most of you talk a big game but would you have the stones to go out and actually kill people to enforce your beliefs?
Most of you talk a big game but would you have the stones to go out and actually kill people to enforce your beliefs?
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i thought not
Depends on the people. Hobos, niggers and antifas ? Sure. Normal people ? I don't know.
Most of us are just kidding around about racism and race war lolz calm down, we're pretty chill with anyone for the most part in our countries
but user those are normal people just like you
>it's just a prank bro
Thou shalt not kill.
But telling you so is nothing. And killing now is pointless. So we wait.
Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die?
Depends on the people.
Christmas time is a great time of the year to make long lists though.
I said nothing about Jews.
Commies aren't people.
replace "jew" in that quote with any of the groups you mentioned
i have killed people. you dont really feel anything.
I acknowledge they are human beings with feelings and consciousness, but it doesn't imply I should love them or respect them just as I respect my fellows. I have no sympathy for the groups of people who harm me or abhor me and I feel killing them would be an act of self-defense. Surely, you would recognize many animals are capable of feeling joy and pain and in fact it has been proven that pigs are smarter than baby humans, but it doesn't prevent you from eating animals, proving that your own acknowledgment of another being's consciousness doesn't dissuade you from killing it for your own sake.
Are you from some European wrongthink-agency? Just wondering
See, this is a trick question, because communists aren't people.
most of you talk a big game but would you have the stones to go out and actually kill people to enforce your beliefs?
I got paid to kill people, so, yeah, I think I’m up to it.
yes I'm workig for the EU to spread disinfo on Sup Forums
I have things to protect and your greedy fuckers are relentless.
Depends on who i'd be killing.
A better question is if we brought back gas Chambers, would I volunteer to gas a bunch of cunts? The answer is yes. I'd beg for that job.
Regarding your original question, ask me if I am ever terminal. I have other options to avoid being victimized by other people's stupidity.
Well, I am a veteran with nine years of service. So yes....would, could and did. Any other questions?
Yep, old Jarhead here. Been there, killed that.
Pulling the trigger wasn't very hard. Still seeing their faces 20 years later is.
Give me like 1 hour prep time and I will go on 'killing duty' for a month. Pay me and I will not stop until it's 'done'.
the fact that pol conservashits won't leave their computers/basements for any reason tells everyone what they need to know about how brave they are.
just look at the so called goal...tyranny by means of democracy. gutless shits pinning their hopes on someone braver than they are.
He has a point. Let's commit political violence, ASAP. Sign in to this thread and we'll agree on somewhere to meet up and get armed to commit violent and felonious hate crimes. Heil Spencer!
Don't you say I'm not brave! Eff you punk! I'll show you!!
I wouldn’t kill to enforce or defend my beliefs but I would kill to defend my life.
It just so happens that my normal life is somehow now a belief that this world considers “problematic” so I am waiting for the day they come knocking on my door to take me to a gulag.
The merchant is here
If invaders are try take over your land and way of life and there's nothing left to lose , fighting to live is the only option
No but I sure hope the powers that be put something in the water so that 90% of the people who drain society will be rendered sterile. I'm talking to you Bill Gates and your (((charity))) work in Africa.
When the time comes that killing wound do something more than just landing me in prison, while others are suppressed because of what I've done, then yea I will kill.
Political violence is only justified when it can feasibly achieve a goal
Go take your shit translations somewhere else cuck
Hipsters and Millenials ask questions these days ... go and serve your army, sissy snowflake. Be a soldier. Question answered.
So does a stray dog yet I will not hesitate to put it down when it threatens my family.
Maybe if I was really angry. I was watching 12 years a slave last night (it was on film4) and I got really angry at the slave owner and really wanted to kill him.
I imagined being a Civil War soldier and beating him to death with the butt of my rifle and freeing the slaves. Apart from that, I get sad even when side characters die in movies. Like when the Neanderthal walked out into the sun and turned to dust in Night at the Museum. So no. I've killed a cow before for beef though.
You are a fool. This means do not murder. As the Exodus ended and the Jews entered the promised land, they were instructed to kill many tribes to take the area back. Your interpretation is the reason little Susie will be gang raoed by 20 shit skins before your eyes.
Without hesitation.
>drawing conclusions when you don’t have any evidence one way or the other
Your not fooling anyone nigger.
The same applies for a fucking chimpanzee or a bear. So does that make chimps and bears the same as us and does that mean we should let them into our society? Hell no.
Half a century ago, we said the same about the Irish, Cletus.
already have.