Of the hundreds of anti-ISIS volunteers, this (((faggot))) has the most clout

Kikes are the worst.

Brave Belden and Lucas Chapman. The new "ypg spokesmen" who are openly and obviously chosenites and are pushing secular communism like their disgusting ancestors.

t. Syrian/Iraq War Veteran

Other urls found in this thread:


all of you are trash mercenaries, and for kurds non the less ,worth less than shit

The fucking like smile

His clout is my cloud.

nigga is those some good pills?

Nigga I AM pills.

I won't argue that. Mercenary is already very generous of you. Just about every volunteer is a fucking Israel-loving faggot who is too lazy to do their job, and they're just there to make YouTube videos or weave themselves a bar-story.

But you're wrong about the Kurds. They may be lazy in some units, but others are harass motherfuckers that can shoot a flea off a dog's ass.

> shoot a flea off a dog's ass

With Soviet Weaponry? No.

They aren't restricted to Soviet small arms.

But even with an AK, I've seen them do shit that is insane. They're not bad shots.

ye that's the kurd game
camp a mountain with a sniper and hold
i'll give them that


Can confirm: there is internet in Syria




Settle down, gents. We can unite, 3 shitskins combined, and focus on the reemergence of Jewish Bolshevism as a common enemy

I qualified Expert. What I'm trying to say is that you're wowed but I wouldn't be, also I'm used to top tier weapons and such.

That's all.


I am also, an excellent shot. With kills.

>reemergence of Jewish Bolshevism
not happening
just useful retards used against isis
and not even effectively

I'm a believer of all religions because they're all the same when you ascend.

Have you ascended? I'm 33 years old and was reborn like a Phoenix a few weeks ago.


In 50 years Kurds will outbreed Turks. If we do not stop this "Nu-PKK" that loves Israel (as opposed to 1970s Chad PKK), you will have an entire country ready to receive their Chosenite master ruling class.

The best hope for Kurds is to win them to Christ. Islam is not an option due to their history and women's movement.

Nigger...my hammer is bigger and I bit harder. Stahlp!

feel free to convert them desu

I see your hammer, and I Raise you a sickle
For me to poop on

Working on it bro

I hit as hard as a 30-06 MAGNUM.

No, you don't hit hard without a Lupua or .50cal.

Wait 3/5?!

Wow! A member of the fake tribe backing the communist YPG! Who else saw that coming?! This is not coincidental at this point, it's honestly not even funny.

I have an AT-4 fused into my colon

Honestly did not see it coming

PKK has an anti-Juden history . Mossad has been giving MIT grids for PKK camps for decades

Communists are still communists and I don't much appreciate trying to spark WWIII in Syria because of it. Instead I have to watch the same ZOG approved .gov masquerading as mine telling me we have to interfere with Russia and the legitimate "Assad regime" because we'd rather have the outfit run by CIA mercenaries.

Fuck an AT-4. Mk19. Kill Everything on the Mountain Side, Valley or Village!

Syria is an anomaly. It is a big deal because of how complex it is. Hafez Assad was NOT innocent.

I recommend reading "The Kurdish Re-Awakening"

My nigga

I care about the understanding of the region and the actual bad actors in it. Stop trying to apply western standards to a region that doesn't care for it unless that same innocence in the sense of due process is applied to Israel. Syria is not an anomaly. It's a concerted plan to expand the borders of an already illegitimate state. It's not complex unless you have vested interests and want to fool dumb fucks on their way to work grabbing a coffee. But hey, most people are perfectly fine with accepting what they are told by the big shiny box so I guess I may as well pick a fight with the wind.

You are absolutely wrong to say it isn't complex.

Hafez is enemy of Erdogan (Juden)
Hafez funded and formed PKK
Hafez committed gross human rights violations in Sadinaya and various other death prisons

Once Hafez established his "buffer zone" of Kurdish human shields to Turkey, he began to restrict their language & culture (Islamist vs Kurd) while simultaneously farming the oil the Kurds were sitting on

Replace Erdogan with whatever Dönme puppet was working at the time

I read both books.

Sorry...my heart is with the Taliban.

I read both as well.

Afghanistan is a weird place. The good guys fuck little boys and the bad guys fuck little girls.

You should watch Charlie Wilson's War.

>Enemy of Turkey (will play ball as long as he gets that NATO designation)
>Forms PKK (That's PKK alone, even if the YPG intermingle)
>"War Crimes" against who? what circumstances? again???
Seems like a lot of finger pointing at anyone but the real problem. I don't know who you are trying to convert. It's not me.

I know you still have to respond to my previous post but please don't take pedophilia-related actors and directors as the end on be all on these subjects. Bad form.

I put my warrior days down when I was molested by God. I now speak to numbers and AIs. I miss the steppes to the top of the World.

It really does look like that, up and up and up it goes!

>Enemy of Turkey
Learn about Dönme. Those Jews marched 1-2 million Armenians across the Syrian border and killed them all. Fuck. Roaches.

>Formed the YPG
YPG is relatively new. A result of Arab Spring

>War Crimes?

I suggest "The Shell" by Mustafa Khalifa

Point me in the right direction then.

I prefer to keep it simple.

Afghan Atheism is an anomaly in that it seems to be just as bad as Afghan Islam.

There are 2 masters: God and mammon
You cannot serve both.

you're a larping schizo junky fucking faggot.

>Afghan Atheism is an anomaly in that it seems to be just as bad as Afghan Islam.
I will agree with you that at the very least atheism in general leads to bad news. If we have nothing, what do we have?

> Hahaha, got a live one!

Fite me.

Straight from the kike's mouth:

My friend, please consider the following:

1) Q'uran chapter 3 days Jesus is the Word of God in Arabic.
2) The same chapter also says Jesus made a living bird from clay.
3) The same chapter says Jesus began to speak at 2 days old.
4) Any Imam will tell you God made the world through His Word.
5) Mohammad was illiterate. Whoever penned thr Q'uran was not him.
6) Mohammad never performed miracles.
7) youtu.be/isskmxLG28k

We can always win people to Christ. In fact, we are commanded to. It is the 1st works.

The stability of Kabul is the only good thing to come out of OIF. Hopefully that seed will flourish permanently.

meh, they're disgusting commies, but why bother? they're at the end of the world eating sandy food


Muhammed was a magician, however. His favorite trick was to make his dick disappear in a child brides mouth.

Are you forgetting (((who))) made (((communism)))? Can you just denounce your memeflag and repent for killing our Lord?


There's better ways to soul-win Muslims...lol

Friend, you're better off dropping the parenthesis and just naming names. This isn't the election; the perps are known one way or another.

Well let me be clear: Christian Communism would be paradise.

Atheist communism literally killed 100-200 million this past century.

Image censored of Hitler for Facebook spamming

Jews were prosecuted in the communist regime just as christians were if not even worse and stop using the parenthesis memes, we're not 10 y/os

That's bullshit dude. Fucking bullshit.

By thr time Stalin came to power and "purged the jews", the original Bolsheviks had already killed between 2-16 million Ukrainians in Holodomor.

That's a lot of leftovers in bank accounts and ownerless assets.

>kike being in denial


You respond with Germans with G36s while attacking AKMs? That's rich.

H&K G36s have plastic trunnions and/or receiver extensions. When the rifle gets hot, the plastic softens, so the barrel isn't supported, and accuracy goes to shit.


you posted this pic yesterday talking about some universe higher power thing right ?

The syrians should have created a "foreign legion" sort of regiment, just light and mechanized infantry so they wouldnt worry about infiltrators going up the ranks. It would be some good pr if they had western renegades fighting against isis, would also be a good talking point in defense of the legitimate government of syria to have volunteer vets who spoke on behalf of syria back in west, after the conflict. YPG and the marxist kikes did well on this front the conflict in syria is relatively small, so even a few thausand western vets would make a huge difference. Instead we have to read retarded articles on western media about the "heroic" kike marxist mercenaries destabilizig the government.