Blacks or homosexuals?
Which do you hate worse:
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go back to your hut, pajeet
But we don't live in huts
niggers. european society has always dealt with faggots.
I don't hate either you biggoted piece of shit
at least homos have statistically higher IQs and lower crime rates
Blacks. Homos don't reproduce so they are only short-term.
train stations? (saw a documentary)
when are you going to invite those Brits back like the Africans did with the farmers?!
We don't hate either. Why do you hate white people?
This must be bait
Nether. I just dont judge them based on that, I rather judge people on their actions and views!
People fear them because they think it damages society, no one can make a person swing the other way and if they do then they are no worth to be worried for!
And blacks are human, people and will be preserved those that are lawful will have equally like all others everything.
niggers. just saying the name makes
me mad.
This is literally you.
I don't hate anybody, silly boi
>Sup Forums is one person
Not everyone is full of hate and division on here.
Homosexuals by far.
Blacks are simply blacks. Homosexuality is a choice towards non-existence.
Americans in general
>America created niggers
>popularized the idea of gay is okay
Niggers hate gays more than I ever could.
Fag-enablers. You're all homo sympathizing scum. Burn in hell. (Nigger human > Sodomite subhuman) any day of the week. And this is coming from a racist Indian who be racist against all non-Indians.
>white nationalists are just liberals who don't want niggers in their all-white bathhouse buttfuck utopia
A nigger is much more likely to do damage to me or my property than I am to get AIDS from a faggot
niggers, i can tolerate homosexuals to a certain degree and some are actually not that bad to be around especially the ones who don't throw it in your face. niggers on the other hand are nearly intolerable on almost every level especially in public.
homos are just annoying but mostly just keep to themselves and dondu nuffin and are only like 3% of the population. Niggers actively destroy society and turn everything they touch into a 3rd world shithole. But the only real problem is the Jew because without the Jew the homo and the nigger are powerless
homos don't reproduce
Fucking this. Amurica is the #1 nigger cuck fag nation in the world. The root of all degeneracy and cultural decay
Yeah an all-white bathhouse fucktopia leads towards to same lack of life that a mixed-race one does.
Why do you think that degenerates support "multiracialism" and all that nonsense? They hate all the races and want to see them disappear.
>America created niggers
>america created niggers
our blacks arent even the worst and europoors are opening the floodgates for them
Yeah and why do you see white nationalists so ridiculously soft on homosexuals? The majority of them would pick an all white country which happens to be filled with homosexuals and other degenerate whites than a nigger one that happens to be filled with more non-homosexual, and less degenerate niggers.
E.g they'd choose a faggot shithole filled with whites like Czech Republic over Idi Amin's Uganda
It's quite clear which is the worse demon.
Niggers are worse for society but I hate faggots more. Gave an inch and now they are pissed I dont want to suck a womans cock.