somali attacked a guy with scissors, gets deported to SWEDEN and banned from Slovakia!
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To be fair he looks Swedish
So average petty crime is newsworthy now?
the fact thy deported it to new swedistan
I think it's common knowledge at this point that Sweden is Europe's Muslim Containment Zone.
Well we deport criminal Eastern European scum all the time
Based Slovakia.
everything is newsworthy now nigger, enjoy your new world
It's a three-way win situation: Slovakia gets rid of the shitskin, the shitskin gains access to better gibmedats and Sweden gets enriched.
Why is Slovakia promotes white genocide?
Nice. Now they're gonna send him here. Thanks.
Somalis are Caucasian
shipping him to his homeland for free sure was nice of Slovakia
north somalia
My dog has a bigger brain-case than that guy
>not just summarily executing feral niggers
We would but then Fico wouldn't get eu money that he could launder through building overpriced highway
The world is so funny these days. Laugh with me, friends.
What are you talking about?
That man doesn't look like a Somali he looks 102% Swedish
Sweden is the trash can of Europe.
Yeah, they'll be our problem when Sweden fucking collapses and turns into a theocracy.
You're lucky to live in a sensible country. Even if you have to subsist on dumplings and slivovitz, it's still worth it
HAHAHA! Swedistan BTFO!
You know things are bad for Sweden when even some palm-tree island out of a cartoon is laughing at them
Thank the EU for that, you gave up your borders when you joined it.
This is why I left Sweden
Something tells me you would've gone there no matter what.
> his wife and children stay in Slovakia
There's your invaders, c.ucks.
>Muslim meme flag
>Swedish poster
swedistan is real.
It's pretty based. I live in a gated community that is exclusively Sweden. It's literally more Swedish here than anywhere left in my homecountry. I just celebrated a Swedish christmas with Swedish food and my kids attend a Swedish school.
Sweden lives on here.
We've enough somalians already. Feck off.
Not for long i hope the niggers find you and rape you.
lel the Thais hate them
He's not fucking polish. He might be our citizen but guessing by the name he's a filthy ukrainian
You're a traitor cuck.
Fuck off already, Korwin is a kike.
Why is that? I'm still a Swedish citizen, my business is in Sweden, I pay taxes in Sweden and I vote in Swedish elections. I just choose to not live in the somali shithole.
Does anyone else here wish they were a shitskin so that you could immigrate to Sweden and do whatever you want with no real consequences?
I'd rather have Korwin than whoever is ruling over you. Also isn't he descendant from a magnate family?
Just nuke us already, it's absolutely embarrassing and frustrating to be a citizen of this 'nation'.
Fuckin saved, do you have any more Kotleba memes?
Based Slovaks
>fuck it just send him to swedenistan
> filthy ukrainian
Stop this racism.
Bait post by meme flag
Kek m8
Are you going to go back after millions of your people die liberating sweden?
>his pregnant wife remains in slovakia
Is his wife slovak or swedish?
thanks for the afternoon rage
>his pregnant wife remains in slovakia
Obviously Slovak, why else would he go there
Sweden dont have many somalis uk, usa canada got more.