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Such insightful and piercing commentary. It really gives one a moment to pause and reflect.
I've never seen any of the transients in my hometown with signs that say "Homeless Vet". It's usually something like "Please help, I'm homeless, give". Not once have I seen any of them claim vet status, and I'm in commiefornia.
But to be fair, there are homeless vets. I too think we should do something about it. Let's start by cutting off funding for illegals.
>But to be fair, there are homeless vets. I too think we should do something about it. Let's start by cutting off funding for illegals.
Not help them? Attack an unrelated group and hope it helps some how. Is this Amerimutt logic?
Didn't Trump do something to increase the amount of homeless vets?
>homeless vets
>carry boxes around
>don't plan for the future
>want other people to pay them for life
Or stop fighting in irrelevant desert countries
>remove competition for jobs and welfare drains
mexicans belong in mexico
Damn if it's drawn as a comic then it must be true despite the fact that republicans statistically donate more than democrats.
you really have to go out of your way to become a bum in america
you have to strive to ignore every safety net and actively avoid them, and there are many
Vets are the most protected class in america, and the amount of gibs available to them at any given time is enough that vets are like first class cit. and all others are second to them. There is zero reason for a vet to ever be homeless, ever. As a vet, if I see a "homeless vet" I choose to believe that they are lying and disregard or even treat them with disdain.
Illegal means not legal
Illegal means criminal
People who are here illegally, are criminals
Does your heart bleed for criminals, user?
About how low the bar is.
My state alone spends 24 billion a year on illegals. If people want to bitch about a lack of resources and funding for one group, then maybe we should cut off resources and funding for people that don't belong here in the first place, Pablo.
It should read: Support out military complex. Soldiers are just useful tools, they aren't needed when they aren't fighting and even when they are fighting their wives back home screw other men and citizen of USA do their own thing. Nobody cares unless of course they go on street and ask for attention. Private soldiers aren't nationalistic, neither are republicans, army is like a job, has nothing to do with protection of country, even if country was actually in danger, they only join army for money, nobody cares where they will fight, they surely don't fight on borders, as matter of fact many soldiers nowadays in US army aren't even white.
Mart sharters and their (((allies)) missing the point as usual.
Deporting illegals does nothing to help your war heroes.
But why would you care when you're fucking 56% kikes.
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!
Now white fools go serve the army and die alone in a desert while niggers breeding like rats back home.
But you won't spend it on the vets.
You'll take that money saved and give it to Israel.
Same as always.
Because if you are actually a vet and homeless the VA has programs to help you so you arent homeless, if you are so bad off you get free housing vouchers to pay ren, you have to have been homeless for 2 years.
t. Vet, I was homeless for 3 months this year cause of a family membersdeath and the va gave me a room in a mental hospital/shitty retirement home that they reserve for people like me
But modern vets are bums. They where not drafted, sighed up for war because of Jews. I can feel for past generations because they where forced to go to war. Modern vets knew what they where joining and blew their gi bills on Mustangs. Fuck them. They did it for their god or some other stupid shit. They are ass and are not hero's. Fuck them, find a fucking job assholes.
Vets are no longer troops
You certainly told us.
>Deporting illegals does nothing to help your war heroes.
>Reducing costs of living and expanding opportunities for those with low to mid skill levels.
Unless you mean, quite rightly, that they need specialist help. In which case they'll be unaffected by Mexican deportation as even if a spic was qualified they'd be too fucking useless to help.
The same jew with the same retorts with the same flag. It gets old.
Come to Hampton Roads in VA and that shit is everywhere. Dudes with a peg legs beg at every off ramp in my city. The city even put up signs asking people not to give them money but they still stand by the signs and beg. The op comic is so fucking stupid I hate to see such shit. The dude in the SUV is the one offering $20 and a bottle of water to the littering degenerate bum.
Why would deporting cheap labour reduce the cost of living?
make sausages, that looks like intestine
Except the deportation rate doesn't indicate inactivity. Both Obama and Donald have spent grand amounts of resources to deport illegals and faggots like you keep complaining like you live in some other country.
I think the border security should be improved, but have some sense of reality and real evidence before you fuck yourself again Johnson.
You are fucked. I take a homeless vet over a fucking refugee. Do you understand English? the comic tries to point out they hypocrisy in American politics and you just shit on shit.
>Let's start by cutting off funding for illegals
We could also start by decreasing military spendings.
most homeless vets are mentally unstable and not street peddlers. The fucks who hold up signs these days are normally frauds
Because they excessively consume public resources, in housing, healthcare etc in all Sanctuary states (assuming it's a sanctuary state as they're the only ones not deporting illegals) I'm guessing the homeless vet doesn't run a construction site or own a farm so (both jobs he could help fill the purpose of cheap labour in) so the cost to him will be minimal.
The homeless are usually homeless due to drug addiction.
>Which provided a GI bill for the vet as well as life time medical care, even if it is shit.
remove parasites > create more parasites
The leading cause of homelessness is not having a place to live in :)
Isn't vet spendings and military spendings two different things in the American budget?
That doesn't happen and the guy would just drive past a homeless vet, a piece of cardboard is not ID.
No. Why would it be?
Obama left 200,000 k homeless w/o benfits and brought in millions of illegal goat fuckers.
Veterans should be the most capable homeless people. Field craft and time management are tenants they should be living by.
>People can't even verify if someone served or not
Truely the land of the freedumbs
Did a liberal nigger steal a republican suv?
that. there are so many programs for veterans that even if they're a mentally ill trans drug addict, there is a programs to get them clean and into housing.
any actual vets on the street are so far gone (((mentally ill))) that you need a half dozen men in white coats to deal with them.
Because all the charts I been looking at has a category called
>Veteran benefits
Separate from the military.
It was elliptically implied you fucking autist.
>If you don't give people all of your money you are attacking them
>how could increasing the availabilty of low and no skill jobs benefit the homeless and unemployed?
Apparently it is, learn something new every day.
That's not a real homeless vet, you gullible double-fucking-nigger.
at least post the real chart
he promised CHANGE didnt he , hahahah
>His image is from 2015
>Mine is from 2016
I fail to see your point, and your image also has military and veterans' benefits as two different things.
You posted "Discretionary Spending"
Which leaves out the bad parts aka two thirds of spending
t. party that gave housing to third world shitskins over vets
I think we all know who vets really want based on who they voted for in the last election. Now all these faggots can do is lie.
if someone sleeps in an abandoned building it isn't abandoned anymore
How can someone be actually this fucking stupid?
What the fuck are you talking about?
What safety nets?
The only safety nets for men are from family, maybe YOU had a supportive family, but some people have no family that cares.
There is ZERO safety net stopping me from being homeless except my mom letting me live in her house.
I'm not eligible for any kind of welfare, I would just become homeless.
Women of course are born with an extremely valuable natural resource, that they can trade to a man in exchange for housing and food. That's why over 80% of the homeless are male.
I have seen the errors of my way
For the vast sums of money we waste on welfare for foreign occupiers we could use on vets. You're a liar.
It's not a bad point. As a vet, I'm less likely to have empathy towards homeless vets, than regular homeless. They had an opportunity to live without any expenses for at least 4 years, with enough pay to get out with ten's of thousands of dollars liquid. Then, if they merely attend college, they can earn a couple thousand a month just for attending. So either they Fucked up enough to loose all their benefits, and severely Fucked over anyone they worked with, or they are too stupid to attend community college for a pay check. Either way, I'm not giving them any money.
You know a lot of people back in the day were actually content being serfs, at least it meant you had someone's protection when anyone with an army could March right in and take your shit
If I had been homeless for five minutes, I wouldn't waste time posting on fucking Sup Forums. Go get your life together.
>You know a lot of people back in the day were actually content being serfs
Holy shit the right wingers in America has brainwashed you good
Look at the cartoon again, the vet is on a crutch, presumably due to injuries sustained by the conflict or whatever meaning they are disabled or hurt, so the cartoon is saying they have less opportunity not more.
> loose
Are all American "vets" illiterate like yourself?
What exactly does being a homeless veterinarian have to do with anything?
where the fuck does 24 billion go in one fucking state of illegals, are you buying them fucking ferraris
Ask Shaun Brown.
She might have some ideas
I want to drag whoever made this comic into the jungles of Vietnam and chain them to a tree.