Why is it to joke around about the genocide of non whites but its offensive to joke about the genocide of whites?

why is it to joke around about the genocide of non whites but its offensive to joke about the genocide of whites?
say niggers deserve to be hung or muslims deserves to be bombed to shit on social media only get your posts deleted but saying you want white genocide like that black nurse will get your account banned.

whats with the racial bias?

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Because diversity doesn't work.

>joke about killing members of a group
>joke about literally exterminating them to end their entire existence
your examples could use some work
saged shit thread

>saging things that he disagrees with
go fucking hang yourself leaf

Because whites have an inferiority complex.

Because these alt-right nazi fucks are huge hypocrites. It's cool though, because their little ethno state is a wet dream that these losers have been saying forever but it's not happening and never will happen.

minorities are niggers

Because Sup Forums is predominately white and we are acting in self interest you retarded faggot
>inb4 le amerimutt meme

He's saging a shitty, bait post. Nothing wrong with that, you fucking memeflag.

im talking about social media you borderline retarded dumbfuck. Sup Forums is a fucking echo chamber im not surprised if you can hate blacks but not the white skinned snowflake bitches here.

Accomplishments and inborn potential even if only through sons with the highest chance of being born visionaries in scientific fields
Also we are the best people from an ethical stand point yes we maybe hypocrites a lot but we rarely are openly publicly cruel and callous. With out us ethics toward animals out side some religious nonsense would exist

wouldn't* exist

They are occupying our countries and not we theirs
Self defense genocide isn't wrong

Our people, White people, have something that Black and Brown people don’t have and never will have because we cannot give it to them, and that is our ability to create, to innovate, to invent. The technological revolution we have wrought during the past 50 years, a revolution based on our advances in science during the past 300 years, is what enables us to carry so much dead weight. But of course, the fact that we are able to carry dead weight is no excuse for doing so. Imagine the quality of life our people could have for themselves now if we were not carrying dead weight, if all of our productive work went toward the betterment of our own people.


Animals are put on this planet for us to do with as we wish.

lots of white people live in america and africa, both of these lands arent native to them.


North america was first populated by europeans and then many many years later asians came there too and killed of all europeans who does america belong to? The first people us europeans or the asians who are now called“““native americans“““?

For africa Rhodesia and south africa were almost empty and only populated with khosians and then years later until successful countries were built bantu immigrants came there from the north and claimed to be native so who does south africa belong to? The khosian king says bantu nigger destroy everything and they want their own country TOGETHER with the white people.. only bantu niggers who dont belong there anyway hate white people

Here proofs
Bantu don't belong there and the natives love us and want us to stay there

jews invent more than whites. why do you want to kill them all with nerve gas so much?

>why is it to joke around about the genocide of non whites but its offensive to joke about the genocide of whites?
Offense is subjective to the individual. You can't ask someone else why it's offensive, because thats YOU determining what is offensive or not. Faggot.


>why is it to joke around about the genocide of non whites but its offensive to joke about the genocide of whites?
only here. everywhere else, the opposite is true.

Jews never invented anything
Jews only steal inventions history culture and money

Do u even internet bro?
Hating whites and calling for them to stop having kids is Mainstream here.

Fuckin alien user

We need a final solution for (((everywhere else)))

youre spouting levels of bullshit thats borderline fucking retarded. whites dont belong on those continents period.
you genocidal fucks come to lands that dont belong to you and take over them with violence and murder. thats what you do to india, to hong kong, to congo, literally any non white nations that dont belong to you.
youre fucking cancer and its a wonder why anyone who wants you all fucking dead is considered as offensive and should be silenced.

i gave an example in the op. the black nurse was banned on twitter for talking shit about the precious, snowflake of a fucking race white people.

The original people want to be recongnised as the original people and the bantus are just immigrants from the north
And the native people love and want us whites to stay there so sure they don't belong there but when the natives want themthere what is wrong with that?
And euros were the first in america that's a fact so it's our continent and white is not one group and ot was mostly uk and france who colonized non native land

Because offensive jokes are offensive. The people talking about White genocide aren't joking.


Because people inherently recognize the superiority of whites, so they don't take threats against whites seriously.

It's like a little kid saying he's gonna kill an adult, nobody cares.

The problem is the adults are now heavily outnumbered and the kids want blood.

if nobody cares then its not offensive. why do you have to act like its the end of the world when someone say they want white genocide?

>jews invent more than whites.
That is factually incorrect.

Because its not a joke, we really want to rid the civilized world of niggers or send them back to africa

care to asspull your elaboration of that?