Why is Sup Forums so hysterical over the "manchild epidemic"? It's just a marginal phenomenon...

Why is Sup Forums so hysterical over the "manchild epidemic"? It's just a marginal phenomenon, most of the western men are still regular normies and always will be. Nerdy manchildren are just a fringe clique that represents only a friction of western men, and they may feel overrepresented just because they are so active in social media when compared to normal men.


In a metropolitan area they are everywhere. It is a problem

why does that (girl) looks boyish?
Is that a (((girl)))?

Metropolitan areas have never really been where you see the true face of any society or people. Even if you see those men flocking at trendy cafees they are certainly not the people who are keeping the society running. Again,if they are overrepresented in certain dense areas doesn't mean they are a social problem.

Fujisaki is a real girl.


Numale bugmen were just called nerds in the 80s. Blue haired SJW feminists were just the people going to l7 concerts. Today, it's pretty much the same kind of people, they just have their voices amplified through online communities.

Low testosterone literally all there is too it.

Men traditionally have massive amounts of energy and if we can't burn it off we become aggressive. Example: the falling crime rates Nu-males say are video game/internet related, a load of shit the real reason is estrogen is in everything.
Bullshit, there are more of them now.

Because of the gaming boom

Sure, more by number but same through percentage. You can have half a million weebs, but still the same percent

The soyboy smile. Disgusting.

>master of puppets

they only post this shit because they are stealing from the government and corperations.

Americans' Fear mongering, Like they always have done. Come on user, don't ask the obvious.

By inciting fear they hope to gather support for their ideology, oldest trick in the book.

who remember the russian who kept posting her on Sup Forums and saying she was 40

I don't understand the hysteria either. These man are weak and can easily be bullied into doing anything if need be.

Master of Puppets is a based album, tho.

So you are pitching roids today, what do you have for sale?

Its worse than I thought.

>Why is Sup Forums so hysterical over the "manchild epidemic"?
As with all things, Sup Forums is hopelessly autistic cause they think the stupid shit they see on social media is an accurate reflection of real life.

>Living in metropolitan areas
I believe I found your problem, user.

That guy doesn't have the same empty look that the soyboy numales have though

she's my favourtie asian

who dis

forgot her name, maybe image searching this will help you.

oh wait that's ushijima isn't it

Metallica is the very basic of heavy metal though, with a repetitiveness that is only enjoyable while highly intoxicated.
