The EU will threaten military action against Hungary or Poland for not accepting the orcs This is the signal to all white warriors of the beginning of the war. We will fight our way across Europe and cleanse our lands of the Orcs that have invaded them. We will win as we will be supported by all whites across Europe in the police and military as even the worst sjw cuck realizes that it is fight with us or be destroyed forever. The Orcs have no connection to our lands except for their evil ideas and we will wipe them out as we have before. Hail victory.
It will begin in Eastern europe
Generally speaking you're correct.
I've been saying this shit for years now.
this thread was brought to you by the internet research agency
Are you a Westerner? Show your flag.
No, it would be failure
You still have to low public support to win this
Only sacrafice would be able to show people that they have to fight in order to win this
Poland can go down as martyr one last time - it would show hypocrisy of Western politicians
There will be the day to fight back, but it will be the day when Muslim first attack
Hide your strenght, try to look weak to get them attack faster, because day by day they gain strenght by sending you thousands of people
Give them first attack, but get popular support by doing this
Poland can be reborn afterwards like we always do
Not realistic
The EU wouldn't go into any kind of military action
They would sanction politically and economically
>the day when Muslim first attack
That already happened, but it will calm down, because there's no need to kill kuffar, when kuffar is on suicide mission. Muslims only need to breed now, and that's what they do, that's how they replace us. Europe will be new middle east, with clan wars and clashes between retarded inbreds following most stupid "book" ever written.
Nobody will save Poland, this never happened before, and never will. No one gives a shit about a pawn on the chessboard.
Bullshit, the whites in Europe are mostly hardcore leftist SJW’s.
Not realistic, you guys have only shotguns and sticks
>the orks
kek gave me a good chuckle
simply not true because Europe is more than 6 countries
I bet not a single one of you have said the 14 words in the presence of others.
Absolutely subversive
Ironic when your country is full of sjws and safespace-demanding cultural marxists
You fucking offshore faggots pipe down you don't have a clue what your talking about
People if UK already KNOW the authorities are not on our side, which by the power of deduction means we're on our own!
The tipping point hasn't been reached yet, the gang rape of the 1400 came close but the media stifled the flames with multiculturalism
It would take a major flash point like a major town like Bolton or Rotherham being declared a Muslim caliphate or enclave and non believers being physically removed.
At that point you'd see a enormous swell of militia forming overnight and descending on said town which would spark an all out civil war nationwide.
This would then quickly spread across Europe and I firmly believe once white Christians realised they were fighting for thier lives on the macro level, we'd quickly band together and overrun the Muslim filth.
wtf is this? rebbit downvote? behave, faggot.
I want this to happen so bad. But I think the muzzies will just keep out breeding us. We'll die off without a bang, but a whimper.
KEK wills it, whilst we are young enough to fight.
What, you cunts don't shoot each other regularly? Holy hell, no wonder you're all worried about dying. You haven't built up an immunity by shooting yourself with smaller rounds.
>speaks about how based Eastern Europe is
>posts fucking Nazi image
Neck yourself you western imbecile. I want Western Europe, especially Germany to burn for what they did to us.
Live just down the road from Bolton.
The advantage is, they live in urban centres, imagine that in a civil war:
> Towns have no major means of drainage and water collection bar the stuff they have piped in (Rural areas could manage to an extent). Cholera could be engineered to spread in siege situation.
> Food would be a problem, as supplies would dwindle without regular shipments. Rural areas have farmers. Ever seem a non-white farmer in the UK?
Digits confirm
This, let them die in pain.