Sup Forums proven to be sheeps once again
Sup Forums proven to be sheeps once again
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>karl bernstein
Every fucking time.
Once you see these jewish parasites wrecking the nation, you can't unsee them. Funny how one year ago I didn't even cared about jews.
Commies literally infiltrated the US intelligence agencies from the 30s to the 80s
McCarthy was right.
FBI,Cia are in the pocket of the Clinton's and Obama
>Mr Bern Stein
Why are the kikes attacking Trump when he is pro-Israel? Is there a kike civil war between the Israel one and the US ones?
It's the zionist jews vs the diaspora jews. It always has been.
Why tho?
That civil war started long ago with the erev rav.
Doesn't really matter. Today it's the struggle for total power over all humanity.
Kikes are like the chinks, they think in centuries not years. Republicans, conservatism, white people have no future, thus why support an anomaly for 4 or 8 years? It's not in their best interests.
>NO YOU!!!: The article.
Oklahoma City Bombing
Las Vegas
1000s arrested on false evidence
FBI is tainted and compromised
Srozok, McCabe,
Why did google Schmidt step down- human trafficking? Mr. Lahey knows all:
can we get autobans on any article where the authors surnames ends in
let's ban german/yiddish names.
Thanks, ya cunt.
way to take it literally
what is the difference between the two?
how about an autoban on shitbitch snowflakes that cant handle opposing views and thinks Sup Forums is his faggy circlejerk?
Really made me think for a second there.
that picture is real, he found his own suicide note when going through the Hillary emails.
Bernstein is just repeating the MSM false mantra that the only reason Trump is attacking McCabe and co is to hurt Mueller's investigation.
Are you even trying?