Some questions for modern Nazis

Do you really hate the Jews?

Why do you guys support Israel?

How do you justify all that white supremacy stuff when it's white people calling for the end of the white race?

Other urls found in this thread:–19ühsamé


I dont

Jews are not white



Jews aren't White.

Yeah absolutely.

I don't.

Jews are not white.

An anti-semite is just someone who understands what Jews are.

Jews aren't white.

>Jews are not white
So its the Jews fault White Europeans hate you and are for diversity.

what is this, thread #600 about this same faggot thing. everybody hates the fucking jews.

Because it's the most important place in the world and home to many Jews (only people in the world)

We need them to be incharge of the arabs cause we aint touching that

Are you seriously arguing that the Jews have never shilled for diversity and anti-racism?

we need them as a source of smoke and pollution after we're out of coal. burn'em just for fun.

Nobody here supports Israel. We want to make the Holy Land European-Christian again.

Last I checked, plenty of white people disagree with you on all of this as well.


Fuck Israel, they are destroying all the white countries.

Jews have their own ethnostate while denying whites one.

Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.

Hitler will explain it for you.–19 (goy) (goy)ühsamé (goy)

the people who disagree aren't white, they're also jews

Yo Goyim

We put ethno states inside your ethnostates so you can JIHAD while you JIHAD

Short answer...Jews control media ,entertainment industry > most jews are liberals > major BUTTHURT for stormfags.

Jewish supremacism, corruption, subversion, and nepotism is at levels never seen before. You've been expelled 359 times. You're sure it won't happen again?

you forgot to mention the russian revolution, holodomor and the holohoax

are at levels.

The 20th century Jewish slaughters didn't even start in Russia. The Donmeh crypto-kikes in the Ottoman Empire funded/facilitated/led the Young Turk movement that deathmarched millions of European Christians.


Jews bring less than nothing to the table. It's not a matter of making deals, it's a matter of setting aside our humanity and finally solving this eternal question.

I hope you take swimming lessons. Whitey is just about fed up with the economic/social costs of preventing you all from going extinct.

Wrong folder.

>all these poor shithole countries
>no jews
really makes you think

You debase and destroy every nation you infect. You're the eternal enemy of mankind.

I wouldn't rely on a Goy's ability to solve a restaurant bill, let alone a question

you are one pathetic dumbfuck.

Young goyim on all sides of the political aisle are getting sick and tired of you inbreds and your ethnostate. Justice is coming ratboy. The debts will be called in soon, and if you can't pay, you're going to go extinct.


I don't.

They're not white.

Not an argument ratboy.


Americans treated you rats better than their own sons and daughters is most cases, yet you still turned on them. America proved that you won't be satisfied until we're either enslaved or exterminated. That's what you believe god promised the "chosen race" after all.

We cannot allow it.

Well then

I'm sure the Goyim will have plenty of other Goyim to express their discontent on as is their way.

As for their debts
Even a goy with nothing has a goy

Lol shut up ahmed you’re just a brown Jew but you’re in denial of it

You'll be fighting your billion Muslim neighbours soon, we just have to make sure the entire diaspora gets sent to the desert before then.

I always knew /pol is full with degenerates miserable lifeless stormfags. but this is hilarious!!!

>Why do you guys support Israel?
That's the kekistani niggers, my dude.

No arguments, only ahemds. American Sup Forums users know that your tribe favour even Muslims over Evangelical Christians. We know you believe Jesus is boiling in his excrement for eternity. We know you believe Mary was a whore.

The days of undeclared war are over shlomo.


But that's what we have you for....

Make an argument ratboy.

>he takes fairy tales seriously
How embarrassing

Only boomers support you and they're on the way out.


Still no arguments.

France, UK, Vatican, Italy, and Greece have sounder claims to the Holy Land than a bunch of satanic Khazars. Many of the real Jews in Israel know the state is illegitimate, and that it is run by the spawn of mongrel converts.

The Synagogue of Satan.


>Do you really hate the jews
eh, i hate almost everyone at this point, but especially the jews

>Why do you guys support Israel?
Lesser of two evils

>How do you justify all that white supremacy stuff when it's white people calling for the end of the white race?

quite easily if that's the argument they're using.

No but I'm suspicious of influential jews.

They're better than mudslimes i guess.

Jews aren't white.

tl;dr i have jew friends so i can't hate them too much.

The real Jews in Israel will get their state if their messiah ever comes. I believe he already did come, that they reject Christ as the promised one. That's neither here nor there. They should be free to study and wait.

There's only one way to deal with the Synagogue of Satan however.

>complains about no arguments
>his arguments are ‘Hurrdurr teh chews did it’

Go back to the past, caveman

I can redpill you on what's happening in the Swedish media sector right now.

Of the seven largest Swedish dailies, five are owned by Jews and the remaining two by Jewish investment banks. Not a single big daily is owned by Swedes.

The Jewish Bonnier family have the biggest monopoly, owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets.

One of the largest dailies is the Dagens Nyheter, the most influential paper in Sweden, which shapes public discourse. This was the paper that covered up sexual attacks on Swedish girls at a festival in 2015. The Bonnier family also fired their Chief Editor, Erik Månsson, after he published articles in the 1990s showcasing opposition among Swedes to mass immigration.

In fact, the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz, Jewish, penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate, led by Schwarz & his Jewish co-thinkers. All Jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism. This resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Cons. Rightist Party, which first embraced multiculturalism was led by Gunnar Heckscher of Jewish descent. This is in accordance with that lovely lady from Sweden who says Jews lead the push for Europe to become multicultural. In fact, Israel even pays migrants $3'500 to "relocate" to Sweden.


Looks like JIDF doesn't want this thread bumped anymore.

Go suck another nigger dick Sven.

Here on vacations boys, but nice wagon jumping.
Been around the country. Didn’t find the ‘absolute state of sweden’ as you stormies like to put it. Just some brown people being brown (your worst nightmare I guess)

Also, nice copy paste

Daw, I wouldn’t dream of taking the cock away from your greedy lips, buddy

>just some brown people being brown
>native population gets mass raped

I guess you are right

>a swede

You know there are other sources of information besides breitbart right?


Och Hans,
Nun reicht es mit dem trollen

>Do you really hate the Jews?
Yes. Jews are not a protected class that will be allowed to play politics and operate without consequences. White guilt due to the Holocaust no longer has power it once did. Also, many of our grand and great-grand parents fought in Europe during WW2 in part to save Jews.... that was a mistake. To say we are to be guilted into political silence because the opponent are Jews would be a mistake.

>Why do you guys support Israel?
Israel is an ethno-state. Israel an ethnically and religiously Jewish state. Israel proves ethno-central policies work. Only diversification of Israel would prove us wrong. The day Israel is no longer a Jewish state is the day our use of Israel as an example of a successful ethno-centric state ends.

>How do you justify all that white supremacy stuff when it's white people calling for the end of the white race?
The whites calling for the destruction of their own are sure to meet their desired fate but they will be alone. Rest assured among the first to go will be the self hating whites.

I know right? I mean, look at how he posts actual facts and stuff instead of, you know, just calling others dumb!

Are you actually that fucking dense?

Who supports white supremacy?

Are far as I'm aware ethnically European people just want self determination, isolation and independence. Some in the form of a state, sort of like Jews, Kurds or Tibetans..... why is that even vaguely controversial?

Hide the body of the jewish man after you kill him.

Because we are the "majority" even if we really are the minority.

Oh my God Jews have invaded this thread.

NVM ignore this post

OwO what's this

>actual facts

begone bone man


We don't
Race traitors get the rope first

dispute one


israel is christian clay

jews aren't white

Let’s go with a simple one.
One of those YouTube masterpieces talks about ‘the communist jew’ controlling the eastern block. Jews were persecuted by the soviets as well.
Murican WASPs were the mayor profiteers of the conflict, but that is masterfully ignored by the guys foaming at the mouth about jewbois

They can't even be bothered to hide their flags lol

Jews are not White...or human.

Please dont talk shit when you are funding and pushing the anti white agendas


Read, think, post.
You might contribute that way instead of posting maymays that make no point whatsoever