and shiny without that humility that made Christianity what it is.

The Lutheran idea that we are all wretched slaves to concupiscence and that salvation is an effort on the part of God, not man, fosters that humility. Of course, even many Protestants these days have become proud because of their theological illiteracy, putting so much emphasis of works.

Make Christianity great again. Let's acknowledge our depravity and wretchedness.

Christianity pros and cons

>Good ethics
>Traditional marriage
>No fags allowed
>Nice architecture

>universalist. Not a racial religion
>too fractured
>sky daddy will solve my problems

Paganism pros and cons

>racial religion. no niggers allowed.
>polytheism. user likes Thor more than Odin, and im ok with that
>unity through race
>trad marriage
>lives in accordance with nature
>no fags allowed
>nine noble virtues
>meekness viewed as pathetic and weak
>many unique branches and paths to follow based around race and heritage

>can occasionally be confused with Neo pagan Wicca LARPING
>not as mainstream as Christianity
>not as easy to get into
>not 1 main book but a fuckload of poems and writings

Sounds cucked. East Orthodox tell I die biiiiiiiiiitch.


How can the christiancucks even compete

>faith alone will get you into heaven
Fucking bullshit and you know it in your heart for it is written upon your soul

answered here fag :

The very basis of christianity is in free will. Predestination is some max-tier heresy.

The jew media gained traction three hundred years after the european elite dropped christianity in favour of proto-materialistic heresies. We've been running on fumes ever since.

I found this on youtube years ago. I thought it was pretty cool.

>Listing neo-pagan assumptions of how pagan people used to live.
Y'all need to stop this shit. There is no pagan creed, no holy book, no dogma, no "church".
People merely look at the semi-civilized people of the past and assume their whole culture derives from some universal pagan values.
The term pagan does not mean anything more than new-age, and is as clear.

Um, why?

Faith alone will get you into heaven. The debate is merely over what constitutes faith.
Pro tip: if you got no works, you got no faith.
Works without faith is worthless, because we are incapable of being worthy without grace.

/faith vs works debate

Mmm, not sure about that, though as before, sincere faith should lead to good works.

If your works come from duty rather than faith, your faith isn’t real.

Oh no disagreement there :) .

Faith alone. QED.


>written by non-whites from the desert
>banned gentiles from banking making Jews megarich in europe
>gave food to africa causing population to explode while shilling AGAINST birth control in Africa
>tells people most of their existence is spent in another dimension
>is literally ancient mythology


>promotes marriage
>promotes charity (this is mixed)
>is anti-homo

RATING: 2/10

>seems similar to Catholics except they are independent from Rome

that's an understatement

Catholicism and Orthodoxy are day and night. We do not follow dogma.

>written by God
>banned everyone from banking, satanist don’t give a fuck
>kikes ruined Africa
>you don’t understand what “existence” means
>literally 2017
100/10, would praise Christ again.

Yalls the heretic cause yallre the ones that left the church. Which is SIN
We should overthrow the communists in the Holy See and reunify Christianity

What if, instead, we just followed the words of Jesus Christ?
Yes, I am aware how useless. Suggesting this to a Catholic is.

That way we all become Protestants.
I don't want to reunite with Protestants, just the sedevacantists, the orthodox and maybe the coptic.

Protestants are too lax and interpret everything the way they want to without Giving proper thought to dogma...
Which of course leads to degeneracy of the Protestant churches, you know, with all that "SHE GOT DAT DEVIL BOIIII SHAKE HER HEAD AND BRING ME CASH" stuff

Plus Protestants are divided as fuck. Here we are either pro-Vatican II commies or based sedevacantists but we're all the same except I want to btfo the usurper pope

Christianity pros and cons

>one true religion revealed by God who became man
>cornerstone of western civ
>traditional values
>art and music
>philosophy of natural law
>universal truth
>still recognizes that peoples and nations differ

>ignorance and malevolance easily lead to marxist perversions of the christian ethos
>Church leaders became submissive to the zeitgeist
>Christendom is now fractured thanks to heresy and rebellion againt God within the Church

Paganism pros and cons

>some interesting mythological stories and truths
>european heritage which enriched Christianity in some ways
>belief in hierarchy and nobility

>false idols
>lost to stronger religion thousands of years ago
>no tradition of serious liturgy and devotional life
>partly infiltrated by degenerate hippies and fag musicians

Just gonna throw this out there:
You literally just criticized a recommendation to follow the words of Christ.
Never said this before, but I hope you enjoy burning in hell.

You are talking about the Germanic and Slavic tribes in your post.
What about Romans and Greeks, what about ancient Egyptians,Sumerians,Akkadians, what about the Myceneans?
They were all pagans and greeks and romans started becoming degenerates as their civilizarion grew.
You need to specify that you want to preach about TRIBAL paganism.
You are against civillization and with that against christianity.Act like that.
If only you'd know how much The Orthodox chrurch has in common with slavic tribal tradition.
It tried it's best to incorporate the teachings and rituals of our ancestors and to make a Chruch that the people in its soil would like to follow and to help spread Civilization and to keep it from degenerating.
Thats why there are almost no soyboys in eastern europe and why degeneracy isn't nearly as prevalent here as it is in the west.

None believe in the truth of Scientology.

You know what I meant, faggot. The word of Christ must be followed by the doctrine laid out by st Peter.
Blindly reading the modern bible will get you nowhere except bellow the boot of a foking Moslem

Do you really believe that the people living in the orient were mutts back then?

>>banned gentiles from banking making Jews megarich in europe
it was kept in check until someone liberated them. Also they were gentile bankers, as the Fuggers.

Lending money has always had bad press. Greece and Rome included.


Christianity isnt civilized or civilization, Pagan Europeans in 700BCE were more advanced than YHWH cultists in 1700CE.

Lets get this through first, Christianity isn't Nationalist, European, good for the white race, didn't incent civilixation and did not civilize Europeans.

no, the catholcuck broke off, you're a liar, no truth, no Logos
>no Logos, no Christ
you are literally not Christians as a church since it teaches you lies

Christianity isnt le white people religion that will make le based white country, faggots sre trash socially without YHWHism in Japan and China both Pagan.

I'm not YHWH deity worshiper, filther YHWHist vermin cultist.

Christianity was first officialized by Emperor Constantine of Rome.

It's more European than your Semitic nation, American.

What do you mean Catholics broke of?
We still hold the Vatican, corrupted as it may be.
It's the same you saying you ran away from your parents home and telling that they were the ones who left the house.

Makes absolutely no sense, and you Protestants are the ones that interpret the Word the way you want to completely disregarding dogma and tradition

All ecumenical partiarchs were considered equal but one of them (the pope) suddenly thought he is better than the others, so he seperated himself and acted like he's God sent.

The one who left the house are Catholics.

Nothing European about worshiping YHWH and Yeshuah, itbwas banned for 300 years, I see no reason to give distinction to semitic cult that has nothing to do with me.

And it will be banned, and exterminated.

But Semites never worshipped Jesus. It was the Romans who did. Thus the religion was born in Rome. God chose to be born among the semites, so the plan of getting sacrificed for us could be unravelled.

Yeah sure, not in my backyard though.

What semitic cult is true if you believe in semitic mythology, judaism, islam, scientology, new testamentism, protestants, mormons?
What gives distinction to any of this cults that disproves Zeus?

In 10 years muslims exterminated christianity on all middle east, they should have exterminated it in greece and balkans like in bosnia.

They tried but people prefered to die than become muslims.

Also, Bosnia is an Islamic nation (just understand how ignorant you look).

And what religion is in Greece, an American has no say as the same applies for me in America. Your globalization plans will not succceed here.

Romans banned Christianity and kilked all Christians for 300 year prior to 1 retard cobstantine.

God is God. Perfect and immutable as Plato anticipated. Zeus is a "symbol". Anything lesser than God is a false idol.

Zeus is God, YHWH is a false deity.