are they being held up to impossible standards?
Women of The Alt-Right
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No, they are being asked to do less, not more.
>have children
>don't be a whore
>don't talk so fucking much
these are impossible standards?
No, they are idiots like the men too.
Kek, this is true.
Falling short of impossibly high standards?
Get used to it, cunts. You taught us this way.
You're gonna wish you could go back in time not to change anything, but just to be less stupid in general.
Yes, but they have gone so far in the wrong direction it is a way of swinging them back towards a position which is more mutually acceptable
They are being told to not make videos, which is retarded
>don't be a filthy skank
>this is an impossible standard for women
Wew, human race deserves to die out.
Don't be a fucking cunt whore is quite a standard to apply to woman these days.
human *species, ..non white *race
Kill yourself.
>Right-wing women
All those sluts are coalburning whores.
By who? A lot of fucking noise about the shop, not the least of it from trolls (like me), lefties jumping in, and semi-psychotic shut-ins willing to spend thousands a month on patreon donations, hand lotion and subscriptions to lexis databases to stalk taylor swift.
Above all that, the 'alt right' shit is dead now. It was an alternative before people like Steve Miller were given executive power of one of the most powerful countries on the planet. The people still clinging to the label are the neo-nazis and other oddball groups that are full of weirdos to begin with, so of course there's nothing but drama and bizarre standards in that cohort.
I gather the big deal is some blonde chick who's playing to that crowd (even if sotto voce) fucked a black or whatever. Of course she's going to be held to the standards of the freaky covent that she's trying to get the attention of. Not bloody rocket science.
I relate with murdoch-chan so much and yet wish i could be that level.
b-but I thought I was helping you
Standards should be impossible to meet. You are never going to reach them.
I am a strong MAN that don't need to womyn and I drink sometimes, I am also about 5 kg overweight. Both things are absolutely degenerate and people should be giving shit for it.
The thing about women is that instead of accepting that the have flaws, they lash out at people who point out their flaws.
When you tell an ''alt-right'' woman that she is 30 years old and has no white children, she gets offended.
If you tell me the same exact thing, I'll just agree with you. I should have children, but I don't.
Women need to be better at taking criticism and not going full retard when they realize they can't meet a higher standard.
Stop watching cartoons
Women aren't men, they don't understand what you're saying. Criticism serves no use for a woman, it's just negativity to them.
>Women need to be better at taking criticism and not going full retard when they realize they can't meet a higher standard.
Best of luck with that one.
>these are impossible standards
so many of you are going to end up MGTOW.
Yes because the current generation will be pozzed by default. It is not our goal to have perfect people now but to have people willing to get dirty in order to lay the groundwork for the next generation.
Woman respond to strength however.
Of course, what does it matter? Lone wolves fair better longer term than single woman - what do you suppose the result will be?
If women can't understand simple concepts, it's not my job to make them understand them or come to terms with them not being able to understand them.
I am not a wymyn, I don't know what goes on inside their heads.
>Of course, what does it matter?
Tells me that I should put some of my money into real doll stocks.
>don't fuck niggers
>don't be a thot
>get married earlier in life and have children
Yeah, the expectations are sky high.
There's a generation of lost men and women. Those women are going to end up very lonely and upset perhaps with a little brown baby. Men of that generation as we are seeing are dropping out of society. They are probably going to end up causing just as much damage to society.
>Pic related - front page of a national newspaper today
You're gonna end up cucked cuckfag
>Impossible standard: Don't be a giant whore and shut the fuck up on anything other than matters directly involving the family.
>dont fuck niggers
>dont be a slut
>have children
I enjoy being around women too much and I'm too Catholic to ever give up on finding a wife.
Conservative girls are the most loyal
Newfag fuck off from here. Newfag fuck off from here. Newfag fuck off from here. And don't you come back again.
I suspect you know the answer.
For roasties yes
>you should have children by 30
I mean you should try to find a nice 20 year old girl to impregnate.
That whoever comes up with the best fuckable doll is going to rake it in in north america for about six months before it gets banned?
Just get out while the gains are good - cashed in my shitcoin at $19K. Shame I didn't put a bit more in.
Imagine men being like boxers and women being the championship belt. Boxers have to get rid of any weakness they have to ever have a chance of getting the belt. Criticism towards the belt serves no purpose because then what's the point of all of the fighting and training. Shitty analogy, but it makes sense in my head.
Well, sounds like a plan.
You sound like a boomer telling a millennial to work harder. To alt right men:
>get a decent job
>own a home
>be masculine
These are what we would expect of men but you see it is very difficult now. It's the same with women. You are more judgmental of them because you see them as the enemy rather than people that have been manipulated by (((society))) the same as you.
>Provide a picture of tits with a timestamp.
Pretty low standards really.
How is it hard to masculine? Isn't it just our natural state of being.
Mate, I'm all over pandering to the manchild crowd with frivolous consumer items. These cunts will spend $1000 on a tamagotchi.
slipping on a wife-beater t and telling a woman to 'shut up and go make me a samwich' isn't how you treat a woman or a wife.
what woman in her right mind would want you?
if you want to save the white race and make a future for white children that attitude ain't gonna work.
I'm guessing the role model most of you men had was none, that your fathers abandoned you and your raising was a burden to your mothers who you now hate.
If the alt-right wants to save their race and make a better world for their kids they will have to deal with this issue in no small ways OR suffer these ape-toads and import SE Asian woman, but then you lose the race.
They're being held to male standards, so yes.
It is but it has been corrupted by both chemicals as well as social engineering.
you lose the white race.
Lolling hard at the id.
the way i think of it is that the alt right public figures about basically like aidoru. they are expected to be virginal, beautiful, and pure. instead of singing and modeling they are expected to be trying to spread traditionalist thoughts and values in a degenerate society.
i think any right leaning thot that wants to get into it needs to treat it like being an aidoru.
Nice strawman
Funny how having standards translates to beating your wife in the mentally ill brain.
fpbp. The ultimate sentence explaining right-wing women.
Seems silly to me.
Let's think about it this way. Every time a woman has sex with a man that's not her husband we substitute that instance for a man getting into a physical altercation, a fight, with another man. Imagine how fucked up society would be if that was the case. This is why unchecked female sexual liberation is destructive.
you have to be female to have that disconnected logic
>don't do
to you is the equivalent of >be, have , get?!
fyi get in close knit far right communities
figure it out
they are out there and they want /ourmen/ but are to much slaves to social status to signal
then again any of you who where of merit would even be here
You have no idea what you're talking about and should shut the fuck up.
No because the alt-kike doesn't even exists outside ((((CNN)))) hit pieces.
I know but look at modern men. They are not masculine. Even men in the alt right are not masculine. But they should work to create a future where people can be. Same with the women. They are mostly not pure and not feminine. But if they are genuine they will want to build a better future where their daughters will be.
High standards are the best, because they give an individual something to strive for and reaffirm to them what is right.
Now, women might want some leeway in deciding what is "right" for them. Maybe we are forceful sometimes, but I think we push people to improve with our high standards.
Women by virtue are unvirtuous. To some extent, our standards are impossible. This is where men's standards come into play:
Men need to better control women. We hold OURSELVES to impossible standards too. we are crazy about degeneracy, we always denounce people who are smoking weed, masturbating, watching porn, avoiding the truth of some political issue, not being masculine. So we always push ourselves to be better. We are meant to lead, we need to be doing more for this movement. We need to be strong enough to put women in line
Men and women need to do better. impossible standards are good.
I'll maintain that for the guys bitching about women in the alt-right it's 5% genuine concern and 95% d&c shills.
Woof, wouldn't want to piss off a pagan asatru worshipper, so might bow out at this point. Good luck coming to grips with reality through a combination of therapy and medication.
your future
>It's so hard being a girl!
Exactly why women should just get back to the kitchen where things are easy.
don't fuck niggers
this is too hard for most whores
It's more of a 50:50
I am a gender realist so I am substituting the male equivalent. Men are women are different.
What's the reason against a woman having sex outside of marriage. Is it because of the higher divorce rates or cheating rates. Or is it because it makes them more liberal because they have to rely on the government for more assistance when they are not married as adults. What's the underlying reason against promiscuity?
Women don't understand constructive criticism because most of them have an intrinsic value that's not going to change regardless of what they choose to do. It's the old 80/20 rule, morso 90/10. 10% of men's value is intrinsic and 90% is earned, 90% of women's value is intrinsic and 10% can be earned, is icing on the cake. Most women don't grow, they just "are" or can "be". Men are supposed to grow, change and evolve, that's why constructive criticism helps us.
was that at random?
>What's the reason against a woman having sex outside of marriage.
Might be a bit of an issue given the vows, mate. It's like asking what's the big deal about a breach of contract. If you want to fuck other people, get a decree nisi.
spreading of disease, especially HPV-strains disgust me.
>get a decent job
>own a home
>be masculine
Getting a decent job and owning a home are external things that have become a lot harder. Rents are crazy and uni graduates are working shit jobs.
Be masculine, from the day we are born we are constantly told not to be. What we we ask from women is entirely in their control.
>you see them as the enemy rather than people that have been manipulated by (((society)))
We are guilty of that to some extent, but they to a good degree, are coconspirators to a lot of the problems
not really following you here.
Call me what you will but no one has escaped the Jew unpozzed. We are addicted to porn, have low testosterone and are not able to provide for families. Women are promiscuous, unfeminine and not having kids. If we want to fix the situation we will need to accept people that are not perfect (provided) they are genuine and pro white. I am not referring to thots like Lauren southern who was never on our side to begin with.
yr a fukin shit head i hate u u dont understand shit
>Standards should be impossible to meet.
no thats not the defintions of a standard, you are thinking about an ideal.
This is precisely what every man has to understand. Treating women as your equal is only confusing them and making them act in what they believe to be masculine way because they feel the need to live up men's expectations of an equal. Treating women like they are prizes all the time, but never as equals is in my opinion the anecdote to the whole issue.
>don't fuck niggers
>don't dress like a whore
ohhhhhh god, you muh soggy knists!
wasn't talking to you
expect for owning a home (depends on the region, I heard its easy in rural america) these aren't that hard if you try
No, I meant before marriage. Sorry for making the wording confusing.
Yeah, could be.
Either way like when we had the other week some guy making threads about Lauren Southern every hour I just thought, nobody genuine gives a shit this much to bitch about her constantly, it's painfully obvious and you're just called a white knight for seeing this bs for what it is.
you werent wrong with alot of oddballs and neo nazis clinging to the label, they should of had healthy boundaries to begin with, you shouldn't identify with labels anyway the alt-right term was allowed to become popular by the DNC so they could attack it when hillary won but she didnt, lol
I think you're playing too many video games
Because they are being held to those standards by other women. Any woman that isnt a feminist may as well be a fucking white male to an SJW cunt.
Many of these women are just looking for attention, too. Anyone operating under the label of "alt right" is likely just new to politics or controlled opposition.
Nice ID lol
It's because of all the reasons you stated and more, user. It's about maintaining civilization and securing a patriarchal society. Marriage is literally the foundation upon which civilization is built. Female promiscuity destroys civilization.
>pic related.
alt-right isn't a political movement, it's a collection of trolls, so Tits or GTFO applies
Yet what's the point of "winning" the belt when a pack of niggers have already jizzed all over it?
Sure. Sup Forums wants nothing to do with a coalburning roastie so it must be the shills doing it.
Even if this were true (it's not) the coalburning whores are providing the ammunition.
>Calling out niggers
>Using nigger words like thot
Rethink your vocabulary.
Good. My brother's marriage destroyed his life. One year after his wedding where everybody's getting on my case to "find a nice girl" he's going through a miserable divorce and "signing" possessions and money over to me so she can't take them.
I play no video games.
If you support mgtow everything else you say is null. Mgtow was created by Jews the same as feminism.
Inb4 muh lauren southern