Does NoFap work in any way? I mean...

Does NoFap work in any way? I mean, people have had sex for ages on a daily basis and fapping is basically just cumming without a woman.

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Impressive leaf.

I know, right

if you masterbate too many your penor becomes less sensitive when real sex time comes because theres no puss in entire world which can be as tight as ur polak hand

Hmm. I dont think there's a problem with the occasional fap. The problem is degeneracy and the (((porn))) industry, which conditions you into a cuck. You know, all that watching other people fuck while you keep grabbing tot own dick.
That's sad.
Plus too much (((porn))) messes up your head with the non-stop instant gratification thing

No. There are no reliable studies that show any advantage of nofap. The only thing that happens is your testosterone temporarily raises for a few days and then goes back down to normal.

On the flip side, frequent masturbation lowers your chance of getting prostate cancer tremendously.

you will feel 1000% better about everything in life

>t. greg lansky

Nofap isn't the goal. The goal is NoPorn, and NoFap is just a good way to get out of the porn habit/addiction.


Whats the difference, if I fap but with no pr0n I'll still get the benefits?

>Post YFW brainlets need porn to get themselves off

Not going to Hell to burn for all eternity for looking at a woman to lust after her and thereby committing the mortal sins of fornication or adultery is a good side benefit of NoFap.

Nofap is a bad thing for your prostate, but also extensive fap is not good for your chemical balance, lowers your productivenese during the day and influenses your psycho in a really bad way. So you you should have a balance of fap.
The real red pill is noporn and everybody should focus on that. That degenerate thing is the real devil which affects yout brain in a tremendously bad way.

It's mostly fapping to porn that actually fucks up your brain.

In reality, ejaculating on a daily basis makes one build up a dopamine tolerance to the release of it at the point of climax. You literally spend all day in a slight state of withdrawal after a while which is basically apathy, lack of motivation and inability to find pleasure in things in the way you should do. The sudden release of dopamine leaves a deficit in your system which is fine if it is a twice-weekly fap (at most) but any more than that and your reward system is affected.

There's a study that your testosterone spikes on the 7th day of not masturbating but then it goes back down on the days afterward regardless of whether you jerk it or not.

No fap is literally why we have such a rape epidemic here in the west and this shit is aimed at loser anyway just like mgtow muuh i don't need no wimmyn but in real they wouldn't get one anyway

Fuck cunts and don't fap yes but people who can get women don't fap so often anyway

People did not have "sex for ages on a daily basis", that's complete bullshit. Our culture has become so sexualized that we can't imagine anything other than sex on the mind on a day to day basis. Sad!

3 weeks after starting no fap I developed the ability to astral project myself anywhere on Earth

Its hard as fuck to nofap. How can you go on with everything being so sexualized on internet these days?

Hard to go on without fapping more than 2 days. Do you just actively avoid looking at tits constantly posted everywhere?

>a population of millions became a population of billions
>It just did
Fuck off faggot.

Then come here faggot

Depends on where you're at in life.

My ability to socialize is night and day if I'm fapping or not fapping the day before.

Unlike you.

>do nofap for a few days
>morning wood ceases

>when real sex time comes
We have nothing to worry about then.

T. Pajeet

t.low test