Mutt thread
My fighting amerimutts, whom do you serve ?!
for mutts who think they can avoid being made fun of because they act like they aren't affected by the meme, think again !
>tfw not an amerimutt
My mutt brothers
Delete this
amerimutts btfo
>abominaciĆ³n del nuevo mundo
deadly halitosis, it can use against its enemies
can sense racial purity with its whiskers
will relentlessly attack you for mentioning Judaism
Practically blind
has diabetes type 3
Its rotor-yamuka makes a very loud noise that gives it postion away
threat level: very high in dark areas where it communicates via high frequent noises with rats and other mutts. Low threat level in broad daylight due to its blindness. High temperatures cause extra damage due to its diabetes.
Die Kreatur
Not much is known about him, but Die Kreatur was first seen after the war in one of the concentration camps. It is believed that this being has spawned from Hitlers hatred for the American Jews. It claims to be 1/16th german, but his DNA consumed the white man that tried to prove his claim. Some say he is so incredibly fat because he absorbed all the people who tried this.
Can consume white DNA from a long distance to temporarily become "white", which allows him to blend in with American people.
This ability also regenerates his health and stamina.
Can invoke Hitlers hatred to send enemies to a gas-chamber dimension (10% chance that Die Kreatur is send there himself).
Can not be deported.
Can get stunned if you call him a mutt. This also can break his ability to blend in with Americans.
Slowness due to his incredible obesity(-20% movement speed).
inbred muslims such as yourself are worse than amerimutts
TFW no american girlfriend
nice try favela monkey
Glad Americ* will join the middle-east in the inbred mutt club.
Now we know who is posting this forced cancer shill meme behind meme flags.
>forced cancer shill meme
The bean eyes, pastel colors, and shiny fruit like lips make these things seem Pokemon like to me. They're kinda cute desu
>c'mon guys, time to win us another war against cave-dwellers...we badass..we warrior!
The mutt text should say
>I don't think at all
I always like seeing the really lazy ones, can't even be arsed to do the lip right.
Anyway, what's the 56% guy's name? I'm thinking "Marty" considering where he might shart.
lmao this one is good
literally divid and concur
Or: I dont tink bout ya'll
brb gonna do this.
hey guys pro tip, don't just call them mutts,
another great meme is calling them sharts
amerisharts / amerimutts
>MFW I'm getting to see america becoming Brazil during my lifetime.
Better get used to eating monkey, dancing naked on the streets and shitting in the favela instead of the designated mart.
>A Mutt working to keep other Mutts outside
What a epic time-line
Americans who don't sperg out over this meme are probably not mutts. Doesn't matter, though, because there's still plenty of mutthurt keeping it alive.
Look at the construction vids, it's all mexicans, even the overseer has a mexican name.
(17 posts by this ID)
(7 posts by this ID)
Trying so hard to spread this d&c meme, shariah blue, I wonder what you soyboys think about the fact that your master called you virgins?
>1 post
"1 post by dis ID shill"
>shitton of posts
"too many posts !! shill !!"
reveal flag, mutt.
shut the fuck up mutt
>The Mutt is the living refutation of Descartes' axiom I think therefore I am; the Mutt does not think, yet he is.
t. el kanguro goblino
You got me.I am paid 50 dollars for each mutt
>david and kanker shills
My sides
Buttblasted shills detected, just fucking neck yourself.
el enojo del oscuro....
Whe have all da Soros money watchu gonna do now muttboii
You are the only buttblasted person in this thread, I personally enjoy this.
Weimar Jews financed by KGB agents from the cold war responsible for these memes? I am woke as fuck now.
I fucking love these
>muh only Soros would make fun of Amerimutts...even though Amerimutts are Soros's best slaves, the engine of his power and influence
i was the OP of that fucking thread, kek.
Kek, beautiful. I need a folder for these.
>he doesn't already have a mutt folder
kys faggot